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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. Yeah, sorry about that. I always assumed that "Loyalty" referred to being a frequent customer. I wonder if this has been their policy all along? I may have been considered "Loyal" on other offers for owning parts of other collections (including freebies). Or maybe it's a policy change. ? Moral of the story apparently is to check your price after logging in to UJAM directly. The "Loyalty" box may be greyed out!
  2. I like this one too. I didn't trial Vogue, but I am having fun with Vibe. $70.51 at Best Service MUST OWN UJAM VOGUE price with $2.37 Bestcoin. The Loyalty price is only good if you own the other piano? Looks that way on the UJAM site. BUMMER! I own a ton of their stuff. $88.36 at Best Service for schmucks.
  3. Now that your bank account has recovered from BF, you get another chance! $251.61 in the cart at JRR Shop with code "group". EastWest Hollywood Orchestra OPUS Edition.
  4. I missed the BF deal ? when this was $29, but it is still $39 at PB regular price is $59 and it was $39 at intro in October. I found it really easy to fiddle with the settings and get some fun output. There are a couple videos, but they don't really demonstrate the depths that can be easily plumbed. Get the demo- there are included presets, but I had to point the directory to it (documents folder). The demo drops out the signal, but it is not too annoying. Programming by Tadashi Suginomori of HY fame. Stepic is still the king, IMO, but it's interface is jam packed. I like the simplified UI of Seqund, that hides lanes that you are not using. SEQUND VST and AU, M1 compatible.
  5. Groove Agent 5 at Best Service for $88.57 + 2.97 Bestcoin.
  6. From email: Out On Monday Holiday Season means Baby Audio Freebie season! Here's a quick recap: 2019: Magic Switch 2020: Baby Comeback 2021: Magic Dice 2022: ? We've got something offbeat this year. Something you probably didn't think you needed. But once you have it, we think you'll have a hard time keeping it away from your instruments. It's an effect that should rarely be overdone – but a little bit works like magic. And that's all we'll say for now! You'll receive a download link on Monday. The plugin is entirely free and it's our way of thanking you for your support in 2022. We never take it for granted. The 2022 freebie will be available for both desktop and iOS platforms. Meanwhile, if you're missing any of our existing freebies, click the link below to stock up. https://babyaud.io/freebies
  7. AH, thanks! I I thought that would finish the purchase so I didn't venture on. Weird that it would offer to apply my credits before showing the final price ?
  8. Hopefully they will fix it, but the discount for completing your bundle may not show (it doesn't for me).
  9. "Uncle E" (owner of JRR Shop) dropped a hint over on KVR Deals Chat that XLN Audio would be running another sale "in a couple weeks".
  10. Thanks for the post Michael. The key point is that their app will no longer index user content for non-subscribers. Whereas version 6.3.5 still works. I got the same $60/yr offer when my sub ran out in October, but I decided it was not worth it for me, as I looked back on how little I used it in the past year.
  11. www.auddict.com/dorian-marko-monster-low-strings Kontakt Full required. Not sure what version minimum, but it works in 6.
  12. I made a rather flippant reference to the Aleatoric Konatk freebie that I got with my Orchestra 3 upgrade from Best Service. It is actually pretty good! I am not crazy about a lot of the samples, but there are 305 included, and I've not gone that deep yet. The scripting is top notch. Very tweakable UI. Reminiscent of some SampleLogic UI's with quad sample play and motion controls. Aleatoric Metamorphic Movement by Ergo Kukke is, at the moment, one of the freebies (with $100 purchase) at Best Service (Full Kontakt 6 required).
  13. Thank you! "Aleatoric Kontakt Thing-a-ma-bob" it is, then. ?
  14. A little OT, but if I choose the AAS Universal Soundpack as my BestService freebie, does anyone know if I can sit on it for a while and apply it to a yet-to-be-released AAS pack?
  15. Sorry about that! I will change the post. At least it validated my jumping on the deal before sleeping on it.
  16. Thanks @ZincT I also notice that vibrato was toned down on the VI posted song "Timber". Looks like the clock is ticking for me to "save" $10 ?
  17. ☹️ Sorry! Apparently this was a limited offer and has expired! Enter code NEW50 at checkout to get $50 off any purchase of $100 or more at https://reverb.com/ Apparently restricted to new accounts, but it might work for a guest check-out. I ordered a Komplete Kontrol S49 Keyboard MK1 (Refurb with 90 day warranty) from the Native Instruments US Direct store for $178 with free shipping.
  18. Thanks for the info. I need to catch up with the Synth V tools. I had a vibrato script (user contributed that I found somewhere) but it was crashing at run time so I deleted it. I've not even looked at the 1.8 update yet, other than getting it installed.
  19. Ohhh you are evil @ZincT! I easily wrote him off based on the early demos, but you and the folks on VI are trying to drag me back with these recent posts. I thought sure you were going to bring him in on the second verse of "Fat Bottom Girls". That would be killer ? Have you found it easy (or have you tried) to reduce his vibrato? The default is a bit much for the way I would want to use him.
  20. Wow Larry- Great minds ?... I just two hours ago meandered over to the Acoustica forum for my bi-monthly update on the "10" status. by Acoustica Greg » Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:35 am Hi, We're still hard at work on Mixcraft 10. It's taking a while, because we went back into some old spaghetti code and updated it. We've also redone the graphics so Mixcraft 10 will scale better on high resolution monitors. We don't like to release software before it's ready just to meet a deadline. More info will be made available as we get closer to release in the coming months. Thank you for your patience and all your support! Greg
  21. Every time they do a new release I install and look it over again (gotta love the free update policy). There are a ton of great features, but am I the only person that is completely put-off by the MIDI routing? Assigning & tracking MIDI device numbers instead of using alpha tags? In version 21? MIDI hardware won't pass cc until you customize the settings. Harrumph. Or, in keeping with the season, Bah Humbug.
  22. https://www.image-line.com/ There is a sale running until Jan 1
  23. I still have 6.3.5 installed and all my non-loopcloud samples are still there. You might try the links @MusicMan provided to grab the installer while you can. Since we don't really know the source, I would recommend scanning it with Virus Total. I actually find myself using the ADSR freebie anyway. Too bad you can't port your tags over.
  24. Thanks for the comments @locrian on Physion and @BTP , @pseudopop and @Craig N on Plugin Fox. I just wasn't familiar with them. Looks like they are a neighbor (Portland OR).
  25. https://pluginfox.com/products/eventide-physion-mkii So although I have an apparently good offer for the Eventide Bundle, I would be getting stuff I won't use. I have the 30 day bundle trial. Physion MK2 is near the top of my Eventide "want list", so I am thinking of just cherry-picking. $49 looks great, but I don't remember seeing much feedback here about Plug-in Fox. Good buyer experiences? Thanks!
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