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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. It looks like a rev E or later (black face) approx 1968-72.
  2. It's never too early to hone that skill set. I use Cubase as well, and artmaps are very similar in function. Here is a very good primer.
  3. You could also simplify your life by creating & using articulation maps for the instrument. The 'C0' nomenclature stems from the lowest playable notes on a standard 88 key piano, where "middle C" is commonly C4. Many DAW's (and VST instrument manufacturers) prefer C3 as 'middle C', hence the confusion. In the PRV, you should be able to enable articulations starting from the lowest note, and map them from there.
  4. The principles of physics and magnetism still apply, regardless.
  5. You've got electromagnetic field issues which are common in consumer grade audio electronics. Make sure that power & audio/data cables are not physically laid in parallel, move things around to minimize noise, and use a USB cable with a ferrite choke on it.
  6. Between bad product, overabundance of bloatware, and terrible support, my last HP laptop went in the dumpster in 1998. I've never recommended one since.
  7. Not all EFX have side chain inputs. You may want to try a "trance gate"... Kilohearts has a freebie that is minimal but functional.
  8. To all those with an unhealthy obsession about antique technology:
  9. The magic that you seek entails some work. There is a CAL script called "Split Notes To Tracks" which will separate and create a new track for each note tuning. Then I usually recombine the Snares (SS, flams, etc), Kicks (open/damped, etc.), Hats (open, closed, pedal, etc.), Toms (all), OH (all cymbals), and toys into relative MIDI tracks, solo them, and then print new related audio tracks just like I did when using a tape machine 40 years ago. I usually end up with audio tracks: Kick (mono), Snare (m or s), Hat (m or s), Toms (s), OH (s), room (if available), Toys (s).
  10. I've been driving 4 monitors with a 6Gb 3050 for quite a while and love it. But I don’t game on my workstation.
  11. I have had "divide by zero" errors in the crash dump a few times. One cause was me outrunning Scaler 2 with keystrokes, and the other (more often) was from a too small block size in the buffer setting of my Audio I/O driver control panel. Granted, I'm occasionally using a device that has a driver from Win Vista days that still works, but requires a minimum block size of 512 or it crashes CbB. (but not Nuendo, Cubase, or PT, interestingly!)
  12. It is tedious. But to get to the magic that you desire, some work is required. If the articulation changes are short and sweet in a passage, either ignore the delay, or edit the individual note(s) timing in the phrase. If the articulation change involves a complete phrase/section/passage, then it might make sense to put that on another instantiation of the instrument/articulation. As mentioned previously, you can use ArtMaps and set individual articulations to have different offsets, which will change the timing that the articulations take effect (in case some instruments react slowly to changes in articulation [I've found that Scarbee & VSL have some issues with this])... however, this will not affect the actual attack timing of the instrumental note itself. Some Spitfire and VSL instruments have internal timing offsets available, but for the entire instrument. There are YT vids re: VSL covering this. Scoring well is not easy, which is why so few of us make a living doing it.
  13. If the tempo is fast enough and the VST response is slow enough to be an issue with attack rise times, I use a separate instance of each instrument (VSL is notoriously slow attack) articulation and adjust each articulation track timing offset accordingly.
  14. <Views><Synth Rack View> OR [Alt+9]. It will pop up in the Browser at the right side (default) of the Track View screen.
  15. Try to use one of the shapes in the paint tool to draw the automation in the TV lane (for gain maybe linear, for freq try sine or triangle). However, minimum shape on most of them is measure unless you calc and enter seconds.
  16. Not directly. If you don't know or understand any music theory, then you could load any of the chording and/or melodic instruments in the PRV, locate the most likely root note and then use the snap to scale functions to see which existing notes best fit into the scale limit guides. This is a labor intensive search & destroy regression. Might be easier to buy and read this book... or purchase a plugin like this and use it instead.
  17. You are referring to the Windows General MIDI wavetable synth, which does not function in CbB or Sonar... only in the Windows environment. Pre 2017 there was a Roland GM synth included with paid SONAR that is no longer available either... called TTS-1. Search in these forums for posts & links to 3rd party GM sound generators, some of which are free, some inexpensive. FYI; CbB/Sonar is a professional grade Digital Audio Workstation software and should be used with an external Audio Interface that comes with a real ASIO driver.
  18. In your first screenshot, you have discovered that the tabs for <Display><Audio><MIDI> are covered by any current plugin window that is open and minimized. Yes this can be an issue without resolution. Either close out of the minimized plugin window or return it to normal size and park it somewhere else on the main or alternate monitors. You CAN, however hover over any open plugin (most of 'em, anyway) on the little "FX" icon in the upper left corner, RMB and choose <Dock in Multidock>, where it will live until you close or remove it from there. That can be handy, and a more lasting approach to having a plugin window open and accessible, yet not showing and blocking the lower left corner of the real-estate. Hopefully you know that the key command "D" operates the Multidock. Don't forget that you can undock the entire Multidock and place it elsewhere too. In your second screen shot (green outline) you have all of the controls in the <Inspector> available and showing. AFAIK there has never been the ability/requirement to "scroll" in the inspector (using a typical scroll bar) WHEN IN FULL window screen mode. Since I run all of my DAWS on 4 different 27" monitors [Track View / Piano Roll / Console / Plugins], and have never really used them when NOT in full screen mode, I'm afraid that I can't help you with that any further. You might set your windows Task Bar to 'auto-hide' (RMB on Task bar - Task Bar Settings) and/or; in the DAW, go to the <Window> menu, and choose <Full Screen> for a little more screen real-estate. CbB/Sonar is not often my primary DAW anymore, so I'm pulling most of this from memory. YMMV
  19. You can select all clips in a MIDI track, bounce them into one clip event, then drag & drop the clip to a folder in the browser or to a directory in Windows File Explorer (like desktop et al) one at a time. Not sure what happens if you try to do that with multiple tracks simultaneously. Might be smart to make sure that all tracks start at bar 1 beat 1 so they will all line up in new project.
  20. Key command 'I' (eye) opens the Inspector panel to the left of the track view. At the bottom of the Inspector is a MIDI tab. Also available from <View><Inspector>.
  21. Is the instance of Kontakt set to receive on the same MIDI port/channel as the port/channel(s) assigned in the drum map?
  22. The 7506 has been around since 1991. Clair Brothers bought over 200 of them that fall for their road crews. Mostly because they would fold up and fit in a fanny pak & the cables were field replaceable.
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