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"Instrumentum Aurantiaco"


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This is really cool Tom - In the beginning I felt like I was in a club in some big city dancing along with this. The banjo really surprised me - it's interesting but it works.

The choir and then the heavy guitar riff - very creative.  Wow, you mixed a bunch of different genres in this.

That was quite a listening experience. The mix sounded good to me - but I know that you have excellent ears for mixes.

Well done - that was fun.

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As ever Tom you add a twist to all you do I imagine this is has all the main features of classic club EDM, not hat I have been to a classic club.  The only thing I would say from the EDM sets I have watch from UK Festivals is you need some sub kick on your kick.  Just like with Metal the Kick should crush your chest I get the feeling that is also the case with EDM.

I can imagine this being used by an intelligent DJ in sections to segue his set and bring some interest to the normal 4 to the floor mind numbing EDM set.

Nice @emeraldsoul :) 

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I like your style with the sampling or various found sounds and old recordings. etc.  IT's a collage and pastiche.  Maybe you're postmodern :D:D  Have you read Derrida etc?  Fun stuff.  I wish there was a really good SATB library where it's ez to assign words to the various singers.

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Well, I was transported back to Jean Michel Jarre, then dang me, ain't that a banjo appearing, huh, Jean Michel never did that . . . mmm, some Gregorian chant, then the metal guitars ? . . . OK, perhaps some genre confusion, but all good fun by the end . . . maybe the listeners are to blame for trying to pin it to something.

I actually like near the start when the kick comes in, it's mid punchy and not boomy.

"I've been working on something like this for weeks, I'll be as brief as possible" . . . HA !

I also appreciate how the drums become metal genre drums when the guitar cuts loose. My only mix critique would be when the metal guitar kicks in, it is so much louder in the mix that it really stands out, but maybe that's what you intended. I liked it a lot, though my neighbors were banging on the floor, they're obviously not Gothic appreciators.

I also like that musically, it is a bold statement.

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@Douglas Kirby, @Bajan Blue@noynekker, @Wookiee, @DeeringAmps, @daryl1968, @David Sprouse - a super big thanks to all for your comments, much obliged for your time.

The kick drum was an issue from the get go, and correctamundo it's not that spleen-shattering subby kick you might expect. I probably shouldn't have advertised this as EDM! The kick as it is is part of the "Moonkits" drum thing for Kontakt, which is bent more toward the jazz/funk than the dance floor. I'm sure I can go back and exhange some sizzle for some beef - thanks for the observations, it helps.


The "metal drum riffage" at the end is as noted pretty loud - it's an example of me just loving a part and not wanting to turn it down properly! I thought about adding a bass guitar in but decided that the guitar is too loud, too! I know I could do more with that section if I just found the brains to turn the guitar and drums down. We'll see!


thanks again,


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I think you should change the name of the song to Road Trip, you know like when you're traveling and you try to find something good on the radio and you hit the search button and you tune in all kinds of different genres.
Well anyway cool and very fun song. I like the transitions from one genre to the next.

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