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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. The Q is though how much that is as the crossgrade they mention. At mo its $79.99
  2. Erm @abacab .. Check the HELP Menu and click on DOWNLOAD INSTRUMENTS and LOOP COLLECTIONS ... Nearly 5GB of stuff
  3. Open CW, go to Help menu and select Check for updates .. works for me every time, same as in most other apps in general
  4. @TracingArcs You can sign up to HUMBLE from anywhere. In the create account it asks for your country and the price of the bundles are then shown in your countries currency. EG I am in Ireland so it shows as EUROS ( In my case €21 for this bundle ). When you buy the bundle you get SERIAL CODES for Soundforge, Core FX, Samplitude Music Studio, Wizard FX, Acid Music Studio 11. The Core FX and Wizard FX are effects plugins from Magix / Audio Plugin Union: https://www.magix.com/ie/music/audio-plugin-union/ I would not discount these, they work in CW also once installed. Nor would I discount Samplitude Music Studio or ACID. Both worth a look. Samplitude Music Studio comes with its own fair share of instruments and efx. In fact samplitude at the time was an alt DAW that people were considering when CW got dumped a few years back by Gibson. ACID, well this has been around a long time. Worth a look and uninstall when you like. In your HB account all your purchases are stored in LIBRARY and in many cases the install software is there too. In this case all the software have small install utilities to download. If you dont have an account with MAGIX already you may be asked to create one also. In my case I have had a Magix account for years and once I gave my email addy at end of say SF install it went through fine and actually added all these magix software to my Magix account also. Nothing devious or underhanded here. The idea of HUMBLE BUNDLE is they pull together bundles of like software with a theme eg here its soundforge/audio. Usually all the apps in any bundle is not the latest version, a few versions back, BUT HEY they are still a great deal. PLUS some of your few $/€/£ are going to charity which is a central point of HB. As you will see when buying you can choose to pay a bit more than the asking if you want to give more to the charities and developers .. your choice
  5. Yes ... streets ahead in my view. And @abacab ... for $22 ( including other software like ACID ) its worth the punt. Other advantage is if you do like it you are straight on upgrade path for newer SFs in the future if that was a thing. Also remember this is SOUNDFORGE 13 PRO ... Also can be installed on 2 systems with the lic
  6. No need for directory junctions .. I am just doing reg shortcuts with Samplitude Music Studio, the same ones I use for my Ableton Live 11. Works fine. In case ye wondering why all my VST folders. As you can see I have my VSTi and VST EFX plugins broken up into separate folders. I do this because say Audio Editors dont need to have access to VSTis ( Instruments ), only to EFX. I also have a vstplugins32 folder so if a plugin installs insists on a 32 bit install it goes in there BUT in CW, Ableton etc I do not allow search of that 32 BIT folder. I usually move the vst3 64 bit plugs from Program Files / Common Files manually into my VST3 folders because unfortunately some plugin installs do not allow you to set a vst3 path ... annoying
  7. A tip for Samplitude Music Studio. In settings / VST it only has one user path you can enter. So same as ABLETON, if you have multiple VST paths go create a folder called VST PATHS and inside that folder add SHORTCUTS to all your VST folders. Pop this folder in the USER VST FOLDER PATH field and Music Studio will scan the lot via the shortcuts
  8. Had SF12 Pro from a previous HB Bundle and have been using it all along. Just installed SF 13 from this bundle and from the get go one big bug bear has been how long SF takes to check VST folders. So far its night and day, much much improved
  9. @Noel Borthwick A picture doesnt lie in case you doubt me. There you go .. That % sits at around 95% for the whole export process. The rest of percent made up of small usage from windows itself.
