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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. My favourite is an antique shop called Shabbytat! Not sure if that only works in the UK?
  2. You will! Mine all went very smoothly except for the Steinberg Licence manager which was a pain until I found a Licence manager helper piece of software which solved the problem. Worth bearing in mind if you have any Steinberg VSTs etc and get a problem
  3. Take a break Larry you're making me tired ?
  4. Before you decommissioned the old PC did you deauthorise any ilok and Steinberg PC based licences you may have and other software authorisation that are tied to PC hardware eg Waves?
  5. Ah apparently you have to click on the green squares to get the other sounds - nothing like making things unintuitive!
  6. Thanks - I did spot that but when I tried to change a patch I just got silence and when I went back to the original patch that was also silent - very strange - just going to give it another go! Just tried again and got same issue - a red warning comes up at the top of the GUI saying 'Script Editor Indicator / Reset' This happens in the new Halion 7 and the old SE3. Resetting doesn't solve the problem. Wondering whether to reinstall Colours?
  7. Thanks - yes I nearly gave up trying to install the previous free Halion and it's instruments when the Steinberg Licensing tool (which seemed as though it would be easy to deauthorise and reauthorise the free software via it's tender mercies) proved to be a pig (had to download a Steinberg Licencing Tool Assistant!) and so much more problematical than ilok! I've now got Colours installed but seem to only be able to access one sound (no problem with the ~(previously paid for) Baltic Shimmers. Again probably best left until tomorrow! Thanks for the empathy Peter!
  8. Mmm - tried installing via the Steinberg Download Assistant - 'Unknown Error' message 'Open the installation file from the download folder' Nothing in the download folder Frustrating. Will try again tomorrow! edit - ignore I was trying to install the wrong thing!
  9. Many thanks Simeon - I did wonder if that was the case! Glad you have confirmed. It wasn't obvious! Thanks again! Looking forward to watching your walkthrough of the full version which is out of my league pricewise but I can always drool! ooh that looks very different - looking forward to tinkering with my Baltic Shimmers library!
  10. Just tried downloading and installing the free version but it only offers standalone and AAX installations and not VST! Any ideas why this may be?
  11. I keep both VST2 and 3 on my PC as I have read reports of VST3 occasionally not working well - it has never been an issue for me but for the limited space they take it seems a worthwhile precaution
  12. Google flagged up the article I have linked below which advises that there is a serious issue with some of the above SSDs which shortens their life! Specifically 'the failures traced back to the 3B2QGXA7 firmware and primarily affect 2TB versions of the 980 Pro (although lower capacities are not entirely immune)' I checked the SSDs on my new PC and fortunately they have the latest 5B2QGXA7 firmware but I advised a friend who recently built a new PC and he had the older firmware which he has now updated without any problems. Hope this is helpful https://www.tomshardware.com/news/samsung-980-pro-ssd-failures-firmware-update
  13. Whilst I don't disagree we are going way off topic here ?
  14. Totally understandable re not wanting to use Facebook. The fact that the Facebook group is private makes it much easier to manage and I think that is the only reason
  15. So moving, Simeon - great to have you back!
  16. Mike's tutorials are excellent, they have helped me hugely, and the Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Facebook group is a friendly helpful forum like this one (full disclosure - I am one of the moderators on the group. Fortunately we only rarely have to take action on posts). I often suggest people come here for additional, equally friendly help & advice.
  17. Just an update on my ilok experience on moving to my new PC as this thread has resurfaced. Absolutely seamless. Deactivated on old PC and reactivated on new without a hitch on all 15 instruments. Thanks for the help on this. I wish I could say the same about the Steinberg elicencer - nightmare until I found some thing buried in their website saying - 'if your new elicencer doesn't have a number download the elicencer helper programme which will reinstall elicencer'. Until I found that I was tearing my hair out!
  18. This is another time we need a love icon! Great that you've got it sorted Simeon!
  19. Oh dear Simeon that sounds dreadful - hope you're back up and firing on all cylinders (or should that be tubes ? ) as soon as possible
  20. Hope you get it back Simeon! Good luck!
  21. I saw that the other day and liked it so much I shared it to my Facebook page!
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