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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. Ah- I thought I remembered that. Likely be on sale often as well.
  2. https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/66-Music-Courses/78-Video-Courses/10445-Scaler-2-Official-Course $19 reg $29 This released in April, but the intro price ends this month. I am thinking about picking it up from PB and getting the Moogler Floogler freebie. Curious if anyone here has this yet. 6+ hours of content. Must be some gems in there? Publisher link: https://online.schoolofsynthesis.com/scaler-2-course-page
  3. They say on the site that the $29 upgrade offer ends June 14. Get the new SuperPlate at a special intro price or as part of your Soundtoys 5.4 bundle upgrade. Save 40% and upgrade to the Soundtoys 5 bundle for only $29 thru June 14th. Check the Upgrade Offers tab for more info.
  4. Sign up for the newsletter to get a stacking 15% off coupon. Kontakt instruments. Some require FULL Kontakt 6+. https://narothaudio.com/collections/all BLOOM (Runs in FREE Kontakt player) Cinematic Sound Engine $89.00 $149.00 ALLOY VOL I Chromatic Discs $59.00 $99.00 RHYTHMUS Found Percussion $59.00 $99.00 MOOD GUITARS Lofi + Chill $41.00 $69.00 POLYRHYTHMUS PRESETS Rhythmus Preset Pack $4.00 $7.00 DARK MOTION PRESETS Rhythmus Preset Pack $5.00 $15.00
  5. $32.76 At JRR with "group" code. Tempting. https://www.soundonsound.com/reviews/sampleson-alienize Ack- Skip it. Some fun sounds but the UI is a real pain. Have to drop a menu for every patch change. Very uneven part levels. Darn GAS.
  6. It will be interesting to see if they try to entice some cash flow by offering some of their recent releases with a version 13 this Fall. So far the only upgrades to the DAW have been fulfilling their promises for version 12 almost two years ago. I am on my second year of Reason Plus at $80/year thanks to holiday sales, and I will probably keep it up if they keep it Reason-able (sorry). (no, I'm not)
  7. Jeepers. My "special customer price" at Sonible for owning five of their plugs is 179 Euros for the Dynamics bundle. I took the Best Service deal for $41.41 I doubt that Sonible direct is going to beat that. Arg! I got a "No serial numbers available" email from Best... Probably a miss-price. Update: Code was waiting in my email this morning. Registered and working ?
  8. Agree. I bought a lot of cables from them over the years (including TRS) and they have stood the test of time (and stomping, tripping over, vacuuming...).
  9. Well, I am impressed with it. I spent an hour playing with it in Reason 12, and found the interface quite well thought-out. It does sound rather like Chromaphone and String Studio had a baby. It is weak on pads and traditional synth sounds, but organic leads and percussion are excellent. Here is a deeper diving sales pitch-
  10. https://reasonstudios.com/products/objekt/ Also available in the Reason Shop $79 for two weeks, then $99 Objekt is an open-ended physical modeling synthesizer, meaning it models the properties of acoustic instruments and gives you control over those as parameters. Instead of choosing between pre-made options, it opens the hood to the inner workings of physical modeling synthesis so that you can experiment and approach it like what it really is: a synthesizer. At the heart of Objekt are three resonating objects, think of them like the instrument itself, with in-depth control to create anything from a string or bell to a skin or something yet unheard. The instrument is then set in motion by the Exciter section. From the short impact of a stick to a wash of noisy static, the Exciter lets you play the instrument in dynamic and wonderful ways. Tweak the sound to suit your needs or invent entirely new instruments with just a few parameter changes. Objekt generates all sound in real time without relying on pre-recorded samples which makes it dynamic, playable, and easily customizable—but also fast and lightweight. Need somewhere to start? Explore over 500 expertly crafted patches covering a wide range of sounds. Objekt excels at both realistic reproductions and new imaginary instruments that doesn’t exist. Until now. Move any parameter to see what happens. Use the powerful randomizer to slightly alter a patch or morph it to a brand new direction. Start from scratch and see where you end up. Objekt’s designed to be explored on your terms. Objekt is perfectly integrated into the Reason Rack workflow with the familiar browser, native undo, CV and audio cables, and more. You can even connect any audio signal to the External Input and use any sound to excite the instrument’s resonators to incredible effect, think of it like an “acoustic vocoder”. Features Open-ended physical modeling synthesis for unique acoustic sounds Dynamic, lifelike, and easily customizable Powerful randomizer for instant variation and inspiration Over 500 included patches Included with Reason+ Requires Reason 10.1 or later. The included Combinator patches require Reason 12.
  11. I hope IK fixes this. My Jampoints don't expire until August, so I have been holding off buying the TS Max upgrade. The products are great, but the delivery is painful. Especially that petty 6 month download window.
  12. Omega Synth is $26.10 and Alpha Synth Bundle is $26.99 with the FIESTA10 code during APD "Cinco" sale.
  13. It is not just you, it is by design. I remember reading some blather from them about "keeping your synths up to date", but I do not understand why it remains resident after you exit your DAW. It is easy enough to kill it in the Windows System Tray, but I am always suspicious of stuff like this that wants to keep running when you are not using it.
  14. Yep. I am loving Rift. I suppose I could get similar effects out of Cable Guys suite or my other multi-fx plugs, but Rift is really easy to use. Pull up a preset and just fiddle with the wet/dry and two macro knobs. Like all of my multi-fx, the presets seem heavy handed (so far), but what sets it apart is the ease of dialing it back. No demo, but 30 day satisfaction guarantee.
  15. https://www.loopcloud.com/cloud/subscriptions/plans If you missed this as a freebie a year or so ago- great lo-fi / tape VST. According to the Loopcloud YT promo you can get this with a free trial. Good until May 31. https://www.arturia.com/products/software-effects/tape-mello-fi/overview
  16. I have been able to get the subscription at JRR for @ $80 each of the past two Black Friday sales. So far I am OK with the value, even though I pretty much only use the rack. You can't use the JRR code to add to an active sub- you need to wait for your sub to expire, and then use the JRR provided link to register/renew. At least that is how it worked for me last December. I sat on the code for six weeks before using it. Things can change though, I suppose. YMMV.
  17. I don't know what their minimum is, but I used the last (March) voucher to buy percussion factory for $79, so I guess that is why I got another.
  18. I think we all got the same code, but it is tied to your account. "31---05", and the three --- letters would be an easy guess ? Bright side- If I'm wrong, I just saved at least 80 bucks!
  19. They appear to be emphasizing the flatwound strings, but I already bought the Gospel EBX for that.
  20. Received by email from UVI 20 $/€ no minimum. Good for the month. Looks generic, but I assume tied to account (like the March version). Does not show in my https://www.uvi.net/en/discount OUCH- I missed the fine print: Valid through May 31st at uvi.net, for the purchase of any permanent license of $99/99€ or more. ?
  21. Now listed at AudioDeluxe with "DeluxeBucks" https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/eventide?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue
  22. https://www.newfangledaudio.com/newfangledmonth At AD with DeluxeBucks: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/eventide?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue Everything 50% off. Additional loyalty discounts. Free updates released for all their plugins: https://www.newfangledaudio.com/post/werkfleaux-2-electric-delta-listen-mode
  23. Sounds pretty good. The other two "Augmented" do eat a bunch of my CPU though.
  24. I was really pleased to get the Virtual CZ From PB on sale some time ago. That was my first synth, but I traded it away long ago. It is a great emulation BTW. Playing with it is a time trip. I imagine there are a few nostalgic shoppers that will look at this.
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