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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. As part of my moving across to a new PC I'm trying to uninstall my Waves licences - Waves Central wanted an update so clicked but after downloading nothing happened. Tried downloading directly from their website and again the downloaded exe file did nothing. Anyone had the same issues?
  2. ooh this new series could be very interesting - hopefully will get some vocals & folk instruments from the Strezov stable
  3. I'm about to move to a new PC and there is no way I am reinstalling the 1,000 + (mainly free!) plugins I have acquired (though that figure is a Cakewalk count so is made up of VST 3s and 32 bit VSts as well as 64 bit) I spend hours going through instrument presets only to come up with no music at the end of it so a bit of discipline is well overdue!
  4. One of my favourites but looks like it's not Kontakt 7 Player compatible ?
  5. But a) you have to buy subscriptions every year to keep using it - previously it was free and you could buy samples if you wanted to and not bother if you didn't and b) all the work on favouriting samples is lost unless you pay. If I had known that was going to happen I would never have started!
  6. That is what I am planning to do when my new PC arrives where I can - it will also make me prune my VST count which is at around 1,000 - though that includes 32 bit and VST3 duplicates Good luck!
  7. I can never remember what I am supposed to be playing from one take to another!
  8. I'm on V1 - it eventually updated but new instruments wasn't there but probably will be by now ?
  9. Currently the NI site doesn't seem to be able to download an update to Native Access needed for the install. Guess it is a server issue. Will try again later
  10. Thanks Brian - I've started to use the ADSR free sampler so will probably just move fully over to that and take the hit on the favourites
  11. I was gutted when they stopped support for your own library so didn't update. Now that I am moving to a new PC I won't be able to use it. All those hours favouriting my preferred samples for nothing ?
  12. I love Anne-Katherin's videos - informative and quirky with a nice sense of humour and engagement with her audience
  13. It was 4pm GMT if you can work i out from there ?
  14. Got it working eventually. Registered and downloaded with Sonokinetic Manager then the serial worked in Native Access
  15. Oh interesting - wouldn't work with my Native Access but did with Sonokinetic Manager
  16. I had that issue then remembered that you have to register it on Sonkinetic's own library manager https://www.sonokinetic.net/manager
  17. Still no joy - they say they are going to be ramping up the servers! Edit - oh it appears to be in my account so must have gone through ? edit 2 - but the serial doesn't work :-( Edit 3 - I'm an idiot I forgot the serial applied to the Sonokinetic manager not Native Access!
  18. I got as far as the order screen then it timed out again!
  19. I usually miss it and was all excited to make it this year! Anyone in yet?
  20. Thanks - the old PC will hopefully still be working by the time I get my new one so should be straight forward. Is the process for the Cloud licenses the same? I appear to have three of those
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