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Everything posted by locrian

  1. I've been moving the .vst3 files to a company-specific folder for years without issue, except for SpectraLayers and, now, XLN:
  2. Unfortunately we can't choose where to install the VST3 plugins (on Windows). I always move them into a company-specific folder. Hopefully they'll make that user-selectable too.
  3. Version 14 seems to have eliminated the Preset Browser (introduced in v12).
  4. You can hear demos of a few of the patches here:
  5. I received this in my inbox this morning:
  6. Unfortunately Aero is quite heavy on CPU usage. I can run just *one* instance and nothing else; it drives my Cubase realtime meters to overload. I have yet to use an Acustica plugin in a project. They sound great (though not this one) but are way too CPU-intensive. Oh well...
  7. This one is surprisingly 'lite' for an Acustica plugin; only 70MB!
  8. Actually I'm the one who should be committed for thinking that I could have left here with a "yeah, you should probably hold off on this purchase" recommendation. 🤡
  9. Bandmate and the scalable GUI are the two main reasons I'm considering the upgrade. Sounds like they got the latter right but may need to tweak the former a bit. Thanks for the feedback!
  10. Any regrets from those who have upgraded?
  11. I think the SM7 *might* fit by itself, but probably not with the mounting bracket.
  12. I hope it's big enough to fit my SM7 (which only came with a plastic bag!).
  13. Judging from the video we're gonna have a lot of fun with this one -- nice find! And it's a no-hassle download.
  14. They say they got a real solution Well, you know We'd all love to see the plan They ask us for a contribution Well, you know We're all doing what we can But if they want money from people for plugs, that's great All I can tell you is, brother, they'll have to wait!
  15. I assume the following (Welcome Bundle from Plugin Alliance) constitutes "the six first deals". So what are "the 6 new deals"? 1. Black Box Analog Design HG-2 2. Shadow Hills Mastering Compressor 3. SVT-VR Classic emulation 4. bx_masterdesk 5. bx_oberhausen 6. bx_console Focusrite SC
  16. Room Reverb is a FREE and open-source algorithmic reverb plugin. It uses the implementation of Moorer’s early reflection model and Joe Dattorro’s Progenitor Reverb from Freeverb3 (an open-source signal processing library featuring a selection of processing effects and signal generators). https://www.elephantdsp.com/products/room-reverb/
  17. They just added a Split Tool...
  18. Judging by the subject line, I'm guessing the GUI looks like this:
  19. 145 separate downloads???
  20. Judging by the release notes, this seems to be a fairly substantive update. And it came just five weeks after C12.0. That's very encouraging (but I'm not going to get my hopes up just yet).
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