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Terry Kelley

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Everything posted by Terry Kelley

  1. I'll watch for any problems. Good investigative work! For me the issue was happening in prior versions so this is a curious problem.
  2. I've had crash and export issues a couple of times with the Plate-140. Majority of the time it's fine. I love the sound. I use the crap out of it. Removing it and reinstalling seemed to fix the issues and I could go off on my merry way. I just updated to the latest version and I'll watch for any issues and report back.
  3. I think the over-reaction is on your side bdickens. Do it if you need to but it's not contributing anything of value.
  4. Sorry, there was no attitude intended. I was hoping to get your input on why TTS is such a problem for many of us. You said it's not if we route it properly. Can you be more specific? And what is the wrong way to do it. I normally route it to the main bus but might add some effects, Terry
  5. I need that with record and CTRL-z. https://www.amazon.com/Upgraded-iKKEGOL-Optical-Computer-Keyboard/dp/B08MC4PFHY/ref=sr_1_1?crid=64YG02S79BSD&keywords=Usb+Triple+Foot+Switch+Pedal+Control+Keyboard+Mouse+3+Pedals+Simulate+Any+Key+On+Keyboard+Combination+Ke&qid=1647876471&sprefix=usb+triple+foot+switch+pedal+control+keyboard+mouse+3+pedals+simulate+any+key+on+keyboard+combination+ke%2Caps%2C1282&sr=8-1
  6. Munt MT-32 VST is close to the TTS-1. And stable too. The developer also got rid of the 15 bit shenanigans of the reverb and output. It's what the MT-32 should have been (and D-110.)
  7. I think if I had said "Sonar" they might have gone 'Aha!'. Dunno.
  8. I did finally get a response from Melda and it was essentially: - 'It shouldn't be doing that. Send us the file.' Followed by: 'It sounds like your CPU might be overloaded.' Ending with: 'Try another DAW since we don't know what this Bandlab software is.' I called it Cakewalk by Bandlab in my original question. I replied: 'It's an i7, tons of RAM, SSD drives and Cakewalk is pretty well known in the industry to most DAW people.' The CPU is an i7-4790 at 3.6GHz with 16GB of RAM and 512GB SSD. If it's being overloaded NOTHING anywhere is indicating it is. I've checked it with every bit of software I can find and at best it occasionally spikes to 50% but averages below 25% on core 1 and the others are always lower. No missed buffers, not using cache and on and on. I've tried multiple changes to the Config File. Certainly it could require that magical combination I never tried but geez, at some point it shouldn't be necessary. Since I know how to make it work, I'm not going to keep spinning my wheels with an infinite number of settings combos to try. This is is something I've been struggling with for a couple of years through various versions of Melda MHarmonizer. I love their products but this one is testing my patience. I guess I could go with the Heisenberg Uncertainly explanation that the final results of any digital manipulation is not always the same depending on how you look at it. Hence "phantom" or as I like to see it "divine intervention."
  9. Hi Will, it's audio. I would expect it to be consistent. I've always used the 'muted until needed' method but I am curious why it isn't consistent. If there is no apparent glitch why does it randomly act like there is one. And since "muted until needed" works (or scares it so much it refuses to do it), the issue is at that start of the clip. And not all clips do it. Most don't but here comes that one that wants to be a jerk. When I happened it's both in CbB playback AND mixdowns. It's something about the way Cakewalk starts the clip. I'll just assume it's another ghost in the machine and move on. Lol.
  10. Thanks Max. I turned off PDC and FX only to see if it had any influence. Also, my questions is around the randomness of the glitch. It appears in the same location but is not consistent. More of a curiosity at this point. Maybe it doesn't always add in the clip at the exact same sample (maybe a couple late)?
  11. I noticed that I sometimes get a transient pop/click noise spike where an audio clip starts. If I left trim it up to the start of the wave I sometimes get a click pop there. But not always. I know a non-zero crossing discontinuity is the likely cause but I can start and play through the pop and sometimes it's there - sometimes it's not. It might do it twice in a row or not for ten times. I can mix it down and sometimes it's there - sometimes it's not. I've looked closely and frankly I don't see a discontinuity or spike at that location but maybe their is something else at play. I've disabled effects and PDC but I can't say it helps. At the same time but left thumb goes numb hitting the space bar over and over. Because ....? I work around it by keeping the volume down through the clip start (fair enough.) But I would expect a clip that starts at zero to not pop. Asking for a friend! ;)
  12. Sure, in a black room it would probably be annoying.
  13. Simply put, the plug-in only updates various control values between block reads so the bigger the block, the more "out of date" the control values become and it shows up as choppiness, distortion etc. The plug in reads the blocks fast enough (or is sent them fast enough) if the CPU/RAM can keep up (and an i7 certainly will) but not the rate of updating. So keep the blocks small during playback.
