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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. Are you using ASIO at 44.1? And the other thing is uncheck allow this app to have exclusive control in preferences and windows. If you watch my videos on audio set up it explains all this.
  2. It is on the Cakewalk Next Web page at the very bottom. You just didn't scroll far enough. You actually don't need the Cakewalk Product center. It's sort of pointless at this time. It will become more useful down the road when they hopefully port over all of out Legacy products. I just installed Next directly from the link on the web page and it activated no problem. From Download to up and working took about 3 -4 minutes.
  3. This statement would need confirmation that it was actually printed. I don't ever remember seeing it but of course we only see 1/10 of what is ever said here which is a the main issue with all the miss information that gets spread about. So not saying this is misinformation, but I thinks it's best to back up statements like this with proof. To me it seems this was all planned from the get go, and the reason the activation exists is otherwise there would be free versions of their software out there that they lost control of. That would not be very smart considering they totally planned to release Sonar when the day came. This is for Sonar and your membership, right? not Cakewalk which is the topic here. I get a countdown every time I open Sonar in the morning, it goes away after that until you shut down computer. Cakewalk never has toast of any kind for me right now. Cakewalk Next will also have toast for breakfast.
  4. Well that blows that theory all to — oh oh I can’t mention that word here even though it’s in the Bible.
  5. Too many free instruments not enough time! Oh what a terrible problem!! Someday we’ll have to put together the “Greatest Hits” collection from this wonderful thread.
  6. If you go to the top of this web page Look for "Cakewalk" then "Support Center" at the top of that web page look for "submit a request" that will take you to the page where you can submit the bug report. Make sure to choose the version of Cakewalk product you are using.
  7. Next has crash dumps just like all Cakewalk products. So steps in video still apply. When you submit you choose Next from the list. No they don’t have a proper forum, they use a playground called Discord. My 16 year old Granddaughter is a typical user of it. It’s really bad. I hadn’t logged in for a few months and my question from December was still on the main page. Unanswered. I reported a few major bugs in November and no answer and still no fix. I re submitted again in February. I had to give up on it and waiting until they get back to me it’s not the same team as Sonar. So actually asking questions here is a better option because a DAW is a DAW. The few people who do use Discord are of little help. At first the developers would answer questions but I didn’t see any signs of that. The user base is all Bandlab app people and many use Macs.
  8. This is sort of confusing You realize his is the Cakewalk forum not BIAB. They have a user forum too. You will need to supply a lot more detail when you post there. It’s a good forum with helpful people.
  9. Those are audio effects not midi. You can use them in the instrument tracks effects bin but midi data is not audio.
  10. John Vere

    Andy Carter

    You sound like you need to sort out the basics. And my guess is that mixer didn’t come with an ASIO audio driver which is the reason why nothing is going well. It might not even work with WASAPI modes as not all devices support that. So Behringer for interfaces that didn’t come with ASIO drivers they offer Asio4all which is known to not work with Cakewalk. This is why it is not recommended to purchase those interfaces. They work great with Max OS , not PC. This is an overview of 2x2 interfaces https://youtu.be/YcDGKuBJ2VI?si=gjiDpxCoJTyHxyvx This is my older video about audio set up https://youtu.be/opDwsC4_llg?si=zN74UhJUQCVtzik6
  11. Recording levels are 100% set by the audio interface. You could turn the gain and fader right off and the audio will be recorded at the level set by the gain on the interface. Focusrite adds a layer of confusion by using a software mixer. I found when things were not working then I would reset it to factory defaults and that would fix it.
  12. This is what I’ve noticed. You update and then it needs re activation. I’ve just seen a lot of posts from people complaining about CbB needing activation every few weeks. I think they are also offline. Oh well such is the life of using free stuff. Im pretty confident that once Sonar is purchased we will see the end of the activation process.
  13. What are you hearing in the headphones? And what do the meters on the Scarlett show? can you put them in the Red? And in the Software mixer make sure the Line/Mic swicth didn't get moved. It's one of my big beefs with the Software mixer, You can't look at the interface to check settings.
  14. Seems a lot of people who are still using Cakewalk are being bombarded with re activation notices. I haven't seen one for CbB for a couple of months since the last update. I have it still installed on 3 different computers. All also have Sonar and therefore have been activated via Backstage Pass, I was wondering, is it only people who don't have the Backstage Pass that are experiencing this? Sonar has tossed a few activations at me after updates and it's a simple one click deal. So wondering if that also has activated CbB as well?
  15. I see nothing wrong with the tracks. They are both going o the master bus. You don’t need input echo to playback midi. Did you open the GUI for the strings and check that it’s volume control is turned up? Did you try playing the built in keyboard to see if it is making sound? If it is then something is wrong with your midi data. Is the velocity normal? Check the event list for data that might cause problems. If it isn’t making sound then something is wrong with the audio routing.
  16. Some of the word definitions are interesting. Jiber- Taunting or Leer Jibe - to change direction ( sailing)
  17. It depends on how many changes were made since the last time you saved. Like lots of midi editing and changing settings. All that will add to slow saving time. So best to keep saving as you work. Other things that I’ve noticed are leaving regional effects un rendered and audio snap.
  18. I use track templates one click, actually 2.
  19. This is normal. Example. The open project has the Master bus but the template it is worded master with a lower case M. You will get 2 buses. I cover how to prevent this here
  20. I have a whole series of tutorials that cover all this. I see you are using the Behringer UMC22 which doesn't come with an ASIO driver ( asio4all is not an ASIO driver) so that can cause some issues with audio. It it therefore not a recommended interface for Cakewalk products. But that's another topic, but you need to be aware of its limitations as an interface. And yes it is only a 2x2 interface. This video has lots of info about signal flow and mixing. You might want to watch the others too.
  21. This is typical of a lot of free software. It’s up to you. I myself always proceed but I test free stuff on a old computer first to avoid unwanted files on my main DAW.
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