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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. There's only one documented flaw with RME stuff. One of their interfaces, either by design or mistake would send 60v DC through the line outs, which ended with RME paying to fix a phono preamp and subsequently discontinuing that product. For starters, RME uses FPGA as DACs instead ot off-the-shelf DACs like everyone else does. That allows them greater control over how audio conversion is done and lower latencies, since they can just optimize the FPGA for that task. Their Hammerfall HDSPe card has the lowest round trip latency of any past of current interface in the market today and you also had features no other manufacturer did. On their audio interfaces, I believe you can still use all inputs and outputs at the same time.
  2. That will depend on the kind of surf sound you want. Surf guitar on instrumental music and music with vocals are two different things. While the spirit of of the surf sound is a very boingy spring reverb ( the kind that make the "droplet" sound when a muted note is picked ), there's also a hint of vibrato and tremolo in some instances, especially in cases where the amp used doesn't have those. Although a clean sound is mentioned, some of the surf sounds are fairly overdriven or push the amp into breaking up. If you were playing yourself, this would be the trick to get that Dick Dale sound without having to use the very thick strings Dick used ( he used 016 gauge strings ).
  3. The bundled tuner plugs are IP protected so we have to ask Overloud to provide one.
  4. M-Audio Delta 1010. What? You don't have PCI slots on your PC? Oh well..
  5. One thing I'll point out is that the plugins have no documentation whatsoever, so you you have to guess what they do.
  6. I hope the plugin is not written in Python, as displayed in the background.
  7. As long as I can keep my cardboard box dry and buy noodles to eat, I'll still be making music.
  8. There's a clear difference between component tolerances and components out of spec. When your 20% resistors are 40% out, they're out of spec. That can damage other components and put you in danger if you're talking high voltage gear. That's because engineers actually have their heads stuck on. Not only digital can emulate the behavior of analog circuits, but that behavior can be deterministic and repeatable, unlike the physical unit, whose sound and behavior will change due to external factors beyond your control. If you're taking about the Germanium transistors in the Fuzz Face, that pedal came out in 1966. Silicon transistors started appearing in the market in 1956 and the switch was done on later models because silicon transistors gave the pedal a more stable operation despite having a harsher sound and being susceptible to AM interference. More a case of "I'll use this component because it's what is available cheap" than any other mojo motive. I'll offset any spicy memes with this
  9. That's awesome actually. Why would anyone want to buy an overpriced piece of gear entirely comprised of old parts that are most likely out of spec due to wear is beyond me. I'm pretty sure you would turn your head around or call the police if your doctor suddenly suggested that a way to cure a headache was to open a hole in the top of your cranium and leave your brain exposed to the environment.
  10. With some creativity and a new string, that's a Lego anchor.
  11. These sites are pulling a Spotify on you. Give you annoying things on the free plan that cause you to subscribe to get rid of them...Only to find out that they don't go away even with you paying.
  12. Non-segmented meters is an option you can change on the settings.
  13. I was wondering if I should make this post or not, but it has run its course. There are some issues with the notification system that make it unusable and getting more in your way than anything: - When you click on the bell to see which notifications you have, clicking on any of them automatically marks all the others as read. That makes notifications semi useless, as now you have to remember which notifications are new and which are not simply because you chose to see one. - If you click on the bottom toast to see a notification you just received, it's not marked as read on the bell. While that might be a desirable feature, it may lead to user annoyance after they either went away for a while or weren't paying attention, see a notification on the bell and it's from a message they've already looked at or responded to.
  14. Well, at least it's better than doing the same emulations over and over again....Assuming this hardware unit is not a mishmash of those same old emulations in a single unit.
  15. Keep in mind that DistroKid has extra costs not listed on their main plan section. Also, if you want to have more than 2 artists, DistroKid is more expensive, as LANDR has that feature on their mid plan while DistroKid requires you to go for the 5 artist label plan, which is only slightly cheaper at $79.99/yr than LANDR's top plan, which allows up to 7 artists. For example, if you want your music to be in YouTube's ContentID library, you have to pay DistroKid a cost per single/year or album/year + 20% of the revenue you make. That's on top of your subscription. If that's a cover, that's $12/yr per song. One thing I'm not liking about DistroKid is they seem to hide the full details of their plans and paid features on purpose. On LANDR, they're all in a single page with a features list. DistroKid's...Go to their webpage and see if you can find a link to their pricing. Their page looks almost like it's done to mislead you into signing, then you find the extra costs and stuff after you've pulled the plug. It's almost like they are the NordVPN of distribution services.
  16. So, let me get this straight. They made a custom hardware compressor whose sole purpose is being used to model a plugin. And why don't they sell the hardware instead?
  17. Gain staging first. How you will process vocals depends largely on the song and the style of vocals. You wouldn't want to apply the same chain used in screaming heavy metal vocals to a gentle airy female vocal in an acoustic slow song. and vice versa. There are no recipes for this. Maybe pick a song where you like the vocal mix and try to replicate it, for example.
  18. Would that really make much of a difference when the only program running is the DAW?
  19. They have to prepare themselves for the endless comparisons with the Arturia Microfreak they copied after the UNO Synth Pro gets released.
  20. Only Bob Clearmountain had a Pultec that would go to 11, which was then returned and when he asked for it back, the guy said it was broken and had disassembled it.
  21. CbB doesn't have any VI synths. You only get TTS-1 and the Studio Instruments.
  22. Then you have to compare them against other distribution services like CDBaby and others mentioned.
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