  14. I used it for years and just turned the monitor down. Worked great and I still have eyes. I do however work in a lit room so the ergonomic contrast ratio isn't really at play as much. I agree some people might not like it.
  15. USB? Bluetooth? Hard wired to a different interface? In those cases, you have to tell Cakewalk the output device you want to use. It doesn't always assume it's the Windows interface. You can have Windows and Cakewalk pointing to two different output interfaces. How do the headphones connect?
  16. Wavosaur - I need to check that out. Nothing like moving out of the 1900's!
  17. Hi Erik, Thanks for the response. I should have framed the question better. I have several harmonizers like Quadravox, etc. that don't appear to be affected by the ASIO buffer size or don't show any affect. I don't have any other VST or effects that are impacted like MHarmonizer. I get that it takes time to process and 2048 samples might just be too much of a "bite" to get done in time (to Will's point.) I initially expected the delay compensation to deal with that but it might be just too much. Waiting doesn't help, it's drowning in data. The number of instances don't seem to matter either. I can run one or four MHarmonizers and it's the same. I did go in and play with interpolation, sample accurate processing and a couple of others. Nothing seems to change anything until I changed the ASIO buffer size. It does report 46ms latency at 2048 samples (even when running at ASIO 128 samples.) That doesn't seem to be that horrible. And I run ASIO at 32 samples as long as I don't run ANYTHING else otherwise I have to drop back to 64 or 128 (at worst.) I haven't gotten a response from Melda but they are very good at responding. In the end, I know what to do to make it work but I was wondering if anyone knew something specific. A search on the internet hasn't found anything specific.
  18. Yes, there are literally thousands of generic answers to the ASIO buffer question and very few specifically addressing this plug-in. I know of no other plug-in affected at this level. Maybe someone will want to chime in with an example. This is the first situation where I couldn't run a large buffer and I have some very VST/plug-in loaded songs. I understand the generic answer. Maybe someone can give a more technical and less generic answer.
  19. I posted this on the KVR forum but figured I'd ask here too. I use Cakewalk By Bandlab (on the latest version) and when using the MHarmonizerMB, I noticed I have to run the ASIO buffer size up to about 128 or the harmonizer breaks up and gets choppy. Setting ASIO to 2048 makes it totally unusable. It's grinding rocks. Anything beyond 512 starts to crap out. It's not uncommon to run large buffers during playback but with the harmonizer, it limits that to smaller buffers. I also notice that when I switch ASIO from 128 or so to 2048 from within Cakewalk it takes at least 30 seconds for Cakewalk to return. It's long enough that Windows says it's not responding but eventually comes back. The reason I ask is: 1. Why does the buffer size affect playback quality? It's like the larger buffers exceed the system or CbB ability to process the VST data. 2. Are there other specific setting I should be using elsewhere to maintain the harmonizer smoothness? When it's smooth, it's great but it seems little things make it start getting choppy and distorted. I only stumbled on the ASIO buffer size issue because the harmonizer sounded really choppy and I started checking EVERYTHING to figure out why. Overall, the song isn't really taxing the i7 processor. It's related to the buffer or something I haven't figured out. I've tried both a Presonus Audiobox iTwo and a M-Audio Quad. Same results with the choppiness.
  20. Cool Edit 2000 integrates very well into CbB utilities. If you are wanting to do a speed change without maintaining pitch, Cool Edit works great. It's not so good at changing speed when maintaining pitch. I use CbB for that with Elastique Pro. I also use Cool Edit for noise reduction and other dynamic changes and filters. It works like a dream and going in and out of CbB nicely. You can evoke it on a clip basis and it will save back into CbB. I would assume other editors would too.
  21. I want the opposite, White background and black text.
  22. Naw, I figure by now someone would have if it made sense. I can see the track name so I scan the clips but the highlighting sometimes obscures it. Minor.
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