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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. I would tend to just solo it and export as a 48/32 wave file and drag it back to a new track. Archive the original so if changes need to be made later.
  2. Glad you got it working. It is odd that nobody seems to make those devices anymore. I guess all new midi stuff is USB so we are stuck with vintage midi gear and the drivers are slowly fading away. I had the Roland A 880 patch bay.
  3. Sonar now has the long awaited Start and end markers. Simple and it works brilliantly.
  4. The way you worded your question it implies that you were wondering that if you purchase one would it work! Sounds like it does if it shows in preferences. So not sure what the real question actually is?
  5. The real question is does it have a midi driver supported by your OS. If so then yes any DAW will see it. But Windows needs to see it first.
  6. The biggest problem is you need the VSX on the master bus to be able to hear it in the Motu Headphone output. So it's going to be in the pathway. The Motu does not have playback options for output to the headphones. It seems to be the 1/2 output. The 3/4 button is for input monitoring But an option would be to put the VSX on a second Master bus that goes to the 3/4 outputs and feed it from the master bus using an AUX. Then connect the 3/4 outputs to a Home stereo or something that can power up a set of headphones. The other thing I can think of , is to put a External insert above the VSX in the Master bus FX bin and see if you can send that to the Loopback. That would bypass the VSX. Sorry I can't test this, I'm selling my Motu M4 so it's sitting in the box right now.
  7. I just tested this. I used the Basic Template to test. The more I tested the more confusing it got. The default for me at first was the Timeline is MBT and the transport shows HMS. I had never noticed this before. But! I swapped these over and saved as a new Workspace. Didn't work at first but after I closed Cakewalk and reopened it stayed. Now when I change back to the Advanced workspace I got both MBT and HMS on the timeline and MBT in the transport, If I swicth to the Workspace I created it goes back to what I made. I swapped them over again and saved as a Project Template I renamed, and it sticks. Seemed to override my workspace? One observation I made was due to- if I opened a project and only changed the Format of the timeline or Transport and then closed the project, it didn't prompt me to re save. So conclusion is I put my money on setting it up and saving as part of the workspace. But it doesn't hurt to save the project that way too.
  8. John Vere

    Audio export fails

    Set up you preferred export settings and save it as a pre set. I did this years ago and have never had issues since. But having a track selected will cause this irregardless so always look at the track list in the right hand menu. Normally your Audio outputs will show as checked in the right hand area. And now with Sonar we finally have start and end markers so you can select entire mix. You won’t have issues if you take the time to learn how the export module works. I think it’s one of the best improvements that happened over the last years. I hatted it at first but now I understand it I think it’s well done.
  9. I do believe the default for new projects is always MBT. You can cycle through the options by just clicking on the time display. Possibly the desired setting can be saved with a template or workspace. I’m not sure because I like starting with MBT and only check the end time when done later on.
  10. All systems will have latency. Using ASIO at a low buffer can reduce the latency but only if your system can run smoothly at lower settings. So first move is to optimize your computer for audio. Otherwise you suffer glitches and dropping out at low settings. The echo you hear is caused when you turn on input echo for the track you are recording. This is your systems latency. Look in preferences and it will tell you how many Milliseconds this is. Anything over 6 ms can be noticed. It will sound like digital delay. This is why interfaces have direct monitoring so you can avoid hearing this because if it’s high enough it will throw you playing off. So you only turn on input echo when using Guitar sims. Adding a lot of effects to a project can also increase the latency and drop outs. So best to record guitar sims to a clean basic project where you can get the latency lower.
  11. It’s CBS or my favourite was Bonar. ( B=Bandlab)
  12. I always felt left out that every band I’ve been in since I was 12 years old practiced in a basement. I’ve never been in a Garage band. I wonder what it’s like? Are garage band’s better than basement bands? I’ve only ever had a carport and they are pretty cold in the winter for practicing. I guess that’s why I’m broke.
  13. Ya played at a dance last night and all the way home was looking up. Got home poured a Scotch and went out on the deck at the back where there’s No street lights.. Me and dog sat listening to the very loud frogs but disappointed that the sky looked like it normally does. Saw a lot it action up there with satellites and a few red eye flights heading east. Wife just read a few minutes ago that tonight will be best but now it’s clouded over. Lots of nights coming home from gigs I saw them in the past at 2AM. But it’s been a long time since. Last time I think we were camping on Rosevelt Lake in Washington. It lasted for 2 hours. About 100 people were sitting in deck chairs getting corned. Kinda like a big concert with out the band.
