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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. https://hazeguitars.com/blog/how-to-set-pickup-pole-piece-height "Some instruments only have the non-adjustable slug-type poles (and you definitely should not try to adjust those)" "I didn't make absolutely clear that you should not try to adjust any pickup poles that do not have a screw-slot or hex-head slot. Many of the Fender-style single coil pickups are non-adjustable pickups can be damaged if you try to adjust them. Don't be tempted to push any of the slug-type poles (the ones with no screw-slots/hex-head). I have added a parenthetical in the text above and I'm adding this warning here. Only adjust screw or hex-head pickup poles. The ones that are meant to be adjustable. "
  2. There is no such thing as an underachiever. It just means someone placed the bar too high.
  3. RobertWS

    Microsoft Edge

    Nope. Netscape sued Microsoft and won over this exact issue.. A browser is a separate application. That is why there is still competition.
  4. RobertWS

    Microsoft Edge

    Is Microsoft paying Bandlab to distribute their crapware? If the Cakewalk engineers decided to make it dependent on a browser, I would lose a lot of respect for them.
  5. RobertWS

    Microsoft Edge

    If you don't want the edge browser forced down your throat you can remove it by running this as administrator: cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\8*\Installer setup --uninstall --force-uninstall --system-level Cakewalk runs fine without it.
  6. It works on mine. Version 2020.11 Build 099. It looks like you are using an early access version (EA?) There is a separate forum for that. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/forum/36-early-access-program/
  7. Tommy Tedesco had a great story where he played three different guitars for a young producer so the producer could select which guitar sound he wanted. It was the same guitar. The producer like the 12-string the best!
  8. Where is that gem documented?
  9. I swear Jeff Beck did it on one of his songs....years ago. But you can't do it live!
  10. The post counting software is rigged. Metrics don't lie.
  11. IIRC If I recall correctly? Perhaps you are thinking of an open hi-hat versus a closed hi-hat which is a different note. Someone here says they programmed the splash cymbal to choke the crash cymbal: http://forum.cakewalk.com/MIDI-Cymbal-muting-question-m1253802.aspx
  12. Microsoft kept trying to install their browser Edge on my machine. I already have a browser. Using an update to install an application is ****ed up. You can put this in a batch file and run as Administer to get rid of it: cd %PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Microsoft\Edge\Application\8*\Installer setup --uninstall --force-uninstall --system-level They have finally stopped trying to install it.
  13. You forgot a closing parenthesis too! (I guess that makes me the punctuation *****). Edit: The auto naughty word filter took out Natzee (as spelled correctly). That is just wrong.
  14. You can put the project file name (with full path and double quotes around it) on the command line of the shortcut and save a keystroke and a few seconds.
  15. I read a book on mixing where each chapter was by an industry professional (that makes me an expert!). The oddest thing was that some of them would go outside the room and listen. If it sounded good in a different room...then it was good.
  16. I downloaded the file and use SumatraPDF (much lighter weight than Adobe Reader) to view it. And the ubiquitous Ctrl-F works as it does in most Windows programs.
  17. Somebody's been studying Feng Shui....and then going the opposite way!
  18. If you are talking about the piano roll view....only select one track. And you'll only see the notes for that track.
  19. As an alternative to automation, I often use separate tracks for the same instrument. Even for something as simple as slight volume changes. If everything is on one track, a change upstream means it will sound different downstream and you'll end up making more work for yourself.
  20. "Your 2020 best purchase?" Some New York Strip steaks from a local grocery chain. Man, they were good! Better than steaks I've had at upscale restaurants. (You didn't say it had to be a music related purchase)
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