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Everything posted by craigb

  1. As an interesting side note to the above, one of the two concerts I've seen since moving up here 16 years ago featured Robben Ford and Jorma Kaukonen (along with a guitar playing girl named Ruthie Foster who almost stole the show). Heh, I just found some info on the show after a quick search! March 1st, 2009...
  2. Heh, yep! I had a roommate who always tried to play them off by doing this: I found myself close to the epicenters of five major Southern California earthquakes between 1971 and 1994 ranging from a 6.5 to a 7.3 (the only quake I've ever stood in a doorway for).
  3. There was a major Cloudflare outage that is being talked about in the dark web as a retaliation cyber attack due to a submarine encounter in the Artic ocean where, reportedly, a US sub was sunk by a Russian sub that was heavily damaged. This is the real reason VP Pence was rerouted back to Washington and Putin had to cancel a scheduled appearance to return back to his capital. The Russian media is spinning the sub casualties (14 so far including several with the rank of Captain including a few with the "Hero of Russia" medal - their highest honor). SOMETHING weird is going on! I saw an image yesterday of Alaska with dozens of contrails headed north that were supposedly military aircraft rushing to the scene. But you heard all about this on the news, right? No?
  4. I just watched my usual YouTube channel where the guy predicted the Cali earthquake (first 6+ in, what, ten years?). Expect more coming. Possibly in the Pacific Northwest (perhaps between Medford and Roseberg) and/or northern Cali (San Jose/San Francisco). Then the flow of energy should head east towards Yellowstone, along the crayton edge down to Texas then up to Oklahoma and over to the east coast. I've been watching this guy's channel off-and-on for years and his logic makes complete sense (let alone his accuracy!). This the video after the quake, but I watched his prior one first after the Canadian quake.
  5. That's an interesting comment about Defender. From everything we've read and been told, Security Essentials and Defender have become good enough to forego most other A/V's and firewalls (like AVG for example). This is actually what most of our clients are now using. So you're basically saying Defender sucks, right? ? (J/K!)
  6. Microsoft tends to put out updates on Tuesdays so, with our clients, we'd wait until the weekend to see if there were any major issues and then update.
  7. It should be noted that an InstaPot is an inappropriate device for use with hamster grooming (just ask Daryl). ?
  8. But I still have 20/10 vision! Does that mean I'm... ???
  9. "Ladies and Gentlemen, let me introduce to you... ROBO-MUDGEL!" Hehe... I just realized that Mike's now been auto-tuned! ?
  10. The best Windows 10 tweak I've installed: Windows 7. ? Actually, I used to tweak a lot of things, but MS has backed off on pushing their bloatware and updating whenever they want, so there's really only one thing I would highly recommend (if you have more than one hard drive) and that's to map all the Library folders (Music, Video, Pictures, Documents) to a non-OS hard drive. All you need to do is right-click on the folder from File Explorer, select Properties and then the Location tab.
  11. If it won't start, how are you taking it to the mechanic??? ?
  12. Oh no! Around Portland, that could mean he's Davina now! ? Or, if he had his brain removed, he could be a local politician. ? (But, regardless, if you had something done, I also hope it went well! ?)
  13. Looks like a bass player trying to play guitar...
  14. I just assumed you were stuck in Portland traffic. ?
  15. Sorry 'bout that. It obviously needs more cowbell! ?
  16. That's not rubbing it in... This is! ? And so is THIS! (From nine days ago. ? )
  17. Hey Kenny, are you using PhotoShop? If so, here's a quick tip: Once you have an object selected (I was just noticing the white edge around Gilmour's guitar on the last page), you can adjust the selection edge. Just go to the Select menu, then Refine Edge (or Alt-Ctrl-R) and play around! ??
  18. No kidding! I saw one where the girl "put his stuff outside" except it was from an upstairs window to the hard ground below...
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