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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. Well... thankfully I've committed decades to film & video soundtrack production... and it has been good to me, because this has the potential to be the death knell to creative manual ambient sound design. Maybe it really is time to fully retire. https://sampleson.com/scaper.html
  2. I only use simple instrument tracks; 5 new tracks total set to MIDI input channels1 thru 5. Divisi (Scaler needs to be set for MIDI out & multi-output enabled as stated above) will print ensemble on track/channel 1, sections on following tracks/channels. Davide has a great YT video on this starting with v2.7. Look it up.
  3. Everyone knows that Satan invented & oversees all DAWs! ?
  4. @Stephen Power At the top of the Track View where MBT time line is; at the right end (little plus sign) you can add more types of timeline measurements (SMPTE/SAMPLES). That may help. And (IIRC), RMB on the big MBT counter allows you to change it as well to SMPTE.
  5. Find the file in Windows Explorer, RMB to properties and see what the OS reports as duration.
  6. The options are available if you RMB in the Articulation lane or on any selected (set of) Articulation(s).
  7. I went out on the deck late last night (I live in northern Puget Sound) and saw the strangest cloud striations ever... looked like a spider web with a center porthole, green & red. Turned to look north and saw the display. Very cool!
  8. Select all notes that you want to effect in either TV or PRV and using the Event Viewer Module [on the Control Bar]; click in the <duration> field and enter 98% (or similar) to shorten all data by a few ticks. This works well for notes that are quantized and/or justified on the same number so they don't overlap each other.
  9. Or take up a vocation that requires less stressful effort, like basketweaving or fingerpainting. Audio Engineering & Production may not be in your wheelhouse because of the required skill set.
  10. CbB will throw up a warning against using 'fake' ASIO drivers like ASIO4ALL, Realtek, and other generic drivers that create more problems than they solve. Only use bona-fide genuine ASIO drivers from the I/O device manufacturer. For ex: some low end Behringer interfaces use ASIO4ALL claiming it as a true ASIO driver, when it is not.
  11. When installed and set up correctly, Komplete Kontrol works perfectly in CbB. I use over 60 instances in most of my templates without any issues. You must have (as Glenn noted) something in the Prefs (Control Surfaces or Metronome section) that is triggering a false start.
  12. Any recent DotNet or Security updates to the OS coordinate with this onset? [DotNet would have a large part in the way your slave VSL libraries are passed back to the master DAW]
  13. Found this in the back of my High School yearbook: probably not playable anymore, but still...
  14. If you RMB in the left side of the track view, the context menu has 'Insert Instrument'.
  15. @Terry Kelley I have orchestration templates with up to 120 VST instances (each an individual articulation) [of NI, E/W, & Spitfire for example] running, usually, at ~10ms latency. After about a dozen 'live' tracks I will start to get some "popcorn" snits, and will either start freezing instruments that are (near) complete, or increase my buffers to about 20ms. I never have to go above 33ms, but have just developed a workflow that will freeze/thaw quite often as the composition progresses. Seems to work for me, as my machine has some pretty serious horsepower under the bonnet. I've never really had an issue with that process.
  16. Less than the amount of time wasted on reading this thread.
  17. You might want to read up on the "Auto Focus" & "Auto Lock" button functions in the top right corner of the PRV. I cannot recreate your issue when those are properly adhered to.
  18. You're welcome! When we started the Control album with Janet Jackson, she was very timid and shy and always tried to sing with her head sunken into her chest. Made her sing up and out and now the album speaks for itself. Altho she still preferred being in a completely dark room for ambience. ?
  19. While this is certainly a worthwhile suggestion, it is kind of a Windows Julian extension naming convention issue as well. If you name a directory as 'filename.pdf' or 'filename.exe', and then stuff an identically named file inside it, Windows will throw up in your lap during a search, and log some strange stuff in the admin events. It's much safer to realize that the VST's are easier to scan when they are at the expected nesting hierarchy.
  20. I have quad monitors and know that I have to be smarter than the computer. It's not the job of the application to do your housekeeping work for you.
  21. Whenever making a change to preferences, click the apply button... prefs window will disappear & reappear, then click on close. At least in my experience.
  22. I didn't see you click the "APPLY" button in the "Manage Workspaces". Are you using only one active monitor? Have you tried to resize the app to see if PRV is floated & opening behind it?
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