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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. Also the Beatles and many bands when they only had 2 or 4 tracks. It is your track and your mix for me it just felt like it pushed it outside of the mix which is why I mentioned it.
  2. Wookiee

    Winter Moon

    Welcome to the songs forum Treesha. Interesting piece thanks for sharing.
  3. Thanks @freddy j very much I do not consider my self a singer so to some extent I am not looking for them to be to forward and yes I did want to create an air of dream state. Thank you for your ears and kind words, stay safe out there.
  4. @David Sprouse So you give the remix the thumbs up thanks you.
  5. I think you only need to do this if a song is a throw away song and this song is not a throw away song. A long introduction gives you chance to prepare. Yes Bandcamp is good, really any of the streaming services that do not need something installed are fine Philip, I will not listen to stuff on Spotify as it did require something to be installed, do not know if it still does but.....
  6. Dam dam bu&&er bu&&er dam missed it again.
  7. Wookiee

    Forever Man

    This is a beautiful song but the mix and arrangement need a few tweaks, Tom's suggestions are good, it would be nice to hear a little more of the Bass line. Could I suggest a change in the drum groove when you hit the chorus, just to bring it more to the listeners attention. That title is a great hook line but you need to deliver it with more intent, possibly even give it a 1 or 2 bar pause before delivery. Finally I am not a country music fan but if you made a few tweaks to this I would consider buying it, thanks for sharing.
  8. The opening phrase needs to be a little louder for me as it was breaking up here, probably the Internet as much as anything. Other than that the mix works on the Adam's. It sounds like you have crafted it well, as Lynn notes the space between is welcome, thanks for sharing. For future reference better to post a direct link rather than to FB or even Spotify.
  9. Mix works OK here though the Guitar is a panned a little extreme. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Not one to comment about the lyrical consent of worship songs. Musically it works, and the mix come across OK here bu the Kick is a little forward on the Adam's.
  11. Got your blues groove on with this one @Douglas Kirby. I enjoyed the whole thing. Only thing I would say on the mix is I think Ozone 9 is over squishing it as the meters on my mixer are pretty much pegged in place for the duration.
  12. @David Sprouse my thanks for your ears and time you are most kind, I enjoyed your latest small track.
  13. Wookiee


    @Leadfoot A little metal to start the day never hurts, will not comment on lyrical content. It might surprise you I actually quite like a bit of metal, I was musically educated on the likes of Black Sabbath, Black Widow, early Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, Taste, T2 etc. (much to the fear of my dear old Strict Baptist Dad) Musically it sounds accomplished. Mix wise, and this is just my personal furry preferences, I would have liked the kick to have been a tad more chest crushing, some more separation between the featured guitars would have been nice, they all sounded very much on top of each other. The vocal was nice and clear, lyrics understandable. Thhe opening synth drone was very nice. Perhaps slightly over squished, the meters on my desk seemed to be locked in place. Overall though breakfast was better for a little metal, thanks for sharing.
  14. Wookiee


    I will come back and listen again as I go distracted by something.
  15. I liked but not enough to really get into @David Sprouse, more pretty please.
  16. Always a pleasure to hear your tuneful stories @freddy j.
  17. @SteveC Be careful what you wish for, lurking on here in another track there is more Wookiee vocals Steve. Thank you for your ears and kind comment, stay safe.
  18. @Enriquelab Have you check all your system rights to directories, are you in the Admin group of your PC?
  19. Sorry @cclarry this thread has disintegrated in to a bit of a *!*! fest so I am locking it down
  20. @Bajan Blue Thank you Nigel you are most kind, Meddle is my all time favourite of Floyd's.
  21. @Amicus717 Thank you for you kind words, I to prefer the sightly less present vocals and that mix is going on the new CD I am compiling called "Watching the Black". Thanks again for you time and ears.
  22. Some nice playing on this, mix is dense but things cut through OK.
  23. Mix certainly works here Steve, thanks for sharing.
  24. Thanks Ed, you have been very quite musically @Bapu everything OK?
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