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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I'll be getting a new PC soon and intend to pare back a bit - I have over 1,000 according to Cakewalk though I assume that includes duplicates of 32bit, 64 bit and VST3. I'm just doing a back up of my VST installers folder now and there's 225gb in there though that includes samples for sample based instruments I should add that the vast majority of these are free ones and others were bargains such as Total Studio Max for £125
  2. You can download to any disc location you like by going into the settings cog in Product Manager. I would recommend backing up your existing zip files to another location as IK charge around £10 for opening up downloads after 180 days
  3. I got all excited there but then remembered you can't use Rewards Points on Base Price. It's a great library
  4. Hope there are no security compromises as a result of this! Probably not but I am wondering whether to change password!
  5. Welcome back Larry - you have been missed - but you probably know that ?
  6. That's saved me rushing up to the PC - thanks for the bad news!
  7. Thanks for the essential clarification ? I forgot to suggest setting up a template so glad you advised on that too
  8. Yes you need to put an instance of BBC Discover on each track - it is not multi timbral. There are key switches for the articulations in each instrument group though. I understand that the (paid for) Unify VST will allow you to combine instances of Discover but as I have not got this others would be better placed to advise
  9. I had similar problems recently - I updated to most recent Decent Sampler and that seems to have helped I did, however, have a crash a few days ago when scrolling through my library of DS sounds when after loading a few sounds there was no audio coming from DS and the coloured keymapped area on the GUI turned white. When I closed the project CbB crashed but did produce a dump report which Dave Hilowitz is looking into
  10. Hi all - processor advice & drive advice please! It looks like I may have to replace my PC a year before I was going to (it is not compatible with Windows 11 and is getting long in the tooth anyway). Every time it boots up it gives me a warning message about a power surge - I'm going to check the cables between my PSU and mobo but if that doesn't fix it there is probably little point in forking out for a new PSU when the machine is going to be redundant before too long I'm in the UK and probably going to go with a custom built system from Chillblast (my current PC was from them and it has been very good - they also offer a 5 year warranty) or Scan (A friend's suggestion) - though suggestions of other suppliers would be welcome Two possible options are here: https://www.scan.co.uk/3xs/configurator/3xs-student-composer-system https://www.chillblast.com/chillblast-fusion-tempo-music-production-pc-1.html?category_id=709 I have an Intel i5 processor in the current machine and am probably going to upgrade to i7. i9 or equivalent. Does anyone have any thoughts whether Ryzen processors are as good. Years back I had an Athlon an that seemed pretty sound. Are the RYzen 7 and 9 equivalent to i7 and i9. Some of the machines under consideration have Ryzen processors. I'll be using the PC for Cakewalk - midi (particularly using orchestras, Sampletank, Syntronik etc & loops only - no live audio recording) and for light gaming My friend has strongly suggested that I get M.2 PCIe (NVMe) drives due to their speed over SSD drives - Scan do a few ready built audio workstations with these but Chillblast only has one with the system drive as a NVMe but do not allow you to customise and add any additional NMVe drives (though they do allow other customisation which Scan do not). My friend is however a computer geek and always wants the best where I am satisfied if stuff works reasonably quickly! Be grateful for any thoughts on the above.
  11. A great starting place is the Creative Sauce series here - there are many other excellent tutorials around by Xel Ohh and John Vere to name but two!
  12. ......oh and welcome! This is a great community and I've had loads of help from the kind people here!
  13. +1 for Creative Sauce - Mike is a superb tutor and a top man all round. There is also a Creative Sauce - CbB Facebook group where you will find help to complement the excellent advice offered here.
  14. Thanks PC - as Zok said if you are in touch give him our best wishes and let him know he is missed!
  15. Ah I didn't know that! Mind you apart from BBC SO Discovery and LABS I don't think I own any Spitfire libraries
  16. Sounds awesome! Being a tight git I might wait and see if they do a half price Originals sale again!
  17. Yep it's a great film - I've watched it once and recorded it again when it was repeated on TV
  18. I did this using my PC sound card as I don't have an audio interface - it must have been easy for if I did it but can't remember how and I'm not at the PC at the moment so can't check!
  19. Yep having just installed the Syntronik group buy this would be just too much!
  20. Have you seen the size of it!!
  21. Sounds pretty awesome but that's a heavy toll on disc space!
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