  10. OR freeze the track with tail before disabling "Always Stream Audio Through FX"
  11. @Milton Sica In my case it is because I use an older Dell Inspiron Core i5, 16GB Ram, 2GB SSD system. And as always is the case with laptops the FAN can get noisy at higher CPU %s and a laptop because of restricted inside space can heat up alot faster than a spacier desktop. So I just wanted to have a bit more silence which has been sorted by "Always Stream Audio Through FX" preference set to off. I found when working with a project of 25 audio tracks with efx on most .. the cpu for CW was well up even when project was idol and fan going ( overall cpu in task manager at 90% ). By disabling "Always Stream Audio Through FX" it pretty much sorted this because apparently many efx plugs still "active" in use even when a project is idol.
  12. @Noel Borthwick OK. In my case its not a brand new laptop. Its about 7 years old but still a Core i5 with 16GB ram and 2TB SSD drive with Nvidia + Intel GFX cards. More than enough, it handles all CW stuff great, however when CPU goes to 80 - 100% the system fan gets loud, Im trying to avoid that. Of course, as mentioned, it could be age here and maybe the fan heat gum onto proc needs replacing. In general usage other than CW and Audio it never reaches 100% or even 80%. But now with "Always Stream Audio Through FX" I am having a quiet life when using CW .. so wondering can I leave this off? It is BTW on by default ala CW manual?
  13. @Noel Borthwick I just decided to try this and WOW. With Always Stream Audio Through FX disabled in prefs CPU for CW in Task Manager Processes tab dropped to 2%. Enable Always Stream Audio Through FX and CPU for CW goes up to 50%+ So In practical terms what happens if I leave "Always Stream Audio Through FX" disabled? How would it impact on my projects which are a mix of audio tracks and soft synths where I add FX per track outside of prochannel
  14. Nope, I dont rely on the CW CPU meter. I use Windows TASK MANAGER / Processes tab. Im just curious why it would go this high in Task manager - to near 100%. And afraid that may cause articfacts/glitches in the export + I am sure its not good to have precessor at sustained 100%? My original concern was working on a 26 track project with FX plugs in many that the CPU was near 100% with CW making up 60-70% of that & even at this state when not working on same project, just open . From here I learned it most likely plugins still active even though project not being worked on. I realise this is most likely the plugins themselves, not CW AND In practical terms what happens if I disable "Always Stream Audio Through FX"?
  15. @Noel Borthwick Are you referring to "Always Stream Audio Through FX" setting in preferences/playback and recording? And with respect to the CPU going to 90%+ for CW alone when exporting ... is a good fix to disable audio engine while exporting? Why does this happen, just curious ..
  16. @Terry Kelley @Noel Borthwick Further to my post above .. I then decided to freeze certain tracks .. especially with guitar rig on them. This has improved things somewhat, CPU for CW sitting at about 38% idle ( in WINDOWS Task manager/Processes ) I made a mistake above actually .. the CPU with CW Idle was at about 60% for CW not 100%. I was looking at over all CPU usage .. my bad. But still High I Imagine. If I switch off the Audio Engine CW CPU usage drops to 2%. The project itself has 26 Audio tracks - No Soft synths or Midi One other thing I do notice. If I export / mixdown this project in CW via File/Export/Audio THEN CW CPU usage alone goes to 90%+ I also wonder is this as a result of Audio I/F and ASIO drivers? ( In my case an Audient Evo 4 ) Machine Spec .. Core i5, 16GB Ram, 2TB Samsung Evo SSD Drive
  17. SO .. I have a similar issue. In my case I have a collab project with other band members supplying wavs back and forth so all the tracks are Audio .. some using FX plugins like compressors, and quiet a few with incidents of Waves scheps omni channel on tracks. CPU at 100% while project idle. SO, turned off audio engine and it dropped like a stone to 2, 3%. Mmm I said. I then turned on the audio engine again, back up and fan going. SO this time I disabled all the EFX plugins on each track. CPU back down to around 8%. Next I re-enabled JUST the Waves scheps omni channel on the tracks it is on. CPU up to and around 40% ( 9 incidence of it ). Fan behaving. Next its a case of individually enabling the others like Neutron 3 Elements, Guitar Rig, Blueverb DRV 2080, TR5 Tape echo, Ozone 9 elements, Royal Compressor So outside of doing it this way is there any other way of finding the "errant" effect or VSTi that might be causing CPU to go nuts? And a general Q - WHY do these plugins still use CPU cycles when just sitting there in a project that is not running?
