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User 905133

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Everything posted by User 905133

  1. Note: I got it to work. I assigned it to the U key. I had an issue at first. I think it's because I have custom workspaces and I might needed to change the keybindings and resave my workspace. So to test initially, I used the None Workspace. Then I will double check tested my theory to see if I needed to resave my custom workspace.** **UPDATE: Confirmed! I first needed to resave my custom workspace with the new keyboard shortcut binding.
  2. Would this help? (I haven't tried it, but maybe it would meet your needs.) The image on the right is from Preferences > Customization > Keyboard Shortcuts. That's the place I use to look for default shortcuts and to assign my own.
  3. Inspired by @Old Joad's Them Changes post in the song association thread, now listening to this: Wikipedia article on Buddy Miles
  4. When they upgrade to a new version, what do they usually add? All Vintage Synths that have been released since the Vintage Synths that were included in the previous version? New Vintage Synths that were not previously released? Non-vintage Synths? Thanks for any insights into Arturia's past behavior in upgrading the V Collection.
  5. If so, they probably can't talk about it.
  6. As someone who purchased Syntronik, Syntronik Deluxe, Syntronik 2 SE, Syntronik Syner-V, and picked up all the others except for the newest one (via a Syntronik 2 Group Buy and an upgrade to Total Studio Max 3.5), 30 currency units is by far the best price for a megaton of varied synth sounds. It is between 1/5 and 1/4 of the combined of cost individual products I purchased (excluding the pro rata cost of TS Max 3.5 which added Syntronik 2 Full to my set of products). Note: This is not to say IK won't come out with something that includes more, is improved, and has a lower price per component ratio in the future. Standard pros and cons notwithstanding (you can find them elsewhere), over the span of several years I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the synth sounds, jamming with them, developing lines, progressions, larger compositional structures with them, etc.
  7. Check Third-Party Vendors for other prices, perks, virtual cash, etc.
  8. MSoundFactoryLE for $26 is the lowest price I can remember. But you might want to check third-party vendors. Plugin Boutique is showing me $22, plus they have a choice of freebies (Choose 1 out of 5 with purchase). You can only use the new-user referral code at Melda's site, though. Might be worth your while check other sellers, esp. if you have virtual cash/rewards someplace. Only you can decide which combination of cash + perks is best for you, but I don't think it would hurt to look around--unless you wait too long. Taxes vary, too.
  9. It wasn't as difficult to find as I thought it would be:
  10. I remember a discussion of a similar issue probably within the past year (maybe 6 to 12 months ago). Is it safe to assume you are bringing this up so the developers will look for the same issue in Cakewalk Sonar and make sure its not there (and to fix it if it appears in Cakewalk Sonar)? If it would be helpful, I could try to find the thread I am remembering.
  11. The whole episode as a playlist:
  12. Glad it helps at least a little. Understanding how different software (hosts, such as DAWs, and plugins, such as VST Instruments) map midi commands (such as CCs) to the software's parameters can indeed be confusing in part because of the way each implements mapping. In fact, remote control / MIDI learning by clicking on a virtual control in a plugin's UI or using a plugin's parameter list and then moving a control on hardware is relatively new given the history of MIDI communication between hardware and software devices.
  13. With a guarantee like that, I had to try it out in conjunction with a midi module I have started to work on for use in another program (a virtual modular synth). With a very quick test, it seems to work as intended so far. Thanks for sharing.
  14. I guess it will just gave to remain an unsolved mystery. As the saying goes, "Mysteries Happen!!" 😉
  15. If you have some approximate dates, maybe you could try (if you haven't already) the WayBackMachine [Internet Archives] for older captures of the Focusrite site that mention discontinuing or merging the Midnight Suite. UPDATE: I tried a Google search and immediately got some hits: https://fael-downloads-prod.focusrite.com/customer/prod/s3fs-public/downloads/focusritemidnightuserguideen0.pdf There's a review at KVR. Although the current link goes to the current site, it's presence suggests that at one time the link might have been to a page with the Midnight Suite at the time the review was posted. A 2010 YT video (SOS) suggests a date if you want to do a historical search. Maybe your email archives have an invoice that show where you got the Midnight Plugins?
  16. Does windows consistently pass on those kinds of details to software in an easy to use (and update) form?
  17. See the full section under HOW DOES IMPACT LX25+ MAP FOR YOUR DAW? https://nektartech.com/impact-lx25-plus/ . It sounds to me (based on the Cakewalk tab) like they are describing the controller's ability to be used as a Control Surface to control the Cakewalk User Interface. It looks like you can also use the Nektars in conjunction with MIDI Learn. Hope this helps.
  18. https://nektartech.com/midi-communication-issues/ Some people think midi-ox is too complicated for beginners, but I think you could use it so see what CCs each of the controls output by default. You could also record them in a midi track in Cakewalk and look at the Event View. I would look at any software utility tools the hardware uses to see if the defaults can be changed. (Not sure if they can; I don't have any Nektars.) Its called mapping. You can map controllers CCs (default or changeable if that's allowed). Nowadays software synths often allow CCs to be assigned to different parameters / functions. FYI: https://nektartech.com/cakewalk-setup-and-troubleshooting-impact/ (might or might not be helpful at this point.) Found that ^^^ while looking for a MIDI Implementation Guide.
  19. In short (JMO), (1a) yes, it's a step back for people that have only used the free version (that is, from when Bandlab resurrected it about 5 years ago) and who only use free software; (1b) yes and no, it's both a step back and a step forward for long-time users who paid for versions of Cakewalk / SONAR when it was a paid version and have come to understand that paying for it again has a number of benefits. JMO, (2) You should worry about about it in the privacy of your own music-making workspace so as not to risk bringing up the issues that have already been discussed to death. 😉
  20. Please understand, people who read the forum on a regular (and even an occasional basis) have seen numerous "discussions" of the previously announced plans for Cakewalk Next (now available as a public beta so people can try it out and give helpful feedback to the Cakewalk Next Team) and Cakewalk Sonar. Unfortunately, while some of those threads had useful discussion early on, some (many? most?) devolved into all sorts of speculation, rants about what the the pricing "should" be, etc. I am guessing you have not read previous threads. You are not to blame since several are multi-page threads. So, if you see laugh emojis, IMO it's not personal. It's more like, "Oh no; here we go again!!! LOLOL" and jokes / allusions along those lines.
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