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John Vere

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Everything posted by John Vere

  1. In another thread I was asking if Dim Pro works in other DAWs. The answer was yes. But for me it won’t scan and show in Mixcraft. But turns out Rapture pro does. I haven’t ever used Rapture in Cakewalk but I always installed it using CCC and it’s always on the list. I most certainly didn’t do any else to make it work. I think the run as administrator is if you install those using the dedicated installer and serial numbers. Seems if you install Sonar goodies using CCCyou avoid that step.
  2. An example of random for me is Kontakt and TTS-1. When I reviewed the dozen or more dump files I think TTS -1 was 4 of them and Kontakt 2. But then months go by and those 2 don’t crash.
  3. Best to submit to the developers as per instructions in this video. But looking at the crash dumps can help you determine exactly what is causing it.
  4. Trolls that are never happy but then why do they stick around. I guess thats what trolls do.
  5. I actually avoided using Cakewalk for a few year when I fist started using a PC and preferred to stick with hardware because of Creative Sound Blaster Audigy sound card. It looked cool with the front panel stuff but Cakewalk was not usable due to all my tracks were out of sync. And the midi ports didn’t work. I later bought a proper ASIO audio interface and that was the day I actually started being able to use a DAW. When I see the word Sound Card I think of the days of bad audio systems. But then of course there were some of the all time great sound cards made by Motu and RME. I have one made by an obscure company called Sound Deluxe.
  6. Just wondering? Why do people still call them sound cards? A sound card is something you put in a PCI slot. You guys are old
  7. I found only one plug in so far that doesn't work. Tue Piano's Cakewalk. It flashes a toast about being for only Cakewalk. I have to have 8.5 installed to get it in my case. Bummer as I use it on just about every project. oh well, there's no shortage of pianos. I wonder if Lexicon Pantheon Reverb is also locked. You can't even purchase it anymore and it was another favorite from 8.5 days. Once again, lots of alternatives. This is how I've always done it without issue.
  8. John Vere

    Bouncing Tracks? XXT

    Absolutely, But myself I would have made a backup copy of the original first. therefore no issue with deleting. You start doing stuff like this it's best to have back up versions in the different states and store them using "save as" in a new folder. You never know. Storage is cheap, your time hopefully isn't.
  9. Thanks once again @Tom B I had a look in my old notepad serial number document and there is was the serial numbers for Lounge Lizard, Strum Session and Ultra Analog. I also logged in to AAS and those products are are listed under my account. I see there's even a few upgrade offers I might look at latter. And a big thanks as well for mentioning that. I had it in my head that Rapture was just a sample based synth engine for weird sounds. I don't think I've opened it for a long, long time. Too many plug ins not enough time! Now the next project is see if I can use SI instruments which I'm pretty sure works. It would seem that the only thing you cannot use is Pro Channel modules. Not a problem as every DAW has that sort of stuff built in anyway.
  10. Wow, I forgot all about that! This is totally something I did back then. So somewhere I have an account and full licences to those. I remember AAS and Overloud took pity on all of us and made this offer. Thank you for posting this. I really like both those vendors and use those plug ins a lot. And the good news is I still can't get Dim Pro To show, but then after people mentioned Rapture I found that on the lists and bingo! it works like a charm. I have not opened this for ages I've sort of stuck with Dim Pro for some dumb reason. This is a game changer for sure. Goodbye Dim Pro - Hello Rapture! Here it is in all it's glory in Mixcraft 10. I just totally swapped one of my originals over to Mixcraft with out a hitch. Note: I also got it to work in Luna, But Luna sort of sucks at first try out. No ARA! ( Mixcraft uses ARA) and it's like 100% sort of on line in a big way. It kept opening web pages trying to sell me plug ins?? And people are complaining about CbB nagging them! I think it might be a good DAW for people using all their stuff and interfaces. And the demos of a few took like 10 minutes to download and are huge files!! yicks!
  11. John Vere

