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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. Moved to https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/34042-so-chordjam-or-scaler2-or-captain-chords-inc-coupons/
  2. Moved to https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/34042-so-chordjam-or-scaler2-or-captain-chords-inc-coupons/
  3. Added some history background for the SYNTHOX at the OP above for those interested
  4. Just a bit of HISTORY re this SYNTHOX https://www.uvi.net/en/vintage-synth/synthox.html A well regarded and increasingly rare analog synthesizer, the Synthex (1981-1985), comes from Italian manufacturer Elka and was made famous in part by Jean Michel Jarre. The unique oscillator design and lush filters in this synth pack a distinctly thick and raw sound. Also included in Synthox 1.5 is a deep sampling of the Elka EK-44 (1986). A rare 4-operator FM synth based around Yamaha’s YM2203 chips, the EK-44’s raw digital sound palette makes a brilliant counterpoint to the Synthex and can lead to some truly unique sounds. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/uvi-synthox-0 Size: 1.7 GB (FLAC lossless encoding, was 4.5 GB in WAV) Content: 1 Instrument, 202 presets, 5,616 samples Sample Resolution: 44.1 kHz. Recording at 96 kHz
  5. And in my case KONTAKT 6.6.1 and REACTOR 6.4.3 updates also .. maybe I missed those earlier
  6. For those on FACEBOOK - Arturia V Collection Users (International/Global) GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2742887915850458/ They are now discussing an apparent imminent V Collection 9 A Q asked is: So what is expected in V9 And ans is: I have no idea but Arturia made a comment mentioning they would look after you on pricing if you took advantage of buying the V8 discounted price when V9 comes out.
  7. Though I had 7 I went for this. I weighed it up and say pretty much 6 or 7 new synths added for the $149 inc the SQ80v which I more than likely would have bought anyway. As i outlined above, i used the 4 month easi payment plan for the extra $5 .. next 3 months $37. Not for many but i do think this kind of plan for software etc is a nice option for us who wish to manage our finances in a way.
  8. Looking at some of the REASON Facebook groups this morning. Not too many happy campers about this saying pretty much, give us more money and we will improve reason ( from reason ). I have Reason 11 intro and FL Studio. For disclosure, I will admit I dont use them much, I jumped on getting them at the time in sales, low prices purely to have for possible future use. I am still a bit puzzled about likes of Reason and FL Studio which - I think I am right - were born from the days of Tracker Sequencers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_tracker The way they work is still sort of out there in comparison to other DAWS and in many ways over the last decade or so have been trying to come closer to what we might see as the standard DAW workflow and features? So my puzzlement is how they still have the popularity they have? You might ask the question why REASON recently and FL STUDIO always have a way of using them and there plugins inside other DAWS ( via plugins ) .. whats that about? It gave me a reason never to bother with reason and just use the Reason rack VST in Cakewalk to use Reason plugins inside another DAW. So why would likes of me bother upgrading? I just reckon Reason and to an extent FL are relying on a past userbase who came from a tracker background + casual users who in reasons case dipped in via sales and Lite versions, FL studio via the mad lifetime updates thing. So one might ask what is there real core userbase and how big is it discounting the former casual users? BTW I will accept I might be way off the beam here and possibly completely wrong
  9. Keep in mind if the budget is a bit stretched at the moment that you can buy via breaking up the $149 into 4 monthly payments instead ... costs $5 extra to do this but over 4 months its - $42 first month and then $37 next 3 months I actually like options like this .. esp for hobbyists and the like where you are not making money from music and dont have the larger amount at the ready
  10. https://www.zinio.com/campaign/zenith.zinio.zinio.eng.mnwow40.email 40% off with coupon WOW40 Includes Computer Music, Beat Magazine, Sound on Sound etc
  11. https://www.image-line.com/fl-studio-news/fl-studio-20-8-4-released/ We are excited to announce native support for Apple Silicon CPUs, a new Frequency Shifter effect, Video Scrubbing in the Visualizer, improved 3x OSC synth and much more. Further details of updates and new stuff listed and described at that link above. As an aside I have FL Studio Producer edition for years with this lifetime update thing .. I still dont get how they are doing this financially? Not that I am complaining or anything .. just curious
  12. Fraid not .. just the 2 I mentioned in K13 standard As i mentioned in page 1 ( with PIC ) I do have a Yamaha cutaway classical in the flesh and use it for recording but do like the idea of the "virtual". I have a few komplete guitar instruments but none are classical. Closest is the 8DIO Guitalele
  13. TC Electronics do a MERCURY-1 ( discontinued ) Roland have the Jupiter-X and the Jupiter-8 .. so also Arturia One of these maybe?
  14. So the 2 planets marked in different color are MERCURY and JUPITER .. that should be hint enough
  15. Yes I have K13 which has the SESSION GUITARIST ELECTRIC SUNBURST & SESSION GUITARIST STRUMMED ACOUSTIC ... Not sure if rest of session will come with K14 unless you buy ULTIMATE
  16. So who has picked this up? Any guitarists do so? With a coupon I can get it for €61 .. I have been teetering on the edge tween this OR the UVI Emulation II+ @ €59 https://www.uvi.net/emulation-ii-plus
  17. will there be a Reason Intro 12 I wonder? I have intro 11 .. does what I need
  18. https://www.uvi.net/emulation-ii-plus THE ULTIMATE ‘80S SAMPLER SUITE 4 instruments loaded with authentic hardware sounds Over 1,300 presets, 270 multis, 800+ layers, 2400+ drums, and more Inspiring ready-to-go sounds and patterns, all fully-editable Not 1 but 3 iconic sampler-synths from the '80s plus a massive lo-fi drum machine, the original officially licensed sounds plus tons of new ones, all recorded from the vintage hardware, available as individual instruments or in a multi capable of huge stacked sounds and inspiring 4+1 part phrases, we are extremely excited to present you with our most ambitious library yet: Emulation II+! Just got email with Special Upgrade offer of $59 ( vs $199 ) .. I have the Emulation II
  19. TBH Loopcloud is way more than just a LOOP Sample Manager. If thats all you were using it for, then fair enough its not worth the sub. Where it comes into its own is the other features and there integration inside CAKEWALK ( or whatever DAW ) via plugins allowing you to live audition, sync potential loops + tempo match, pitch change live in CW via the cloud library along with a project you are working on Also its own small 8 track DAW at the end of the loopcloud app allowing you to live audition, live chop and mix samples that gain sync with your project. Outside of that you have the nice Loopcloud Drum plugin and Play plugins that add some in project kits etc All that is the $100pa not just as a sample manager
  20. Its got everything .. tonight has. Who would have thought .. on CNN
  21. And now THE KILLERS "Mr Brightside" via mobile phone live from there tent backstage
  22. Gone mad .. Anderson Cooper completely riffing it and vamping. So much so Manilow, Costello etc all calling in from back stage and chatting, singing over the phone. A whole new sort of CNN
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