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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I have a 2TB external Samsung SSD but it is already more than half full. I am also thinking about system back up space - though I am thinking of adding another removable drive to the 4Tb one I have already
  2. Many thanks Doug - most helpful!
  3. Jam Points will help seal the deal but just remembered I will have to pay 20% VAT which makes it less of a steal
  4. I'm increasingly tempted - I have Syntronik 1 which I picked up through TS Max 2 and Syntronik 2 CS. What are the benefits of getting the Group Buy - other than the extra synths over Syntronik 1 - I'm concerned about all the extra disk space required! Wil I be able to uninstall the Syntronik 1 synths once I have all the Syntronik 2 ones? I'm a hobbyist who only has a small amount of time to spend making music so want to know that my money is well spent ?
  5. Yep I have the not installed issue too even though they are!
  6. I keep picking them up but will have to wait until I get a new PC in a year or so to play most of them as my GPU is ten years old now and below the spec of most games. Having said that I still haven't played most of the games I can play on this PC!
  7. I'm almost getting tempted........
  8. A day without learning is a day wasted applies here I think ?
  9. Hey Simeon you sound so much more slick nowadays ? Great to see this though
  10. Welcome Bulent - look forward to your contributions - they will be appreciated!
  11. I'm not now ? Got more than I need now with IK Total Max 2, Garritan PO and all my freebies / cheapies! I'm still tempted by Desert Winds for the excellent duduk though but waiting to see if it ever goes below £50!
  12. As well as John's videos linked to in his post I can highly recommend Mike at Creative Sauce who has done a whole series on starting out with Cakewalk as well as many other tutorials using the DAW. His approach is clear and friendly and I still refer back to his videos to remind myself how to do stuff. This series is three years old now and there are some new features that aren't covered but it should still be a good starting point to give you a basic idea. As others have said it would probably take a lifetime to learn and use everything but you can get good results quite quickly Good luck!
  13. Thanks Craig - I doubt if I'd ever be able to justify buying any of their libraries but forewarned is forearmed!
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