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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. @Chaps; you have attributed paragraph two to me, and I was not the author. Please correct.
  2. You really should go through the last set of videos from John Vere (my last post) to familiarize yourself with what a DAW is/does, and how to get around in CW. He has done a tutorial on nearly every aspect of the program. It will take too long to try to explain how to fix your issue until you have a basic understanding of the application.
  3. Look up "Bounce to Clips" or hilite all of the clips in the track and RMB <Bounce to Clips> or [CTRL+B]
  4. Since this is an extremely rudimentary query, I would suggest that you learn a little about DAW's & CW in particular starting HERE. You will need an instrument to play back the MIDI data, like the TTS-1 (if you have it) or any other general MIDI synth. The GM (General MIDI) synth is no longer available in Win10, so you will need to DL something to play back the notes. Did you DL the included Cakewalk instruments using the CW Product Center? If you don't have an external MIDI device (Keyboard/Pads controller) then nothing will show up in the MID Devices section of the Prefs. Or you could use the Virtual Controller to input notes too. There is also a long discussion of free VST instruments in this THREAD.
  5. Laptop or tower? If tower, I highly recommend NVME SSD on the MOBO or In a Pcie slot. They are so much faster to load sample instruments & since sample data doesn't change much, they don't get hit very hard with write cycles.
  6. Marcato articulations have a fast, strong, or robust attack on a sustained note. If this is not available in your package, then you may need to layer the instrument with both Sustain & Spiccato articulations on separate tracks but with the same midi notes driving them.
  7. Signal flow in a console module goes from top to bottom.
  8. I've been using multiple Arranger tracks since they were introduced; Meter, Key, Chords, Cues (mood), & other notes (occasionally) and they work perfectly. Show or hide the ones needed. Been scoring with this program to film & video (also Nuendo, PT, & Cubase) for 18 years. Sure... it might be a workaround, but it's very viable as such.
  9. Just remember where they are and what they do, because they are 'global' to the freeze operation. That has tripped me up more than once when I actually wanted to print the FX to unload some CPU on some subsequent track or session on the same project. But even I commit "pilot error" occasionally.
  10. The FX that are bonded to the track bin only freeze if you have the freeze options set to do so. Freeze is generally considered to be a 'temporary' condition, hence the ability to continue to add/remove/edit FX & controls. Why worry about it?
  11. First, look in the Control Panel for Add/Remove Programs & see if you can remove from there. That will call an uninstaller (if available for P5antom) & clean the registry entries also.
  12. I tried to sleep in my Vapors tee shirt and now I'm Turning Japanese. [I really think so]
  13. If you have access to a barn and a pasture, you can still use a horse & buggy if you wish. Good luck with that.
  14. On my machines (and it took some getting used to...) the first click LMB selects the Section and all tracks, the second click selects only the Section banner. Dbl-clik opens the Arranger browser window AND selects only the banner. Still operates that way for me. Have you tried to quit & restart CbB?
  15. For over a year now, NI has had a SW design pattern of 'one step forward, two steps back'.
  16. Close CbB, flush your browser cache, try again. Worked for me about 2 hours ago.
  17. Whatevs. I'll continue to make my living mixing & mastering without it, regardless of what some tuber says. Have at it! BoL!
  18. Reqs: Windows 10 or higher. 64-bit VST 2/3 or 64-bit AAX host. Free trial allowed. It is just another 'mastering' compressor, so... Try it and see.
  19. I look at it like flight training; you must learn how to take off, fly level, and land using VFR rules, then graduate to IFR experience, and then you are free, after growing a pair, to do the barrel roll and split-ess to your hearts desire. But you never lose sight of the horizon, the floor, or the ceiling, else you be in trouble.
  20. Login to your NI account and find out what your possible upgrade path is. There has been much debate on their forum as to the K13u to K14s pathway. It may be possible. Generally they only upgrade to equivalent or greater. This question is best answered there. As to the Lunaris license, the free bundle addition is not resellable, but your original may be... on the open market.
  21. Not really sure that you have a 'new' system, as the 'intelLok(R) device drivers' are from an AVID PT install requirement from 10/11, the last of the 32bit systems, mostly for AIR plugins aka BF76 on WIN7. That error is a flag on WIN 10. You may have to clean out some old 32bit plugs first.
  22. And still no negative pre-roll measures or on-board sampler track... no surprise.
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