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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I keep both VST2 and 3 on my PC as I have read reports of VST3 occasionally not working well - it has never been an issue for me but for the limited space they take it seems a worthwhile precaution
  2. Google flagged up the article I have linked below which advises that there is a serious issue with some of the above SSDs which shortens their life! Specifically 'the failures traced back to the 3B2QGXA7 firmware and primarily affect 2TB versions of the 980 Pro (although lower capacities are not entirely immune)' I checked the SSDs on my new PC and fortunately they have the latest 5B2QGXA7 firmware but I advised a friend who recently built a new PC and he had the older firmware which he has now updated without any problems. Hope this is helpful https://www.tomshardware.com/news/samsung-980-pro-ssd-failures-firmware-update
  3. Whilst I don't disagree we are going way off topic here ?
  4. Totally understandable re not wanting to use Facebook. The fact that the Facebook group is private makes it much easier to manage and I think that is the only reason
  5. So moving, Simeon - great to have you back!
  6. Mike's tutorials are excellent, they have helped me hugely, and the Cakewalk by Bandlab - Creative Sauce Facebook group is a friendly helpful forum like this one (full disclosure - I am one of the moderators on the group. Fortunately we only rarely have to take action on posts). I often suggest people come here for additional, equally friendly help & advice.
  7. Just an update on my ilok experience on moving to my new PC as this thread has resurfaced. Absolutely seamless. Deactivated on old PC and reactivated on new without a hitch on all 15 instruments. Thanks for the help on this. I wish I could say the same about the Steinberg elicencer - nightmare until I found some thing buried in their website saying - 'if your new elicencer doesn't have a number download the elicencer helper programme which will reinstall elicencer'. Until I found that I was tearing my hair out!
  8. This is another time we need a love icon! Great that you've got it sorted Simeon!
  9. Oh dear Simeon that sounds dreadful - hope you're back up and firing on all cylinders (or should that be tubes ? ) as soon as possible
  10. Hope you get it back Simeon! Good luck!
  11. I saw that the other day and liked it so much I shared it to my Facebook page!
  12. I've been downloading directly since my new PC thought UVI Portal was dodgy - I'm sure it isn't but decided to play safe!
  13. Scottish folk rock band Runrig. The golden voiced Donnie Munro left to be a (sadly unsuccessful) Labour politician - though their ex keyboard player had more success in the SNP. I didn't think anyone could replace Donnie and, although it took a while for me to get used to his voice, I reckon Canadian Bruce Guthro did an amazing job. The band have recently retired after well over 40 years of existence.
  14. The download seemed extremely slow but I'm looking forward to seeing what they have added. It was particularly frustrating as I had only just installed Synstations to my new PC a few days ago!
  15. Only for Loopcloud subscribers apparently? Edit - ah no seems to work for anyone!
  16. Progress has been made! The Apro is talking to the PC - transport and keys working. Rotaries and sliders doing something but need to look at mapping when I'm more lucid! Apro Control Surface PlugIn now showing up. The secret seemed to be to allow both Apro1 and Apro2 to be enabled on input (though this didn't work the first time I tried it!). Maybe a few restarts helped! The Cakewalk documentation is a little confusing as it tells you to enable Apro2 as an out and that is not an option - only Apro is showing. I'm sure they could have made it easier! Thanks again for the help!
  17. @michheld - thanks for those links - I will have a look through to see if I can find anything @rsinger Yes it is there as an option in Preferences. I did enable A-Pro 1 when A-Pro 2 didn't work and initially got midi in from the keys but nothing from the transport. As well as the Control Surface Programme for Sonar this is at the Roland site and I am wondering if I need to install it - I don't recall having to previously https://www.roland.com/uk/support/by_product/a-800pro/updates_drivers/ecee5a7c-7391-435d-839b-5511031afcaa/ I will continue my investigation. Thanks for the help so far
  18. I just knew this would be fun from previous experience with old PC I have connected the APro 800 over USB. Set the midi controller inputs and outputs as detailed in the manual. Midi on the track set as Omni. No midi coming into Cakewalk from the controller keys and transport buttons do nothing. I also installed the APro Controller Surface Plug In software from this page but other than an uninstall file there doesn't seem to be any sign of it https://www.roland.com/uk/support/by_product/a-800pro/updates_drivers/81c44b5d-6d6d-4f89-9eeb-4ce56e848573/ Any suggestions please? Thanks in advance
  19. Also available as a Decent Sampler download ?
  20. Well said PC! Happy Christmas to you and all fellow forum members!
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