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Everything posted by craigb

  1. I like how he's scratchin' with the right hand while getting the next record ready!
  2. Notes needs to examine my reply more closely! ? I pretty much never watch TV any more either. I stopped a little over three years ago and have only seen parts of a couple of those shows you listed anyway. (Only because someone else had them on.)
  3. Are you MIDI evil too? ?
  4. You have to be sharp if you want to see... A minor augmentation adds suspense when you find yourself flat. I think I'll put on some cords and have a 5th, but I'll take my time so I don't end up under arrest.
  5. I'm sorry Notes, but I have to say I don't believe you. ? . . (I can think of several things wrong with TV!?)
  6. After watching, a few other thoughts came to mind... I can only imagine how much my back would hurt after playing one for awhile Doing the "thumb wrap" on the lowest string probably isn't happening How the heck do I mute the other strings??! Why didn't either of them fly all over the fingerboard doing lots of string skipping? And, finally, that was actually pretty cool. ?
  7. Any more strings and that thing would rival a piano! ?
  8. American Midol America's Got Nausea The Noise (What my mind translates those shows into! Hey, they all make Simon rich though. ?)
  9. Apparently, I need a Reason to upgrade! ? Somewhere I have an old version (and I do mean old!), I'll have to see if I can find it for fun. Hey, I DO have a 40" 4K monitor that's set up to be rotated into portrait mode! Not enough screen real estate used to be my biggest complaint to playing with the software...
  10. Nice! Now all you do is get them working on some lost pirate treasure and you'll be rich! ?
  11. Tell them to go to 42 26 05 N 83 59 06 W. ?
  12. Reminds me of this one: Why does the word "lisp" have an "s" in it???
  13. Exactly! I forget who it was (Madonna?) but, after hearing Cher's song, they tried to use the effect and couldn't because they were too on-key. LOL - like THAT happens much any more! ?
  14. Cheap Chinese knockoffs of real people? ?
  15. My favorite band for a while back in the 80's...
  16. Still, it was nice of you not to do the "Amazon" method. I would NEVER want to sell clothes there! The standard action is to buy three sizes then return the two that didn't fit...
  17. Well, it's hard to eat with a closed face, ya?
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