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Everything posted by Wookiee

  1. There was definitely a feel of openness and airy space David.
  2. My continued thanks Tom well it is only one side of a vinyl album at 29' 50" ???
  3. Nice David, real sense of openness, I like it.
  4. Tom of @DeeringAmps has again kindly offered to host my little ditty. The Cosmic Brain (Complete) all five parts. The Cosmic Brain 29' 50" By the Wookiee. I would recommend downloading as with high internet traffic, due to all you good and sensible people staying at home to help our health service professionals, it might not stream as well as it could. Thanks for listening. I have revised the link as it appears to stream better but you can still download it from there to.
  5. Wookiee


    @Makke My thanks sir.
  6. Mix does sound nice, perhaps another day I will get a chance to listen to a couple of the other movements, I do like the integration of synth sounds with the sample based orchestral sounds.
  7. Sounds OK hear, has a sort of late 60's early 70's song vibe with a modern mix..
  8. Wookiee


    Interesting interpretation David, thanks for the listen, words and your insight.
  9. Wookiee


    @bjornpdx Thank you, you are most kind sir.
  10. I would if I could but it is illegal still over here :( I did.
  11. Wookiee


    Thank you, you are most kind. This is part four of the Cosmic Brain, there is more and though I am not supposed to plug stuff here is a link to The Cosmic Brain parts 1 & 2 part 3 is somewhere in this forum. Part 5 is, as one might say, in the ingredient gather stage. My thanks again and to all of you that have listened and commented.
  12. @Grem Thank you Michael, there was no intent to scare, though it is nice to know it is reaching you, I really do appreciate your time, your ears and your kind words.
  13. Nice to know, thanks for the ears time and your comment.
  14. Wookiee


    Do you still have it Lynn? they can be replaced I have a similar problem with my O5R/w fortunately even though I had it for about 26 years the battery still appears to be good. Nice to hear that my music help your mood, thank you for your ears time and word, likewise stay safe and keep the music coming.
  15. Wookiee


    Likewise Douglas may you enjoy it also, thank you for your ears and comment.
  16. Wookiee


    @DeeringAmps You would not find much in there Tom, lot of empty space and a very confused single cell. Thanks for the listen and you comments you are most kind.
  17. Wookiee


    @freddy j Thanks for having listen to this little epic, I never knew it would grow like this. As to the "chik-chik zhaaaaa" that is very much how I heard them, as I was hunting for new voices for this piece, it has obviously been tweaked a little, if one has access to a knob one must play with it.
  18. Wookiee


    Very astute Tom, for this I used Korg's digital legacy M1, Wavestation and Odyssey along with Arturia's Modular V, CS-80V and Jupiter 8 V. Reverb's were provided by Softube's TSAR-1R, Overloud's BReverb 2. I also used Arturia's MINI filter FX which is an emulation of the MINI Moog's filter with some tweaks. Good to hear the squid has been dealt with and thank you for your kind words, glad you enjoyed it.
  19. Wookiee


    Thank you, but do we stay and investigate or do we move deeper to the very centre? Will the MCP let us get that close???? Thank you once more for your on going support.
  20. Wookiee


    Is it Part Four you decide? Four Thanks for listening.
  21. @Hidden Symmetry I was listing to Mix 1 but change to Mix 2 when I got to it. which did cause a momentary stutter on the furry paw tapping Overtones of Steely Dan, cool grooving, mix two sounds nice here on the Adam's, like Imu2002 I just enjoyed it sweet playing, nice tones, good airy balance, why would you ask for more
  22. Not bad, I always loved that line "Pretty women out walking with Gorillas" one of my favourites from him.
  23. @batsbrew If it was to bright my Adam's would scream at me, they are very unforgiving when it comes to the top end. Perhaps let the bottom end breath a little more if anything. (Feels strange to hear Space follow it)
  24. Nicely done sir @Keith Wilby. Mix come across well here on the Adams.
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