I know I mentioned this before, but I only ended up with a LOT of Monster cable (well over 100) thanks to a heads-up by a Guitar Center manager (who became manager mostly thanks to how much I bought from him! LOL). Some of you might know that Monster cable was the ONLY product in GC that they weren't allowed to discount (at least when I was putting together my studio). However, the manager called me right before their yearly Labor Day sale to let me know that they were going to blow out all remaining stock at 80% off only because Monster was changing the packaging! So I made sure I was pretty much first in line at the door, headed right into Pro Audio and bought all they had (well over $600 worth). After I had successfully escaped the store without being mugged by a couple of other guys who had also heard about the sale, I sorted them out at home and sold the ones I didn't want for a nice discount that still ended up making all the cables pretty much free. ?
All of that said, my current preference are quality cords that have a braided, or flexible cover - not that hard plastic type (such as what Monster uses). I've found that I had FAR fewer cable issues since these tend to handle bending much better. YMMV! ?