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Everything posted by craigb

  1. Wow... You know, I had 14 guitars at one time, but they were all remarkably different from each other. Having that many nearly identical guitars is like having a golf bag with nine 5-irons in it. Why? I think I may have found his pets though... ?
  2. I've been wanting to make these for a while. ?
  3. Well, it's pretty obvious he likes variety...
  4. Absolutely! Here we go... Becan.
  5. Actually, this could be considered the fourth iteration. Once upon a time, back in the old days of Middle Earth, there was a Coffee House, but it was shut down due to the behavior of the unevolved primates posting there. Then the Old Masters had pity on the unwashed masses and brought it back (as linked by Strummy above). Then, dark clouds appeared in the distance and there was great panic and fear that all would be wiped out, so the Mighty Bapu led a tattered few to a new island where yet another Coffee House was created HERE but then the wasted lands of the forefathers were taken up by the Kingdom of Bandlab and, as a nod to the past, a new Coffee House was created (which you have just discovered!). ?
  6. What error are you getting Bill? (It will look something like x800F0203.)
  7. Ok, Ok!!! I admit it... I downloaded that pic from a torrent site. I'm not proud of myself right now... ? ?
  8. I knew this one guy who was scared of negative numbers and would stop at nothing to avoid them...
  9. With power comes great responsibility. ?
  10. IDK... That's a tough act to take on the road. Can you even imagine how much it must cost to feed the drum??!
  11. See? I'm not the only one asking that! ?
  12. If "that" folder owner had seen the picture above, he probably would have deleted it. (At least I hope he would!?)
  13. Reminds me of when this guy claimed to have invented an anti-gravity chair and wanted us to see his first test. He sat on it, pressed a button, and... we never saw him again!
  14. Ha! Ok, I sit corrected! (But that's Ringo in the front left.) ?
  15. Sorry Razor, but only Ringo would wear a turtle-neck sweater! ?
  16. Well, look at the bright side Bill! At least you can have legal weed where you live. Oh... wait... ?
  17. I actually had this typed into the reply box, got distracted and forgot to hit submit. Then, when I came back, Strummy had taken the bait first! Good job Steve!
  18. Back in 2003 I had just ended my consulting contract in Orange County California which allowed me to move up to the Pacific Northwest where I intended to find a large house and make a studio (and did!). Since I wasn't working, I would spend weird hours checking out eBay auctions to snipe awesome gear for cheap. ?
  19. A truly "heavy metal" throne, eh? ?
  20. Heh, that "other" Craig made a lot of money off me! I would religiously buy his books with each upgrade. I've always been an RTFM kind of guy. ?
  21. Yep. 'Tis the one I had too (actually, after three years of wanting to, I finally spent 12(!) hours unpacking, sorting, grabbing some stuff into a cargo van, and repacking my storage unit yesterday before passing out for another 12 hours. A couple of the boxes I grabbed have what's left of my music gear in them so I wonder if I'll find my Gina still in there!
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