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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. My memory is way too hazy. Back then I was into programming, so I wrote some simple sequencing stuff. I remember an Electronic Arts music title, but I don't know if it did MIDI. Dr. T doesn't ring a bell but "Bars and Pipes" does. I think that is what I used after I realized I didn't want to go that deep with programming ?
  2. Good synth. It does sell cheaper- it was $10 or less last year when I bought it. CZ101 was my first synth, plugged into my Amiga. Fond memories. I kept almost every guitar I bought, but it never occurred to me that those plastic and circuit-board gizmos would one day be sought after. At least the sounds are cheap today. ?
  3. I am new to Steinberg, so maybe this is just how it works. I went to the offer page, which took me to a download page, which just circled back to the offer page. Nothing ever downloaded. When I checked my email though, there was a download key for Steinberg Download Assistant, so I got it. I am learning the convoluted ways of the Steinberg ecosystem. Thanks Simeon!
  4. Imagine what they will price the equivalent of Komplete Ultimate Subscription at... ?
  5. Cool sounding demos alright. Some work went into making these. On sale until Jan 24 in case they don't allow it for the holiday freebie.
  6. @TheSteven When you have Opus squared away, go to the Brass / Tuba Solo and load the keyswitched patch. I discovered that I had some incorrect and missing samples on my SSD that EW quickly resolved (sent me a file link). I thought I was "fixing" the problem by pointing Opus to the directory, but it kept occurring. Turns out if Opus can't find the samples, it just skips them after the retry, but it does write errors to a log file. Support said there should have been a patch in the installer, but I didn't find one.
  7. Thanks Bapu- At least they could send me a canned response and not ignore and block me. Nor should they charge a card until they "ship". Only a few $ more to buy from Steinberg, and when they sold me the Halion Crossgrade it only took an hour to approve.
  8. I bought a fair amount of stuff from "Best" Service over the years. Friday November 26 I ordered the Cubase Pro Crossgrade. They sent me an email address to send a form and proof of crossgrade ownership, which I provided. They never confirmed receipt, but charged my card. Tuesday Nov 30 I sent an inquiry asking for a status update. No response. I saw that they changed their web site to allow "up to one week" to process the order. Today at the end of their business day (10 days after ordering AND paying) )I sent an email asking for order status- My email had been blocked by their server as spam. Two emails in 10 days asking where my order was got me blocked! I sent another email from a different account telling them to cancel and refund immediately. I also filed a complaint with my cc bank.?
  9. Actually, they haven't found the box yet- "Image Coming Soon" ?
  10. Start your engines. Remember they are an hour earlier this year. 0700 Pacific 1000 Eastern, 1500 in Timbuktu.
  11. Yes in deed. It works just fine. I installed the programs to my M2 and just plugged the EastWest SSD into an open port. I found the EW provided instructions pretty clear as far as installing and using the SSD. It is slower than the M2 for sure, but I don't have the room (by a long shot) on that drive. Such a bummer on getting the Mac version! Happens to me every time at Plugin Boutique, but that is a 5 second fix There is a little room to spare, so I moved my Hollywood Backup Singers over there to hang out with the Orchestra nerds. They seem to be getting along OK ? There is a setting in the Player Opus that let's you just load the used samples rather than whole parts- that will save a lot of load time.
  12. And I thought their upgrades were confusing BEFORE I read your post ? Seriously though- Thanks Reid for your thorough analysis! I too think BIAB is a ton of fun. They have been "my band" for a long time. Amazing how much it has continued to evolve from the MIDI only days.
  13. They are really tight with their licensing. At least (so far) I can use an older version on my other PC. Rather a pain.
  14. DAW - https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform-free Cakewalk is better, but choice is good Synth - https://vital.audio/ Mind-blowing freebie. Sample based - https://www.indiginus.com/freebees Not really competitive with paid recent libs, but fun to be had.
  15. At some point they are going to have to develop VST3 versions (I would think). Maybe they will fix them then? Not holding my breath. I am also disappointed with their support. I informed them of some bugs in their Virtual Bass (forgot which one) on version one. They acknowledged them, but didn't fix them until the paid V2 upgrade version.
  16. I think I got it- I didn't look at the "PlusPak" option at $99. I guess that is the way to go if you want to upgrade every year. Their options are not the clearest to understand. ?
  17. Not following your logic. If you upgrade BIAB 2010 (skipped 11 upgrades), the cost is $199. 20$ more than upgrading BIAB 2021.
  18. At https://www.pgmusic.com/bbwin.packages.htm if you follow the UltraPak+ column down the rows, you should see a price for 2021-2022, and after that, 2020 and earlier. I think the prices were $179 / $199
  19. At least they have been very fair with their upgrade pricing. It is only $20 more to upgrade every 2 or more years. I usually wait about three. I suppose they could change that policy, but I have been using BIAB for a couple decades. The prices have gone up, but they keep packing more chops in the Box.
  20. Uhg. Not a deal. Their first post was asking you to spam a friend in the Youtube comments (I guess) in order to get a freebie. Boo UJAM.
  21. I am definitely in for the drawing, thanks! Been looking at Ample for years. I have the Komplete guitars and a couple of Indiginus'. I have been playing guitar for several decades, but my arthritis has pretty much taken the fun out of it. What draws me especially to Ample is the Riffer editor feature. I would think that would be a strong draw to actual guitarists? I favor blues/jazz, and am looking at the 335, Les Paul, and Taylor steel-string. Any comments on those are welcomed. I played mostly a Strat for so long I am kind of looking for something different right now (maybe get that later ) I still have "intonation nightmares" from that guitar.
  22. Looks like they are selling this now for $50 http://www.audiofier.com/pragmabeat/ Note this interesting admonition on their purchase page: DUE TO THE VERY HIGH SAMPLE COUNT THIS LIBRARY MIGHT TAKE LONGER THAN EXPECTED TO LOAD IN SOME SYSTEMS (AVRG. 45 SECONDS ON INTEL CORE I7 FROM INTERNAL FUSION DRIVE ). PLEASE TAKE THIS IN ACCOUNT BEFORE BUYING. Loop based drum machine. Teaser:
  23. Credit to Larry for the original post In particular- if you are looking for Halion 6 Full version, and you own Falcon, Kontact, Machfive, or Omnisphere, you can save another $50 off the sale price ($175 $125 total) with the crossgrade option at https://www.steinberg.net/promotion/ At checkout you can select the Crossgrade option instead of full. cclarry created a topic in Deals.url
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