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Everything posted by LasWaltz

  1. Let's be honest. They look soooo nice we can't help it...
  2. Yeah, indeed that's a bit the feeling. A little bit more cakewalkish that CB (and that's fun :))
  3. For this price, I decided it was now or never. I always thought the same. Steinberg are doing this for 30 years. They can't be stupid or easily beat. For now, just impressions. I was a hard Cakewalk fan. When it died, before it was reborn (and having paid the lifetime license ), I jumped to Cubase. It does everything that I needed, but often in a "excel-like" way. Always heard from S1 being drag and drop and was curious. First impressions. You fell that S1 is kind of fresher. Somehow between Cake and Cubase. I like this as I said, I came from Cake which always give me that "fun" feeling. Everything simply drag and drop? Nope, there is a learning curve, for sure. No matter what any video shows. I would need to try several full tracks to understand. If and whenever I have the time to learn and compare, may come back to share thoughts.
  4. Faster than myself! Thank you so much! I may fall for this one. Jumped from Cake to Cubase...and some how always temped to try S1. For that price, may give it a go
  5. Hey Larry, any feeling on whether is it legit?
  6. LasWaltz

    Auddict PercX

    I wonder if it really pays back trying to cheat some newcomers while ruining your reputation among the already stablished pull of potential buyers...
  7. I was one of the few smart ones that fell for the "lifetime upgrades" of the old incarnation. When it fell down I took the chance of crossgrading to Cubase for a fraction of its price. Now sometimes I wonder if S1 is truly that more intuitive, but old Cubase seems to cover it well. Still, I miss the Cake vibe very often. I used for more than 10 years...
  8. Your chance to get shadow hills for 30 bucks. Take it or leave it!
  9. I already had sandman pro, so byome it's gonna be. I have never been much in the synth side of life, so maybe it turns out fun...
  10. This looks like one to fall for...if you aren't dry yet!
  11. For EUropeans. First prices do not include VAT, second they translate prices to EUR. That means...you end paying 1.2x1.2 the initially advertized price. Too bad EDIT: My mistake, proper conversion USD/EUR is applied, but cancelled by VAT. About to fall for this...
  12. For free again? This is becoming a ridiculous return on investment
  13. Very cool! Too tempted... but I am missing something. You can buy the PERCX CORE and get any other library of your liking, and they all score at 50. So price wise, there isn't a special offer for RAW DRUM KITS, that also is 50. You could get the core, pick raw drum kit as additional lib and it will add 100 as well. Right? Or am I missing something?
  14. Riffer looks pretty usable for new ideas in the video, anyone got experience with it?
  15. 5GB of noises for 10EUR? Give it to me! 🤪 Also be aware that for the same price (0), you can stock up lo ki: https://sonuscore.com/shop/loki/ AND flute phrases https://sonuscore.com/shop/free-ethnic-flute-phrases/
  16. I have it for a year. Although it hasn't become the center of my drumming (EZ based) it's super fun to use and to create things out of the box. I had several times then recycled what I have created back to EZ. In short, fun and useful when fresh input is needed
  17. Anyone has experience compared with Captain and Rapid Composer? It seems redundant, right?
  18. Hey James, may I ask? I am a hobbyist aiming to have a more structured pro-inspired approach. I am going through some videos from Pro Mix Academy. In your opinion, will this one bring me something complementary/redundant or way better? Thanks in advance!
  19. LasWaltz

    Cubase Pro 10.5

    If you compare what Cubase offers with what somo plugins do, the value for the buck is ridiculous. Not to speak for the free cakewalk
  20. https://www.meldaproduction.com/MDrummer and similar in the usual places like https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/7-Drum-Machine/1133-MDrummer Curious here about the groove generator. Anyone can hint what does it bring over EZ toontrack or BDF3?
  21. Great one! Thanks Peter
  22. Thank you so much Enrigue, but I already used my survey voucher, so it does not allow me to go for a second one.
  23. Tempted by elysia karacter for 20 bucks. Any thoughts?
  24. It's not the plugin what matters, but the license. If the license is tied to the card, he will not be able to use that plugin with other devices after transferring the license to you (or you won't be able to use it, unless he transfers the license to you). Have look here: https://help.uaudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/206238366-how-to-transfer-ownership-of-uad-2-apollo-devices#:~:text=When a UAD-2 or,"My UA Hardware" page.
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