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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. That would be my take. Since I own the UJAM, I am not looking further, but if you have the Reason Rack VST capability, this might be interesting. Should UJAM ever decide to update to "Version 2" (like they did for the basses), I expect you would not be eligible for a cheap upgrade, as this Reason version is apparently going to be "abandonware".
  2. This looks and sounds a LOT like the UJAM guitars (which I own). I found this after a bit of digging: https://forum.reasontalk.com/viewtopic.php?t=7492208
  3. Objec Delay IS very good, alas I already own it. Lot of dupes for me, probably from past HB AAS library offer that I picked up. "Endangered Species" for $1 was a new one though. Thanks for the post!
  4. Thanks for the post. I am still getting a time out error. Got this freebie the last time they gave it away. It's OK. Same for Pulse downloader. I had to use it to get the Audio Ollie $3 "Taste" (a waste of time, bandwidth and $3 IMHO). You can uninstall Pulse after getting your content.
  5. This is the culprit on my system. I have an HDMI monitor that is seen as an audio device by Windows 10 20H2. Even though I went in to device manager and disabled the (audio) driver, when my monitor goes to "sleep" with Cakewalk open, I get the same warning after waking it up. Mildly annoying. If you find a way to kill it off, I would like to learn the secret. Windows used to insist on setting HDMI to primary audio device every update, but disabling the driver fixed that. IDK why Cakewalk still "misses" it.
  6. I subscribed to Loopcloud last December for one year during a promo rate. I decided it was not worth $120 for another year, so I let it lapse last week. They just emailed me a unique code for another year at $60, expiring in a week. Honestly I am still not sure that it is worth that to me, but if you use them, you might let your sub lapse for a week and see if they wave the bait.
  7. After a couple more hours of searching, I found the answer. The SPP suffix apparently refers to "Sonar Plugin Preset", and are imported via the Plug In Manager in Cakewalk. (Again- Cakewalk newb here). The files don't appear to exist in the CW file structure. Perhaps in the registry unless exported? Anyway- Problem solved -for me-.
  8. REAL Newbie question- HOW do you load the SPP file? I have installed AZ Controller and have it reading my ATOM, and I can link controllers, but the only presets I can load are those that I create myself. I can't see a way to "browse" for files ? Thanks!
  9. https://soundiron.com/products/flatulus This was a freebie a couple years ago.
  10. Got mine a couple hours after asking support. Alas, IDK what I did wrong, but the library I got was not what I clicked on. Oh well- Next year!
  11. This was a pricing mistake, as explained by the programmer on the VI thread. If you got the deal, congrats! It is fixed now The banner on the site says "40% off all libraries", and that is what it said yesterday when the deal started. Skippy just made a slip and applied the discount across all products. I believe Unify is the only "non-library" that they offer so far. Easy mistake. I too had Unify since the beginning. Well worth it (see Reid's post ^). Cloud City had my interest but I thought the price a bit high. I may bite at @ $35 though.
  12. And... If you already own the bundle (or ShaperBox 2) it will be in your CableGuys account.
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