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Bruno de Souza Lino

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Everything posted by Bruno de Souza Lino

  1. You technicality can create that sound using a bassy amp like a Marshall, but it requires more tweaking. I've seen a few tutorials on the matter, but all of them go for period specific gear. Things like obscure guitars, effects and amps you can only find with your local Reverb scalper. I'll see if I do a semi tutorial on it.
  2. Do you have fast storage? Is your RAM fast? Is CbB configured to take advantage of your hardware? Are you using too little samples in your drivers? Is your interface sharing the same USB bus with slower devices? The last one is.extremely important. As fast as USB is, it still is a serial bus. If you havea device that's slower than your interface in the same bus, the controller will run everything at the speed of the slowest device in the chain for compatibility reasons.
  3. AFAIK, there's no plugin that does the full spectrum of brush playing as you see jazz drummers and the like performing. The most you get is drums being hit using brushes which most libraries should have either bundled or as an add on.
  4. Just be more tolerant with Presonus. It only took them 5 versions to figure it was a better idea to have Artist have VST and MP3 instead of having them as paid add-ons or having an intermediary version which was the same as Artist but with those two add one. They are a bit slow. You'll probably receive the property video tutorial when version 9 comes out.
  5. So what happens when you upgrade from MTurboReverb to a bundle that has MTurboReverbLE?
  6. I love the fact that the entire first half of the marketing text is a collection of masturbation analogies. Yes, I know the quote is empty. I can't seem to delete it on mobile.
  7. One thing I often do is use different plugins per track. Yeah, I know this compressor and EQ work for this track, but let's use a different one. I'm yet to try loading Relay into every single track and Visual Mixer on the Master bus. Cartesian mixing.
  8. This would be more useful as an option you can enable or a menu thing. There are many instances where you don't want the clip to have the same name as the track.
  9. This would also be a QoL feature as well, since every bundled plugin in CbB doesn't look like it supports side chaining until you have it on one track and decide to send the audio of a track somewhere. Think of all people that are using third party plugins for stuff the bundled plugins already do because some features are hidden behind menus.
  10. So if I have a car, add one option as an upgrade, then decide I want to upgrade to a pack which doesn't have that upgrade, can the manufacturer downgrade the upgrade that's already there because it's not part of the pack?
  11. I was gonna upgrade to Studio One 5 Artist, but Presonus didn't accept my debit card.
  12. Distorted sounds not only have extra harmonics above the fundamental but below it as well. That confuses the algorithm and it's not sure which is the right one.
  13. A hat is the standard currency in Team Fortress 2.
  14. I tend to use the ProChannel for 99% of the mixes I do. EQ always in G mode. Compressor is always the 1176 emulation. Sometimes console emulation is on, but always in S mode.
  15. Thankfully, Beatles recordings are extremely well documented. There are a series of books that cover pretty much every single recording season they've done, which equipment was used and even how they were distributed in the live room.
  16. Interesting. Are they now taking free Linux plugins and selling them?
  17. I'm gonna guess Melda is probably not making enough money or thinks they are not making enough money.
  18. I'm gonna take a look at the 1820c manual. While I do have Studio One, it's an older version which doesn't have pipeline. (2 Artist). Do you happen to have loopback mode enabled?
  19. You're the only person trying to have an argument here.
  20. One thing. Trs connectors wired for stereo are not balanced connections, since you only have signal and ground, instead of signal positive and negative and ground.
  21. I'll chuck that into the corner with the other 5 million Marshall Super Lead 100 emulations that are released every 12 seconds.
  22. The fun thing is the "Modern Beats Maker/Producer/YouTuber Pack", which consists of Ableton Suite then ignoring all bundled synths and buying Serum.
  23. I think I'll wait until I can get my dream dual socket 128 core Epyc setup with 2 TB of RAM and four Quadro RTX cards. Then I might be able to run these plugins at 90% cpu usage.
  24. Eh... Just play some buckets and use drum replacer. This is how the told Mike Mangini to get those Dream Theater sounds.
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