  18. Yip .. I had 3 installs of Live 11 when I looked under Programs and Features, uninstalled older 2, thanks. What I find annoying is it does the VST search on load, I dont think this can be disabled now? Plus, relatively, its a resource hog .. CPU/FAN
  19. @Jeremy Oakes Do not discount the BL App on your phone as I described above ( read post above this ). You still dont need the BL utility installed on your system for this process. Think of the BL app on your phone as an extension to your CW on your Puter. Not alone an easy way of getting found sounds while out and about on your phone but also a nice way of recording ideas that cross your mind, even humming a melody line. This as well as the Collab possibilities ( PS - you a lizzy fan )
  20. My thoughts on that ( sampler ) are this Bandlab app on phone or tablet could become a great FOUND SOUND sample tool when you are out and about, to use in your tracks. Record directly into the Bandlab app DAW on your phone to one of the tracks in a project there and then when you get home, open CW and import that project ( downloads from your a/c in the cloud used by the app ) and work away on it as a regular CW project file Works a treat: Opened BL app on phone. Pressed the + symbol to add new project, pressed RECORD and did so. Then saved it ( went to cloud ). Opened CW .. File Menu, Browse bandlab Projects, opened that window: Choose the TEST project and it opens in CW as normal. Hassle Free It would tempt me to get a decent USB Mic for my phone
  21. Here is a short text tute on integration back and forth. Updated yesterday https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022218453-Integration-between-BandLab-and-Cakewalk- Keep in mind, you'll need to keep your export under the current limits of 12 tracks and 6 minutes of duration to successfully move your tracks to a BandLab project. OK, that might be an issue, BUT where it could work in collab is to temp mixdown the project to a WAV without the instrument / vocal your collab partner might be contributing. Then when they finished you can import the new track from BL back into your CW project and add as track
  22. https://blog.bandlab.com/introducing-bandlab-10-0/ Along with the obvious massive visual overhaul, BandLab 10.0 brings major improvements to both the social and creation experience. On top of general fixed and quality-of-life improvements, here’s an overview of some of the biggest changes and new features: Your all-new profile page A reworked Replies feature Private accounts A next-generation update to our Mix Editor A brand new Project Page A game-changing new instrument – Sampler A refreshed and remastered Mastering feature Dark mode – coming soon! Over the last few CW updates we have also seen BL integration additions inside CW. And also in the BK app on our puters. This new v10 seems to be the app on our phones/tablets BUT with the integration in CW and this new SAMPLER it has maybe some interesting possibilities for us all? I have not looked into the integration too much yet, nor the sharing of CW projects between CW itself and the BL Cloud. This could be a thing for collaboration, used as an ideas audio pad & for found sounds while out and about EDIT - Post below goes through simple process when I tried it this afternoon
  23. Bought .. good to have in the toolbox. You also end up with 3 other FREE plugs - Canary, Cypress TT-15 and VHL-3C
  24. Lets see how much at Plugin Boutique and Everyplugin $39 at CA
  25. Cannot have too many COMPRESSORS If only this offer was out 2 or 3 weeks ago when I bought the 2 WAVES plugins - Scheps Omni Channel & CLA Mixhub .. I dont regret though https://vstbuzz.com/deals/85-off-the-vla-bundle-by-black-rooster-audio/ 85% off the greatest Vintage Leveling Amplifier Bundle by Black Rooster Audio! The most legendary, classic and versatile compression plug-ins you’ll ever get at this price! Renowned for their masterful vintage plug-ins for the modern user, Black Rooster Audio presents the VLA Bundle – consisting of the VLA-2A, VLA-3A and the VLA-FET – the trifecta of exceptional compressors to take your productions to the next level. €32 instead of €220
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