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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. My muscles have Alzheimer's disease. When I was playing (l lot) I practiced to maintain a skill level, both dexterity and mental focus (and finger callouses).
  2. Oh the other hand (to steal an old joke): "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" "Practice, practice, practice". Most people are completely unaware of how much time elite musicians dedicate to their art. It's almost like they devote their lives to it!
  3. The upper frets is is where you use lots of vibrato!
  4. Example: Tune the G String with a digital tuner. Press 3 frets up on the G string, a B flat, and adjust the intonation screw to a perfect B flat. I've never heard of this either. But it makes sense, if most your chords are played in that area.
  5. The rules committee has deemed that although the Pink Panther was indeed a TV cartoon show....the theme was originally, and more well known, for the movie. Draconian punishment sanctions for violating the rules are being enacted. Neener, Neener!
  6. No movies (there are too many great ones). My nomination, the theme song from Perry Mason:
  7. What a ridiculous argument. Slavery is the opposite of a free market. Try the eighteenth amendment. How did that work out? If you believe in government control of the markets, you believe in Socialism. Socialism doesn't work. It never has. It never will. I wish the public school systems taught economics.
  8. Whenever the government distorts the free market....bad things invariably happen.
  9. I like that dry sound. When you have a good voice, you don't need reverb.
  10. An advantage of rounded notes is that it's easier to see when two notes are adjacent.
  11. If The Flintstones was made today..... Wilma would work and Fred would stay home. Nextdoor Barney would be gay and live with his husband. Their car would be a Prius.
  12. Off topic....Did you know that kid's show was sponsored by Winston Cigarettes?
  13. A good artist simply copies another person’s art, while a great artist selectively takes or steals elements from other artists or sources and then collaborates them in a creative manner that makes the art completely unique. Like that?
  14. A CAL script might do it. There are a bunch here: https://www.hexachord.net/cakewalk-cal-scripts/ Including this one: Cmprss.CAL This CAL script works like a compressor/gate. Compatibility unknown Cmprss.CAL Caveat: I've never tried it.
  15. Did you hear about the new French Army Tank? It has five reverse gears for retreating. And one forward gear in case they're attacked from behind. Let the French bashing commence!
  16. I don't know if you tried Gimp after their last major GUI redesign. You can turn on single window mode and it acts like a normal program!
  17. No one uses Gimp? It's free and there are no ads. And I'll wager it does everything PSP does. https://www.gimp.org/
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