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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. Try using bounce to tracks instead of recording.
  2. You mean, using all the stuff that doesn't come with CbB but comes with SONAR? How would people that don't have access to these even test it on their systems?
  3. If I'm not mistaken, you have to run CbB as admin for some of these older plugins.
  4. Well, how much a mastering engineer normally charges?
  5. You don't see any marketing strategy. Do these musicians have Instagram, Twitter, YouTube... What they post in those places... And so on. Putting your music on playlists and streaming services is the easy part, but that alone doesn't make your music discoverable, since there's so much more people doing it thanks to the low entry point we have nowadays. I'm gonna offer you one bit of information that might not sit well with you it other people but... The music is the least important thing in this case. We live in a world where people have short attention spans and rarely listen to a music from beginning to end without skipping it. That effectively means what makes these other people retain an audience is not their content, but who they are. By and large, how you see people acting in social media is not how they are in real life.
  6. I'm pretty sure they would sell way more copies of those if the samples had that bit.
  7. So you'd rather struggle for almost 4 years with agressive brain cancer than covid...That's an interesting choice.
  8. A good starter is taking a look at those things from an analytical perspective. What are these people doing that makes them popular that I'm not doing and how do they do it?
  9. I am able to install Xpand2 wherever I want without problems.
  10. If you don't have automatic scan on, you have to rescan, otherwise CbB will throw errors when it tries to load a plugin that's no longer there.
  11. I offset that issue by having a version of Windows that's not compatible with V12 plugins... And Waves changed their site in such a way that I can't log in using Firefox so...No Waves plugins will happen here.
  12. I would be very careful with IEMs that have too much bass. These drivers sit too close to your eardrums and an accidental volume burst could damage your hearing, like happened with Mike Mangini, which was sent a +18dB signal into his IEMs by accident.
  13. You also only get stereo if the distance between your ears and the width of the stereo field is the same. Otherwise, you're listening to a mono source.
  14. Starise, sorry for my flippancy. I hope you didn't take offense. The truth is I appreciate what you said and can understand where you are coming from. But there comes a time in every middle-aged musician's life when they ask themselves....why can't I seem to capitalize on my successes? Because monetary compensation should a be a consequence of your work being recognized and not the means. There's a lot of marketing, social media stuff and others that you don't see by just looking at the numbers of Spotify and Bandcamp. Getting your music to those places is easy and you have subscription services like DistroKid that do it for you. How you get people to listen to it is the hard part. The hardest part of any product is selling it. Also, let's not forget that many of these people either know how to market their stuff or pay someone to do it for them. It's not some magic voodoo. It's hard work.
  15. I can remember one which was tried to play for Level 42 but couldn't fit. He also refused to pay open strings.
  16. It's weird that they include an older version of SpectraLayers on the latest Cubase.
  17. Unlikely. They probably will just make a completely digital unit with a couple of DSP chips, possibly SHARC, and throw their plugins there. Only thing I hope is that it doesn't look like the Quad Cortex, which can be confused with a DIY Raspberry Pi project.
  18. You're gonna have to use a pitch shifting plugin, as CbB doesn't have a plugin that does that.
  19. Adding to it: - Setting a track to send to none should remove the track and from its section. Instead, you end up with a phantom send that sends audio to nothing. Essentially, it should do the same thing as deleting the send, since that's fundamentally the same function.
  20. Try bouncing an odd number of tracks or a mix of stereo and mono tracks to a single aux track.
  21. I wasn't expecting Cakewalk to be two years older than Cubase.
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