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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. Nice! I forgot that this was in their stable. Great find.
  2. No. Another shortcoming. No MIDI save or drag/drop. You need to record the output.
  3. Interesting concept. I had not seen the Reaktor version before. After playing with the demo for a bit, I think it really needs about an eight slot pattern memory per patch. It is rather fun and easy to cook up variations once you have something you like, but saving and recalling them with file explorer is a pain.
  4. https://www.adsrsounds.com/hexcel/ This was (is?) a Reaktor gadget that is now available as VST3/AU. On sale for $17.99 until Oct 31 at ADSR, then $25. 30 day free full function trial available. Ad copy: Hexcel works with any synth that accepts MIDI Hexcel can work in any DAW and with any synth that accepts MIDI input. Hexcel is a fast and simple way to create profoundly creative, complex sequenced melodies and chords.
  5. Their stuff never really jelled with me, and this version is no different. Worked OK in Studio One 6 here, but I don't care for the UI.
  6. https://www.mntra.io/product/rasa/ Update for other titles in process. Freebie "Rasa" is a free sample of other library sounds for the updated MNTRA 2 engine. Web site is slow ATM. Requires MNDALA2 host https://www.mntra.io/mndala/ Ad copy: Rasa is a taste of the vast creative possibilities that our unique instruments have to offer. Drawing from four of Mntra’s instruments, Rasa features four of our sample maps: the large Tibetan Horn (Orakle), the Morin khuur (Arca), Pitched Volcanic Rocks (Atma), and our “Viper” Death Whistle (UDW) Rasa includes 20 expertly curated presets to get you started on the powerful sound sculpting possibilities of our dedicated VST/AU MNDALA 2 engine. Visit us at www.mntra.io Get Rasa ar www.mntra.io/product/rasa
  7. What this thread needs is some pessimism..... Arturia Subscription Plan? ?
  8. Indiginus is top notch. I only had Realitone Banjo before this one. Realitone pales in comparison (but it was fun back when I bought it). "The Banjo" has a lot more versatility. I still don't have Resophonic or Lap Steel, but I have The Madolin and Renegade Acoustic and they are also excellent.
  9. Join Arturia for 'Rendez-vous', a one-off livestream event showcasing a series of special announcements. Tuesday, October 18th, 2022 at 6PM CET
  10. https://www.amazon.com/earlyaccess For Prime members only. Not sure there are any real deals here, so YMMV. On my page they featured D'Addario strings, but the prices were no better than what I paid a few weeks ago.
  11. Version 1.4 released. Free to all owners. https://www.sononym.net/categories/releases/ Note: If you are considering new purchase, I think they have done a 50% off sale the past couple of Black Fridays. However- It looks like they have a 25% off code offer on the release page. A bird in the hand...
  12. 16 Unify libraries 40% off. "All month long" so ends Oct 31, I assume https://www.pluginguru.com/current-promotions/
  13. I really had a ball when I first loaded up The Fiddle. It is just so playable "live" without recording and futzing with articulations in the piano roll. Maybe special to me since I have guitars and a banjo that I play (poorly) but when I pick up a fiddle, it's only good for clearing the room.
  14. Yep- Agree with @abacab Also- He does a small discount on intro and that is it. His pricing is more than fair. Any releases I passed up at release I wound up buying later, so I am sure to pull the trigger shortly. Maybe Tracy will release a free The Jug VST for Christmas and get a little front porch quartet going along with The Banjo, The Fiddle, and The Resonator.
  15. https://www.indiginus.com/the-banjo Requires Kontakt full 5.8
  16. Phasing phreebie Also- update to the Kilohearts system https://kilohearts.com/products/channel_mixer
  17. Ticked off is an understatement. https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=587607 540 posts and counting in the past 31 hours.
  18. My UVI Product updater is just spinning it's wheels. I got the updates direct from the UVI site (still rather slow). https://www.uvi.net/my-products
  19. This is a massive kick in the nuts to Bitwig update subscribers. And I am very sore. Plenty of comments on the Bitwig KVR forum already, and none of them supportive. Sure wish I had not bought my next subscription code already. It apparently will not get me very much value now that they are charging extra for features.
  20. Weird. If I go to the link, I see it is free with purchase. When I log in and try to get it free with SubLab for $10, the price is $49. Guess I will send PB a note. <edit> Not purchased from PB in a long time. Not getting the "claim free gift" button at all. <edit edit> Well... THIS is embarrassing. I already had it in my account from a past freebie. At least I don't think I am alone in having this happen among y'all.
  21. I quit the list when they stopped the vouchers. It took me two sign-up tries to get back on the list. Maybe give it one more go? Glad they added some more $19.99 plugs. I was about full up on freebies.
  22. Yes- I think EW is transitioning from Play engine to Opus. The only other EW title I have (in addition to Hollywood Orchestra) is Hollywood Backup Singers, which is also hosted in Opus. I don't have a sub however.
  23. All products UP TO 60% off. Not sure of the end date. https://www.soundsonline.com/horror-sale <edit> Missed the cursed "UP TO" - buggers
  24. Horror genre pack for the Ochestrator within EastWest Hollywood Orchestra Opus. Free for owners/subscribers. Use EastWest Installer to update and look for categories "Modern Horror", "Supernatural Thriller", "Classic Chills", and "Monster Movie. 26 presets
  25. It looks like Best Service ran out of update keys. Hopefully sorted before the weekend. Perhaps it is SOP. I don't recall where I got my past updates.
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