  14. Yep a 2 post wonder. But for just recording narration a wave editor like audacity is all you need A DAW is totally overkill. There’s lots of choices with Wave Lab being the best overall for easy workflow. But it’s also 100 bucks for the Element version which I bought in 2008 and I am still using even though Steinberg said I can’t.I outsmarted the system. I also have used Gold Wave a lot which is almost free as you can use it forever free but nag screen. I bought a lifetime license for $30 10 years ago. It’s seen a lot of updates since. It is better than Audacity because it uses ASIO. I also have Sound forge which is very powerful but I prefer Wave Lab workflow.. I have never read the manual for any of them. That’s probably what the OP was looking for. One day I will read the manual for Wave lab and probably learn about how many things I’m doing ***** backwards
  15. Yes it looks that way. The driver package is just that. If the interface includes midi ports it will install both the midi and audio drivers as well as the control panel app. Some install a software mixer app which is also the control panel for you settings too.
  16. Same for me. Only email I have gotten is reply’s from submission of crash dumps. You must have checked a box somewhere in your account settings.
  17. I did have a video about how to change tempo of songs. It didn’t get many views so I deleted it. Midi is of course a no brainer but audio requires that all tracks are complete end to end so you need to use bounce to clip on those first. Then make sure clip properties is set to musical Then open audio snap and set clip follows project tempo. Half speed is pretty severe so audio will probably go weird on you. I would work with a backup of the project. Don’t do this to the original.
  18. Thanks @pwal³ Didn't work. I followed the instructions , restarted computer. Deleted the square icon from the desktop, browsed to the location of the Sonar exe which now shows as a round orange icon, created the shortcut which was also round and dragged to desktop and it's still black square. Note that the Black icon I dragged to the Recycle bin is now correct? So my conclusion is this is a Windows issue.
  19. No backup, no sympathy. Sorry for being blunt. But it true. It was first thing came to mind. Especially with clients and the end of the session back it up and best to back it up twice. I learned that modern digital drives can fail. Don’t trust them.
  20. Bottom line is if you work with large projects with a lot of effects you have 2 choices. Freeze or purchase a computer that is capable. Freezing takes only a few seconds of your time, if that time is valuable to you then upgrade the computer.
  21. Yep all basic settings that are well worth understanding clearly from day one. Otherwise you chase your tail. That’s why I recommend you visit the tutorial sub forum here and watch a few of the beginners videos. Or you can read the relevant pages of the user guide. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7YqVth30eGsURWrKGeu-fFyg3ETjF-Ox&si=1JkjEPUORv9GeOm1
  22. I just released a video about how to. But it’s in the help menu. Or at the very top of the forum here.
  23. @Max Arwood I demo how to read the files in the video. I’m a totally newbie at using it but all I need from it is what actually generated the crash. And because I never heard back from them this is what I do. I even have been using it with other DAWs I was testing as well as Vegas pro. Your right about the auto generated answers. And then sometimes a real person will ask for a screen capture or something else. I actually had OBS open on my second monitor when all of sudden got the blue circle of death and I managed to capture the crash. That was a fluke.
  24. Once I finally can purchase Sonar my plan is to purchase a new drive and only install Sonar . But unless I get my request that they include all our legacy products as part of the Cakewalk Product Center I’m going to have to start out with the old routine of installing from 8.5 and the Command Center and Splat first. That usually gives me my “paid for” goodies. No point installing CbB because it doesn’t have any goodies.
  25. Ha! I spoke too soon. After I posted above, I tried to open Cakewalk Sonar. It now opens Home Studio. It even changed the orange Icon in the Program FIles folder. So now I will have to re install Sonar again! In all my years of installing different versions I've never seen that happen. Basically Home Studio totally overwrote Sonar. Update: I re installed Cakewalk Sonar and it once again created a Black Square icon. The Black Square Icon that says Home Studio opens Cakewalk Sonar. So that sort of explains that. I had installed Home Studio back in January to compare it to Cakewalk Next. I un installed it after I installed Cakewalk Sonar in February. But the good news is, Home studio is now unavailable (no big deal) but the TTS-1 still opens in Cakewalk Sonar. So it is possible to outsmart them and keep the TTS-1 going, just don't use Home Studio, use an older CbB installer, probably best to avoid anything that is called Sonar.
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