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Brian Lawler

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Everything posted by Brian Lawler

  1. I logged in and added TS4 to the cart. When I went to the purchase screen the $100 code was autofilled in the coupon box.
  2. IK knows just where to squeeze, and how much. I have $85 Jampoints so my upgrade price has been $215. Now I can save $15 and keep my Jampoints.... until they expire on Sep. 30. ?
  3. ADD ANY 2 PLUG-INS TO YOUR CART AND GET 80% OFF. COUPON CODE: 80DEALNOW This coupon code can be used until August 6, 2023 https://2bplayed.com/product-category/products/plug-ins/
  4. Dune is amazing, It's the most (musical) fun you can have with one finger. Gonna have to check the others out I guess.
  5. https://www.airmusictech.com/effects/sprite.html $79.99 $39.99 intro Air Sprite, a modern take on the studio hardware staple of the 80s and 90s, the multi-effects processor. Sprite does things not possible in a hardware unit. Even better, Sprite is a plugin that is as simple, or as complex as the user desires. Make synths shine, bring guitars to life, and sprinkle audio fairy dust on vocals. The simple user interface gives fast control of every element, offering sound shaping of effects in seconds, but this is just the start. Take our 7 day free trial at https://www.airmusictech.com/effects/sprite.html
  6. Looks nice but..... Now I know how the Apple folks feel when they see deals for Windows only stuff (like our benefactor). Anyone know if there is a similar utility for us cheapskates? Not a general uninstaller, but a VST manager. I just keep shortcuts on the desktop to VST2 and VST3 folders to peruse. I try to only keep VST3 on my system but there a a few distros that are still VST2 only.
  7. Good question. No. They are still sample based. The Mirage engine auto-downloads your libraries, so the installer is the only initial engine install (about 12 meg IIRC). If you get the engine(free) you will get one or two free libraries that you can install to try it out. Only a few of the old Kontakt libs are available in Mirage format. Frozen Strings was one I had on Kontakt and the upgrade was free. My "Slow" Konakt lib cost $5 for the Mirage version.
  8. Thanks Fleer! Been tied up since I posted this on the way out the door. I also recall getting the update notices as you did. I bought this bundle for $99 a few years ago and consider it very good. Since then I added some Indiginus which are top notch, and finally bought in to Orange Tree this month, so I don't expect to be using these any longer, but if you don't already have decent guitar libraries, these are a great deal.
  9. Hesitate to use the "no-brainer" tag, but this is a DEAL. Requires full Kontakt (I believe 5+) https://www.pettinhouse.com/ 24 hour sale at $24, then I guess the price goes up each of the next two days? Not really clear on the web page
  10. At least listen to the last three seconds for the pronunciation of the publisher.
  11. I just got an update announcement email today (about v7). The VST3 have been working for me, but I didn't install until after a July 3 update released. https://mixedinkey.com/captain-plugins/captain-plugins-epic-7-0-update/
  12. I borrowed it from today's "day 5" thread from @laglag I have a couple SL libraries and they are very good. The world Instruments is also the one that interests me the most. I will have to check @Simeon Amburgey's video out, but honestly with his talent, he makes everything sound fantastic. He needs to wear boxing gloves to show how it would sound if I played it.
  13. Looks like it will be $120 on day 7, can they squeeze another $20 out of you? ? https://www.samplelogic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/an7-min.png
  14. Great drive. I was skeptical that my 3 year old motherboard would support a M2 drive that is almost 4x faster than my Intel M2, but CrystalDiskMark8 confirms it (7.3 GBs vs, 1.9 GBs). I am cloning the boot drive over and will just have to deal with the copy protection fallout as/if it appears.
  15. I have Triaz and Bassynth, and those two alone are worth the price. They are Kontakt (player OK IIRC), and Triaz in partucular is hard to see the GUI on hi-dpi unless you are running Kontakt 7 and can scale up. I usually avoid Kontakt synths, but Bassynth has a wealth of great sounds. Good choice. There has been speculation for many months that Triaz will be converted to freestanding VST, which would be fanrastic.
  16. FWIW My drive arrived from Newegg today and it is double sided. They kindly shipped it UPS, but the heat sink got sent via U.S. Snail, so expansion will have to wait. Thickness won't be an issue on my mobo. The packaging says Laptop compatible, but with a disclaimer.
  17. Bummer! I have not come across that yet myself. I always click "no" on those pop-up windows, but my stuff still auto-updates. Doubt it is related though. Hope they make a fix. Probably hard to track down.
  18. Are you sure being greyed out indicates a problem? They should change to white or "brighter grey" when you select the "search eye" left of them. The way I have my stuff organized I tend to only search a single library at a time, so all of my folders are greyed out except the one I am searching.
  19. C A U T I O N With Version 5 Bitwig introduced three versions (actually two new versions and did away with 8 track or whatever the more limited offering(s) used to be). Producer is selling direct for $149 right now. "Bitwig Studio" is $299. You might be fine with that, but be sure to check the differences! https://www.bitwig.com/buy/
  20. Nice deals! I got three on my "get them cheap" list: Noveltech Vocal, bx Pan EQ, and bx Cleansweep. Padded it out and hit EXACTLY $32 so reshuffled the extras with (all bx) Stereomaker, Refinement, and Control V2 for $11 total.
  21. If you are using Captain Epic 7, Mixed In Key just added MIDI drag and drop receive to Captain Chords in a July update. I prefer Scaler to just about any other chord tool. I can't get drag and drop to work directly from Scaler to other VSTs, but I found if I drop it on the desktop (creates a .MID) file; I can then drop THAT into Captain Chords (and other VST's that accept DnD), so it is pretty painless. Note that Scaler has that RECORD button in the bottom right, where you can use the key lock (one finger chords) to play in chords in rhythm which will be encoded into the MIDI drag-and-drop. Very handy.
  22. I bought Avenger a long time ago. It was one of my first soft-syths aside from built-ins. I became put-off by the copy protection that kept popping up and requiring a lot of fuss. This has changed though, to a less annoying system. Because of that, I set it aside and only recently discovered that that was changed (actually a couple years ago I think). It does have some great sounds, although they tend to emphasize the "song on one key" in demos, which does show it off well. When I was following Avenger forums (years ago) there was a lot of comparison with Rapid.
  23. In deed. I went back to the following post to learn something about ANA 2 from the 46 replies. LOL- tangents galore. Nice to see that someone has used it and found some value.
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