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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. Well, going by the pedal angle, it could be something to leverage those UAD guitar effect emulations nobody buys because of the expensive entry point to get into the UA ecosystem.
  2. I love companies that require you to have iLok for a trial or demo. They're so paranoid that you have to jump through all the hoops a legitimate customer goes through.
  3. I always question product and download managers. 9 out of 10 require you to be there to click the buttons in the installer. That makes the product manager unnecessary and a nuisance. I wonder why only a few companies can do automatic installation but others don't. It's not some voodoo technology invented 5 minutes ago.
  4. That's not the problem. The problem is that this "bounce in place" method is not ideal and it's cumbersome. Bounce in place should work like this: - Render the audio processing clip, track and pro channel effects. An option to ignore volume fader settings could be ideal, but not necessary. - Replace the original clip with the rendered one. - Remove all effects from the plugin and reset ProChannel to its default state. This is essentially the same as Bounce to Tracks except it doesn't create new tracks. The current workaround has the following problems: - You still have the plugins used in the freeze process in the fx rack after you bounce the track. - Your ProChannel settings are the same as before the freeze. - You have to manually remove plugins from the rack. - ProChannel doesn't have a global reset parameter, so you have to reset each module manually.
  5. Subscription model for Luna. I'm gonna laugh the rest of the year if it's that.
  6. That website is the goat for mic testing. Proper scientific testing, no BS pseudoscience that famous engineer A that won 90 Grammy's in his sleep preaches like a religion..
  7. Yes. I never used MCompare or much of the Melda stuff. Their plugins have confusing user interfaces. I was talking about analyzing a mix at the mix stage. In my cases, mastering is something that may happen somewhere or it's just a suggestion.
  8. Sure, except that won't print the settings I put the in the freeze and I don't want them there after the freeze+bounce. Is it so difficult to add an option to reset those two of you bounce the freeze or maybe have an actual bounce in place option?
  9. Well, you're not supposed to eat aluminum or teflon and using it correctly ensures you don't end up with those materials in the food. It's a solved problem. But, people never follow instructions. Toothpaste manufacturers keep telling people that their product is not edible, yet people keep eating it and telling the big evil corporations are causing them cancer because of the fluoride in the paste. Next time people will tell old crock pots are better than new ones, despite old pots using sealants that have lead in their composition. Do anything with acidic food inside them and all that lead goes to your food.
  10. The section in the manual you patronizingly point me to doesn't describe that.
  11. Yes, but I was talking about mixing. Mastering is some process that happens somewhere in the end.
  12. You'll just have to download all plugins from the version you have as a zip file then do an offline install once Waves Central stops supporting them. Last time I checked, V12 was a 7 GB download. That's just the plugins. No impulse responses or sound libraries.
  13. According to the creator, he figured that he earns more money licensing the DAW technology than effectively selling it, so maintaining two different codebases was not cost effective. It's also one of the three DAWs that have native Linux versions. The other two being Bitwig and REAPER. Mixbus doesn't count because it's just Ardour with some proprietary fluff on top.
  14. I wouldn't necessarily call having to manually copy and paste the serials for every plugin you have "No fuss and very slick". I'm concerned about the day I buy Toolbox Ultimate cause there's over 20 modules in there.
  15. The good part about CCC is that you don't have to baby the installations. Other installers on the other hand...
  16. I tried that feature once and couldn't understand how you set it up or if it did something to the audio. I usually only commit to a mix because of an impeding deadline or because I've given up after starting over for the 30th time. That's not a joke.
  17. You could say that most modern songwriting and mixing is the equivalent of a fast food meal. You eat it and can't even remember how it tasted like because the experience is not memorable.
  18. Well, look at that. I was shown the right click option, which is per track. I believe you can't hide the MIDI meters because they're not audio signal meters, but velocity meters? Who knows.
  19. Is there a word for the audiophile version of a cook?
  20. I feel like some of the feature requests and complaints are often stemming from inefficient practices people see other "beat makers" doing online that look productive, but aren't. Like constructing beats by manually aligning samples at the timeline, which is stuff people had to do back when tape machines where the recording media.
  21. I think I have those. They were offered for free some time ago. Only issue is that they're for Fat Channel XT and I only have Studio One Artist 2. The EQ with square buttons is most likely the Neve 1073 EQ.
  22. How am I gonna do that when the setting to hide meters on the console is per track?
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