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aidan o driscoll

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Everything posted by aidan o driscoll

  1. However .. according to Anderson / CNN still possibility it will go ahead from 10pm ET with no audience. The artists are all still there hanging out behind stage
  2. Concert Cancelled just now. HENRI raises head with LIGHTENING STRIKES on NY
  3. Great to see. Even though we watching it here in Ireland it feels great to be seeing something we all love but have missed for nearly 2 years now .. a live gig with fantastic artists. We love nyc the homecoming concert https://cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com/2021/08/19/cnn-to-exclusively-broadcast-we-love-nyc-the-homecoming-concert-produced-by-new-york-city-clive-davis-and-live-nation-on-saturday-august-21/ Some lineup: Started at 5pm ET .. on about 1 hr 20 BUT its actually 5 HOURS All attending in Central Park need proof of being vaxed OR tested plus its outdoors ...
  4. Many Classicals inc the Yamaha cutaway I own has a built in Jack + small EQ / Vol panel, so mic'ing is optional. Instead tru a DI on Audio I/O
  5. Going way back with Cakewalk and Sound forge I have always done this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013099/Adding-third-party-audio-editing-software-to-SONARs-Utilities-menu It adds SF to the UTILITIES Menu via simple registry edit. After that you just select an audio tracks waveform ( along the track ) and click on UTILITIES/Soundforge ... That audio track wav you selected opens directly in Soundforge for you to edit and then save, live updates inside CW
  6. I would think so .. I have Moho 13 Pro, great piece of software for 2D But if money is an issue - BLENDER 3D ( open source free ) also has 2D built in now .. its called Grease Pencil: https://www.blender.org/features/grease-pencil/
  7. Track we recorded a while back with permission from THE BLUE NILE. On it I used my Yamaha cg-110ce Classical I posted about above. It features from 2.36 on That track and Album its on ( Colourtide - UNDERWATER ) was all recorded using CAKEWALK at the time. Classical through DI via ext Audio I/O
  8. Just a heads up in case any users of MOHO here. Some JOBS. Cartoon Saloon are based in Kilkenny Ireland ( amazing small city in midlands, love the place )
  9. True, But for much of my use of that Guitar as a guitarist it is not classical in the true sense, use it alot for the tone and finger picking so to speak rather than plec
  10. Dont need it, I have one of these beauties ... Yamaha cg-110ce ... nothing beats the real thing
  11. CLAIM10 coupon for extra 10% 0ff ..
  12. Darkness new track. TURN IT UP LOUD .. album on way. WOW, love it, hearing all sorts of stuff in it
  13. Inc Netflix, Prime, Sky/Sky Sports etc???
  14. Aha, you might have the BETA switch in BLA settings enabled, I dont. Maybe this is a BETA update?
  15. No BLA update for me today - Im on 10.0.1
  16. It seems to be a CW update for me when I go into BLA and APPS - 2021.06 Update 3 .. no update for BLA itself https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk/whats-new
  17. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/eventide-h949-harmonizer Building on the legacy of the H910 pitch shifter, the H949 was Eventide’s first de-glitched pitch-shifter. Produced from 1977 - 1984, it introduced MicroPitch which used a proprietary single sideband modulation technique for precise control of small pitch shifts. The H949 also offered unique flange, reverse and randomized pitch effects. Multiple Uses Create perfect harmonies, custom musical intervals, or outlandish effects. Fatten snares, de-tune synths, spread guitars and create lush vocals that glue your mix. Spice up your guitar solos with delayed reverse sweeps, morph a solo vocalist into a group of backup singers, or send synths down flanged-out dub-holes to another sonic dimension. Any good? Anyone use Harmonizers? EDIT - Ah Sorry @cclarry .. just spotted you posted already. I looked before posting but missed your post further down, eyes dazzled
  18. TBH I have Reason Intro 11 and that has the plugin where I can use all the reason instruments / efx inside CW if I like so I see no reason for reason+
  19. I wonder how REASON+ is doing at €19.99 a month? For that you would want to be making good use of it .. €250 sheckles per annum
  20. One of my favourite bands Jeff Porcaro did session work with is Scottish band LOVE AND MONEY. A most amazing album y'all should go listen to is called STRANGE KIND OF LOVE ( on spotify etc ). Here is the title track with JEFF, listen to the sound, that snare hit coming in after intro vox at 1.19
  21. Jeff Porcaro is of TOTO fame but also a well respected session drummer before he died ( aged 38 ). See the list of bands and artists he did session work with. A veritable whos who https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Porcaro#Career
  22. Lets not forget Stewart Copeland, Jeff Porcaro, Manu Katché .. I know Im deliberately being 80s
  23. In case I lost the room re my probably and carlsberg comment
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