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Celtic Way

Tim Smith

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Lovely melody, my pennyworth would be to widen the strings and allow the flute to have some room. Try to play the flute sample just as you would a real flute, remember the breathing pattern allowing a believable rendition.

Have a listen to counter melodies .. might help to really bring this one to life.


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the song's flow is like water, it keeps on moving....each section flows seemlessly into the next creating an overall feeling of a contemplative journey....i do agree with bjorn that there is no stand out theme that reoccurs but certain Celtic pieces are played that way....agree that the flute could be brought up in certain parts....nice work ????

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Very nice tune Tim. A small criticism is that the flute and strings are quite tightly meshed. It might be an idea to try what Wookiee suggested, or maybe some complementary EQ: find the flute's principle frequency and boost it slightly, while cutting the same frequency in the strings. If you have a reverb, you could try giving the strings a bit more predelay (by routing them through a delay plugin) than the flute to help 'push' it into the background a little.

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I appreciate all of the helpful points made about this mix. I plan to take another look at the mix and the flute in particular.

There are at least two mindsets on the construction of these things. Some are more progressive and seldom or never return to the beginning themes, others do. Most movie music does. Much classical music does not. There is a repeat and a build of the idea and slight variations on smaller themes. I was trying to get away from "Movie music" and make it more like a classical production. Not sure I totally succeeded in either.

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Really does go on like a journey, nice choice of instrumentation and mood. One suggestion is to create more of a sense of space and depth, have some things go more to the front and the others more off into the distance, and switch around which ones do which.  Different reverbs or delay and panning would make it more lovely. Enjoyed listening and the picture being half irish ha.  

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Much enjoyed this!
Any crits would just be picking fly shite out of pepper so speak.

OK, just hit the end, so I'm doubling back; I have one tincy incy little crit...

I'd end with a long fading note; just my nickel98's worth.


I think I'm hearing the flute in this one better than in "Hope".
But again, my ears are a bit battered; some days are better than others.
I'd have to go back and compare.

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