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You and Me -REMIX-

mark skinner

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 Hello , here is a song collab with SubVibe. I knew that with our completely different styles  "something" would happen. He took an 8 bar guitar section I sent , and took it in a direction that I would Never have come up with. I covered the guitars , Bass , cello and male vocal. Everything else was from SubVibe. This has taken us awhile to complete with a lot of re-recording as we wrote. I hope you enjoy this as much as I have. This collaboration has been  Real pleasure and learning experience for me. Of course we are looking for any mix/master suggestions for improvement.                Thank You ..        mark       -Remix-    both links



Edited by mark skinner
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Thanks @Larry T. I'll look at the vox volume in the morning. I too felt like it needed a middle break but we were already pushing the 5 min mark. Maybe a shorter intro ??  I really stretched the chimes out in the section you mentioned. I think some further drum hit's would also help bringing that section back in. I Really appreciate your listening and commenting.                mark

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 Nice work on the guitars. The low frequency thumping is really heavy in the beginning, made me turn my volume down right away. Once it gets going, maybe a minute in,  it is still pretty heavy but better, probably what you were going for.

Edited by KSband
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@mark skinner


Very cool collaboration . . . alive and kicking all around the world ! Great  to see and hear music like this come together.

Definitely a very fascinating fusion of different styles that totally works for my ears. I've heard both of your tunes online, and this really melds the two styles together into one interesting tapestry. Even the two vocal styles have very distinct characters, but you've made it work, in the back and forth story of the lyric. 

I always love me a thick mix, esp. when it's clear . . . and this one fills a large audio range from sub kick to high percussion, and keeps the clarity. I suspect on club size speakers that sub kick might overpower a bit. Always a joy to hear Mark's left right panned guitar interplay . . . stir in the Subvibe neo-pop sound, wow, I really did enjoy this !

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 @Larry T. and @KSband , Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I've done a mild remix with the vox slightly boosted on the first verse . I also made some adjustments on the kick EQ trying to tame it a little. Couple of small adjustments for my own satisfaction as well. The re-mix is on the Sound Click link. SoundCloud is still the 1st mix. @Rikkie Thank you for the listen and comment. @noynekker Thank You for the Great comments. I never feel as if one is coming along well until you weigh in. @Bajan Blue Thank You for your time and comments. When I'm sure I've gotten the present version as good as I can , I'll do a "save as" and see about a short break or change up .  Thank You


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OK , I've done a pretty "substantial" remix . @Larry T. and @Bajan Blue It now has a 12 bar middle section break with some added guitar fills afterwards. I knew it needed one but I wouldn't have gone through the cutting , copy/paste session without your comments. I also did quite a bit of work getting it closer to a SubVibe feel.  Thanks ..   mark

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Wow! I caught both mixes, second one does seem cleaner, very nice! The vocal delay on her? voice is amazing. Your vocals and guitar work just shine. Love this.

SubVibe is female? I wasn't completely sure, it doesn't matter but the vocals hit that sweetspot of upper register male / sultry female. It's got me wondering! Great song, great mix.



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This is some very smooth smoothness!

For me...for some reason I feel like the bass and drums are lacking an 'Oomph' in the mix. The bass seems plenty loud...so it might be the percussive stuff that isn't hitting for me. And, maybe this isn't the type of song where the bass and drums are supposed to slap...but for some reason I found myself missing that on this one.

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 @PhonoBrainer , Thank You for commenting and your inspiring compliment. Her vocal delay was "Timeless" from Fab Filter. I haven't really gotten the full grasp of this plugin , I'm just adjusting some amazing presets. SubVibe is a male keys player and producer from Holland that mainly does chill-out style using female vocals. There is another Subvibe well known and followed on SoundCloud. I put the "Netherlands" in his description trying to get the two a little less confusing. @Lee Neitzel I really appreciate your time and comments. I'll be the first to admit that I know Nothing about mixing this genre of music. I trusted my ears and tried to make a conversion from my normal sounding songs. Thanks'. @KSband I actually "enjoyed" doing the solo. I deleted several sessions where I was doing the same leads I always do. I tried for something a little different in a jazzier style. 

I think we're done with this one , and if there are any further changes it wont be bumped up .  It will be up on the streaming platforms in a few days.     Thank you all   ..


Edited by mark skinner
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Late to the party as one of my PC's is in the process of dying on days with a Y in the name, unfortunately the machine I use to listen to music on.

Today it is behaving, perhaps it heard I have ordered a replacement.

Obviously I am listening to the Mix/Remix? Sounds fine here on my Adams, everything is clear and present, no masking, no thumping, clear Vox, all the other voices can be discerned.

Nice job chaps.

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I really like this .. If, .. can I add to the forum ....  both vocals are excellent ... and I really mean that (FWIW), they can hold their own without much backing

..view this ...   the male vocal is our Joe Cocker and your putting him with say Carol King  .. think about that mix .. the backing is great but it needs ( to me ) a little more separation ..Joe sings and Carol responds ... hard I know .. but this is a bloody good song ... My bit over .. thanks for the post ?



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