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Everything posted by craigb

  1. *Pfft!* And you didn't lose almost 42,000 posts on the move here! ? (Not that post count matters of course! ?)
  2. And... Bapu chooses to pad his post count. Typical. ?
  3. Which ones use Silly String? ? (For the record, I used GHS Boomers and Elixers which were nicer on bass since they tended to shred - in a bad way - on guitar.)
  4. I've never had any problems with it. When I first started playing (mid-70's) the picks tended to all be very smooth and I used to have a lot of problems with them flying out of my fingers. The cool part about the Dava's is that you basically get two picks in one. They flex a bit in the middle so if you hold them on the wide area (the "normal" place you'd hold a pick) then they work well for strumming but, if you hold them closer to the tip, then you get a much more rigid pick which is good when you really want to chunk on the strings or dig in. Although I suck at finger-picking (to be fair to myself, I never really tried to pick it up or learn how), there are training videos of Jon Bonamassa (for example) using a small, stiff pick in conjunction with his fingers that is very versatile. Maybe someday I'll get around to learning and practicing that!
  5. It was red. It was clever. Expect a flood of applause! ?
  6. *In answer to Kenny's video girl...* Why yes, yes you will! ?
  7. I made a New Year's resolution back in the year 2000 that I'm still keeping to this day. I resolved to stop making any more New Year's resolutions.
  8. I used these for a couple of decades, then switched to... These. Both are similar to the popular Dunlap Jazz III's mentioned above.
  9. What's the difference between a chopped onion and chopped bagpipes? Nobody cries over chopped bagpipes. ?
  10. Looks overpriced. ?
  11. Color me surprised! (Not.)
  12. Ah, it has bands on it - I couldn't see that in the tiny image. I thought it had genres and subgenres on it. If you want an excellent resource to find new bands, try this: https://www.music-map.com/ ?
  13. One of my favorite comedians. ?
  14. While eating, I love to watch all sorts of weird YouTube videos (remember, I don't have TV). Tonight I was watching this one and couldn't help but notice that the supposed chant frequency (111 Hz in one location and 110 Hz in another location) equates to A2. Maybe Bapu's on to something with his Am??? ?
  15. If you have the tab for those, I could try to play them! ?
  16. I've seen dozens of genealogies, charts, diagrams and such, but I've never seen that one (nor could I find it with a quick Google search - your version is too small to read). Do you have a link to a larger one? Looks interesting. All of my research is, naturally, in Excel along with the rest of my life! ?
  17. Was that her holding a fish?
  18. I have two "problems," one is I like a LOT of different styles/genres/types of music and the other is I definitely have a "completionist" mentality. Note that I'm pretty happy with my "problems" though! ? I still remember a member of another forum who ONLY listened to Southern Rock and couldn't understand how people could listen to anything else (yes, he got SLAMMED by the rest of the forum members - LOL!). I literally can go into these modes where I'll listen to a single genre or subgenre for a few days then completely change to another. Before I started organizing my collection I spent quite a bit of time researching all of the so-called genres and subgenres out there so I could group things. That turned out to be VERY eye-opening! Besides the obvious fact that there are vast disagreements among people out there, I was literally shocked at how many labels there were! HUNDREDS! My first efforts actually didn't label anything but simply made groups of music that sounded good together. I really liked this approach, but it was nearly impossible to find anything... So, I ended up choosing a couple of dozen primary genres with at least a hundred subgenres. An example for an artist might tag them as "Rock" but with "Classic," "Pop," "70's," and "Female Vocalist" as subgenres. Once all my tracks are in and tagged I'll be able to make playlists for whatever I feel like. Although I do have a few examples of types I don't care for (some bought out of curiosity, others to have something for friends that like a style), I've got a lot of those that I really like, but also quite a bit of those that I can appreciate the musicianship of. I've found that the few I can't stand tend to only know a few words (usually expletives) or aren't what I consider musical (a lot of Rap and Pop, though most songs with Cookie Monster vocals completely turns me off too).
  19. As long as you have a SoundBlaster audio card, why would you need a graphics card??? I mean, really! ?
  20. Ah, but this is his XX! (In other words, his ex-ex.)
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