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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. Maybe they just identify as squirrels and are transrodents.
  2. At least they photo-shopped it to clean it up and improve your looks.
  3. Monkey---> Banana---->Pie----->Cool Whip---->BDSM Can't wait to see what comes next!
  4. Does your keyboard have a DIN output (5 pin circular plug) and are you using a DIN to USB converter? If so, the cheap ones are crap and that could be the problem.
  5. I think, therefore I Am. -René Descartes, A Major philosopher!
  6. Gee, I wonder why there are no women on this web site. (as far as I know).
  7. You know you can add a Custom Module and put anything you want in it....right? https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=ControlBar.17.html <edit> Oops, I just re-read and saw that you were aware of this....
  8. Right. Because after the 6 month wait to see a doctor, you'll have already recovered or be dead!
  9. If you have good health insurance....the doctors will always find something wrong!
  10. No need to panic, unless of course, the porn sites go down....then PANIC!
  11. Let's not pull on that thread too hard.
  12. Cakewalk doesn't know that your markers are the beginning and end of your song. It assumes when you export, you're exporting the whole song....unless you highlight the markers...ie create a sub-range.
  13. I went to that web page and saw this: My question is....What the f*** is wrong with California?
  14. Nope. I don't have Chrome and it worked fine.
  15. You need to hit refresh. You have a lot of tabs active and they're all grabbing bandwidth. The site didn't finish loading before it timed out.
  16. Did you know the astronauts took duct tape with them to space? I don't know about you, but if I'm getting on a space ship and I hear someone say "don't forget the duct tape".....I'm getting the f**k out of there!
  17. Scalable fonts is an extremely tricky and awkward thing to do. When fonts get bigger do you... 1) let the container expand horizontally pushing other elements to the right* 2) wrap the text, expanding the container vertically and pushing other elements down* 3) clip the text, meaning you can't see it unless you hover over it with a mouse *And when those elements move, what happens to their neighbors? You can imagine all the scenarios, the nightmare of testing each one and no matter which one you choose, somebody is going to whine. If it ain't broke...don't fix it.
  18. 1) Select a note. 2) Copy it: Ctrl-C. 3) Carefully position the cursor to the desired destination. 4) Paste it: Ctrl-V
  19. If you are trying to draw a note with a mouse you need to select the right tool:
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