    Bouncing Tracks? XXT

    The track manager is what you use to manage hidden tracks. There’s lots of ways to consolidate tracks. For me the easiest is simply open the export dialogue and choose the pre set at the bottom “Tracks through entire mix”. And just select the tracks you want and export them as 48 or 44.1/ 32 bit Wave files /no dithering. When the export finishes open the folder and now drag them to your project. You can delete or archive the originals. You can use the bounce function but I find I have more control over what happens this way.
  12. I just made a video about opening crash dumps using Windbg and how to report them to the staff
  13. It might see a return as an option for Sonar. They sort of hinted at re introduction of those old freebies that came back in old Sonar days. What would be very cool is that these will be transferred to the new system so we will no longer need to run CCC anymore to install them. They would appear in the new Cakewalk Product Manager.
  14. I think it’s pretty safe to just say Sonar or Cakewalk. It took a while for us to transform from Splat to CbB. I mostly called it Cakewalk in all my tutorials and now I just say Sonar. Sonar is a short word so really doesn’t lend itself to an abbreviation. I guess you could take the NuSonar and shorten it to NuS ?
  15. The UM2 is not recommended for use with PC based DAW’s. It doesn’t have a ASIO driver so audio will be out of sync with the tracks. This is probably why you are having a problem and I didn’t. ASIO is important for syncing audio.
  16. My set up with Win Amp I can easily navigate the playlist as well as drag songs around on the fly. With the foot controller I can skip songs as well as jump up or down all while I’m taking between songs or tuning up. The audience is oblivious to this. If someone requests a song not on the playlist it takes 10 seconds to drag it from the folders. I have often had different versions of a lot of my songs. I just name them accordingly. “Proud MaryG” I have versions with no keyboards or no bass for when I play with those musicians. I also often use split tracks with the Bass on the Left and drums and keys on right. I run the bass into a bass amp and then I might play real bass on a few songs I just use channel mutes to swap over. I was hoping to use the Cakewalk playlist but for me it was going to be a lot of extra work. Not being able to skip songs easily with the foot controller was the deal breaker.
  17. Thanks everyone. I have all this stuff from x3 then I bought Sonar Professional and lastly paid the good old lifetime license for Plat. I install all of these from CCC. Dim Pro always needs the run as administrator to activate. I don’t have Studio one anymore the demo expired. I was trying it in Waveform and Mixcraft. I just installed Luna last night and was going to try it as well. I even tried adding the exact folder it’s in to the plug in manager of each. It’s a no show. Il check out the licenses for Lizard etc .
  18. I was looking and only answers were on old Sonar Gibson forum from 2015. A lot of my projects use Dim Pro for the acoustic bass. I have tried to open it in 2 other DAW's and it doesn't seem to scan up. Has anybody ever used it elsewhere? Same for Lounge LIzard and Strum Session. They load but don't play sound. Bummer. Might have to buy them, but you cannot buy Dim Pro. Thanks
  19. My question would be why on earth don’t you just export the songs once they sound good to you as Wave files and play them back like that. I’ve been doing stereo files since they invented the mini disk player in the 90’s. I later switched to a basic laptop. I still use a 2008 W7 laptop using Win Amp or Foobar for playback which I control with a USB foot switch. In all those years I’ve never had anything fail , crash or not work. I always have a backup as well. I found the Cakewalk Playlist was slow and way too much work to manage. And I would never allow a GM player in my band. I use proper sample based instruments. GM sound like 1987 to me. But to each there own. I still have sound modules like the Sound Canvas but I sure don’t miss that messy set up.
  20. To continue using the TTS-1 you will need a game plan. Watch the videos I made on the topic. It has been removed from the forthcoming Sonar as well as the last version of CbB. But, if you install any older versions of CbB or Sonar you will still be able to use it. Instructions are in the videos. Yes Sonar has the playlist. It is more or less the same as Sonar Plat and CbB. No TTS_1 , No Problem - https://youtu.be/kF3tEttGdIQ How I saved the TTS-1 from death by Sonar- https://youtu.be/gDm9AhrTbfk Goodbye TTS-1- https://youtu.be/Zw-UqrMmF0A But you should seriously look at replacing the TTS_1 as it is DX format and has not been supported for a long time. It can defiantly crash Sonar. If you wish to continue using it you are better off keeping a time machine going like a laptop with W7 and running a Pre Bandlab version of Sonar.
  21. I downloaded and messed around with Drum pro, Seems like a usable freebie. I had no issues with timing. But! There is a Attack control that will defiantly delay the sounds if turned up to max.
  22. Above is a easy way that I have used for a long time . The meter will hold the highest reading until you re start playback. But this involves playing in real time. What I now do is with the paid version of You Lean Loudness Meter you can drag and drop any audio ( or video) to the GUI and in seconds you not only have the max true peak level you have the much more important LUFS. This tool pays for itself shortly as it can save a lot of time. It is indispensable for Mastering. A track could be very quiet but have a couple of loud peaks so peak level is only useful for steady sustained material. It’s useless on things like drums , guitar and piano. Well worth the $50
  23. All your midi should be on the grid unless you desire things to be otherwise. So start by quantize the midi to the correct timing. If you freeze the synth and zoom in on the waveform is it still on the grid? If you are using you computer audio and don’t have an audio interface WASAPI is the correct driver to use. It’s only drawback is you can’t record audio properly but midi should be rock solid.
  24. You need to be aware that CbB will soon be de-activated as Sonar is replacing it. None of the CbB versions from the last 7 years can be activated anymore. Only the last sunset version from this year can be activated. Sonar will not run on W7. So as said above you would need to use Sonar from pre Bandlab ownership to use it on W7. I also have a 2008 Sony laptop that I have used for recording live bands using W7 and CbB. That’s the end of that. But I also have Sonar Home Studio on it.
  25. Good question and I'm pretty confident I won't need it, But I have a massive Plan B! I already have purchased Mixcraft 10 Pro Studio. I liked it enough to get it on sale dirt cheap. I also am using Pro Tools First because I have other people I sometimes work with who are Pro Fools. Bummer is the inability to use some of my favourite Plug ins. I don't think I would ever pay for the full version. Out of my league. I can also upgrade my Cubase Elements 7 for around $250. I prefer Cubase over Studio one for midi editing. I tested all of them and those were my short list. I can never get my head around Reaper so off my list. I like Harrison Mixbus but like many, it's weak at Midi editing. I tried the newest versions demo and I own Version 4. I have various older version of Sonar that I could use if I needed to open older projects. I would never return to actually recording with them. Seems stupid to step back 10 years. I am in the process of backing everything up to Midi and Wave stem files so all my important stuff is future proof. I've finished and published all my originals up to date. I don't have anything that is unfinished other than a few song ideas that were obviously bad song ideas! Then I have hundreds of backing track projects that are 100% midi so they already open and play in all other DAW's. I'm not dependant on things like the Pro Channel. I generally don't use many plug ins so swapping over is not as complicated for me as it would be for those crazy guys with 700 plug ins on a project. I also own 2 digital multi track recorders one which can do Midi sync as well as a bunch of Hardware. I could almost stay out of the box. I have a neighbour who owned a small studio back in the 80's and has a bunch of old semi pro studio Reel To Reel 2 tracks and I think even a 16 track 1/2" he offered I could borrow. But I can't afford the Tape and I lost my razor blades and white lead in tape. So I'm not overly concerned about what Bandlab does. I would like to carry on with Sonar and feel that is all that will happen and it will be business as usual COMING SOON I HOPE! June 6th is fast approaching! Geez.
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