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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. Skippy posted a walkthrough. About a day to go on the intro $17.50
  2. I own four of the 10 in the bundle. When I first looked at my account I thought my price was $90, but it's $90 off, so my deal is $109. A fair price I guess to get 60% of the bundle, but of course they are the ones I had the least interest in, except for Shade. That one looks rather unique.
  3. https://www.uvi.net/ $199 Intro, $299 after July 31. Check your UVI account for your price Opal Compressor $59 intro reg $99
  4. I was auditioning another shimmer that is on sale but Solaris is much nicer, IMO. Thank you @Spice3d ! ?
  5. Yeah, I have a hard time seeing it as "version one point ten (following one point nine). I was expecting version 2 to follow 1.9- but hey, that means Shane has about 20 more years of free updates to do before we have to pay for a version bump, right? ?
  6. Requires Unify 1.10.1 , but apparently not encrypted (WAV samples and no reg key required) New Unify Library by Touch The Universe! Get it for an incredible price of 17.50 until July 5th! Timothy Ivory has hit this library out of the ballpark with 275 inspiring patches that will BLOW YOUR MIND with the complex layering he’s doing to create lush indescribable Patches sprinkled with magic and fairy dust! Listen to the Demos and you’ll hear just a few of these Patches in action and you’ll want to pick this up! At this price this is a guaranteed home run. Retail is $39 Normal Intro price is $25 INSANE Price for 3 Days is $17.50
  7. I was just poking around APD to verify that the coupon was good on their "Shop" stuff but I can't get the checkout page to appear in Firefox. Just a mostly blank page after I decline the "added offer".
  8. Not a lawyer, and I agree that US copyright AND patent laws are screwed up (Thank you Disney Inc and too many American lawyers looking for work). Just pointing out that as @Last Call said; "Tabs and musical notation, they are just the same."
  9. Updated VST 3 released. This dev has a number of interesting VST and Max4Live devices for free/donation at https://tugrulakyuz.gumroad.com/?recommended_by=library TugMidiSeq V2 VST3 (new Features: Shuffle + Event Randomization) - updated! I have recently updated some files associated with TugMidiSeq V2 VST3 (new Features: Shuffle + Event Randomization). They're yours for free.
  10. Oh yes, I think they are safe. It is just a kind of "used car salesman" approach that puts me off. Years ago I got burned on a Kontakt percussion instrument that was promised further development and updates. Instead they pulled it from their store and ignored my emails. I think they are just the reseller and probably got burned themselves by the developer, but still not good practice to ignore customer inquiries.
  11. Tablature is just a form of music notation, and I would argue a much more precise notation when depicting guitar performances. I see no reason that it should not receive the same copyright protections as standard musical notation.
  12. Thanks for visiting John! And thank you and Shane for Unify. Really great stuff.
  13. Agree that Ambition looks and sounds great, but Yurt Rock seems to run a really low-rent store. The "Wait, you can add these samples for $150 if you act within the five minute on screen countdown!" window after purchase did not instill confidence (The window was even labelled "up-sell")- I give them a point for honesty. I never used Yurt before, but I did when they were Looploft- also a bad experience.
  14. https://www.pluginguru.com 45% OFF MOST Patch Libraries I decided to open the flood gates and let the sales amount JUMP UP for the first 5 days of July! Unify is still discounted at 15% and ALMOST LIBRARY* is discounted 45% so get some inspiring patches to fuel these summer days! *Rad Bad Beats is still at it’s introductory price of $33.15!
  15. They also released a free pre-set pack "Blossom" which requires "Pastels" expansion.
  16. Regular price $30. You must own Guitar-Pro to use this. https://www.guitar-pro.com/11-mysongbook Deal ends July 4.
  17. It looks like the @ 15% off sale prices for UJAM is back at JRR Shop using the "group" code. At least on three random plugs I checked.
  18. Time-limited sale until July 9th, don't miss out! Summer Madness Sale: Up to 75% Off Summer gift for free: get Parallel Aggressor from Baby Audio, if you buy during Summer Madness! More bang for the buck this summer, save on all of UJAM’s instruments, creative FX tools and steamy synthesizers. And if you buy the new Beatmaker COZY, our friends from Melodics™ unlock 40 free lessons including an exclusive tutorial made with COZY. https://www.ujam.com/store/
  19. I've read positive comments on Irid- their shimmer reverb. I have been happy with the Eventide product and actually didn't care for the Valhalla version. Thoughts on Irid while I try the demo?
  20. This is the code given to Loopcloud subscribers for June. I posted the reference earlier in June, but not the code. I interpret the forum policy as disallowing codes intended for subscribers of paid services/magazines, based on past moderator comments and thread-locks.
  21. Ends July 4 https://www.pluginguru.com/products/unify-standard/ While Unify and MOST Libraries are 15% OFF, 12 Libraries also “upgraded” to 30% OFF! The Libraries at 30% OFF: MegaMagic Trio for Unify Patch Master Pro-1 for Unify MegaMagic: Dreams (Omnisphere 2/WAV) OMG! Drumz Urban for BreakTweaker OMG! Drums V2 for Omnisphere 2 Repro Power Pack (Repro 1/5 | Unify) MegaMagic: Guitars Vol 1 & 2 BUNDLE for Omnisphere 2 OMG! Drums: BreakTweaker FM8 Power Pack v1 | Unify Massive Power Pack (Massive|Unify) Toxic FM8 OmniVerse II: A Dark Hope (O2|Unify)
  22. Riser installed and works fine on my Win-10 PC (Ryzen processor). It is a soft iLok license. Looks like I I first authorized in 2016 and I built this PC in 2020. My two complaints are no VST3 and the GUI is not re-scalable. Painful on hi-dpi. Admittedly I don't use the Air stuff much anymore because I have tried to banish all the VST-2 stuff from my system unless that is the only option.
  23. Loot Audio kicked off our huge summer sale today. The summer sale includes loads of free products, giveaways and amazing offers with savings up to 90% across the entire site! Main offers Spend over £25 and get Horror Harp for FREE (Value $79) - Ends 13th July Spend over £50 and get Synferno for FREE (Value $86) - Ends 13th July Spend over £100 and get Flux Lite from Yum Audio for FREE (Value $58.80) - Ends 3rd July There are also around 25 buy one get one free offers scattered all over the site. Take a look at the sales lists below for more information. We decided to create a sales list sheet for you to download as we can't possibly list all of the other deals in this newsletter. Here is the Google Spreadsheet link provided in the email: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/174uMhGXsqBfheUN8nwm3RaeLITHtwNWjJ6-36Cg9oPY/edit?usp=sharing
  24. I think I recall Realitone doing that with one of the libraries I have (banjo or guitar). Can't recall the price difference. I went the cheap route.
  25. Yes, I saw that admonition on their site several months ago when I was pricing Complete.
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