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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. Freeze the synth track, Shift-Drag the audio from there to your new track, mute the source track. If you un-freeze the synth, you can continue editing on it. Rinse & repeat as necessary.
  2. The old Sonitus stuff is fine... in the same manner that I would reach for the dynamics section in an SSL 4k console... gets the job done, but ain't nothing to write home about.
  3. Using the browser (depending on how you have your plugin layout setup) or when creating the Instrument track (Right Mouse Button, hereafter RMB) It is also possible that you don't have Session Drummer installed as IIRC it was part of a bundle from back in the SONAR dayz. In which case you could try SI-Drum Kit or TTS-1, which also has rudimentary drum kits too. This video starting at about 1:40 also has another way (using split MIDI/Inst tracks... not my preferred workflow, but...) showing the insert of SI-Drums.
  4. Session Drummer is an instrument, not a MIDI effect. Try to create an instrument track & insert SD in that. It will be a combined MIDI track driving the SD. Your Google response had the nomenclature incorrect. Or open the browser [B] and look in the instruments section (little keyboardish icon) for it.
  5. I've had the Snip tool as my default for the PrnScr key since it was implemented in WIN10 build 1803.
  6. Excellent mix on a theme that the arrangement doesn't make repetitive. Very good work! One negative (IMHO); the three cymbal hits at 2:11 could be softened, pulled back, or darkened a bit more like the other cymbal swells as they are a bit out of character.
  7. There are some excellent tutorials in this playlist. And the first post in this topic will link you to the last PDF manual, which is easy to search.
  8. All video platforms that use XML files for their edit decision list will hold render files somewhere on a drive... until you manually delete them.
  9. That was one of the first that I memorized years ago when I had a tendency to have a bunch of windows open on top of each other. Now it is the quickest way for me to get from TV to PRV to Console, et al.
  10. Been there, done that. I use a big trackball, so mousing is not stressful on the hand/arm, but still... discovered this one totally by accident.
  11. Maybe it would be possible, when first setting up an account, to require a Captcha and return email addy authentication. Then we would be able to know if it is a hooman or a bot.
  12. I was today years old when, after using 4 monitors for the last 14 years, found out that the combination of the WIN key and the direction arrows on my Querty keyboard will snap an open window to full screen, half screen, or quarter screen of the monitor that they are on. Always snapped them to a corner/side/full with the mouse before. Too kool. Never too old to discover a new wonder of the world, I guess.
  13. EDIT: Well CR@P... looks like I jinxed it folks. Sorry!!! This is what the Native Instruments forum looks like since late on Friday. 20 posts per page, over 70 pages deep so far. We should consider our little community lucky they haven't found us yet.
  14. I've had several really odd things get changed in Preferences over the years... sometimes from an update to the program, sometimes from a nondescript OS update, and sometimes from no logical causation at all. The latter ones I chalk up to just a random nutrino from the sun intersecting with a storage cell on my drives. Who knows?
  15. Yes, although not having an input track to drive it, or an output track to hear it would lead to the question "what workflow"? AFAIK it is not possible to assign more than one synth to an output track, tho you can drive multiple MIDI tracks into a synth: ex; one for notes, one for controllers. Check in the track manager for hidden or archived tracks.
  16. Occasionally it is possible to delete a track yet not remove the Synth, depending on how you use the dialog.
  17. I'm pretty sure that you might want to re-evaluate your priorities. LOL.
  18. Unless you've been under a rock, you may have noticed that the Bakers have been on an extended hiatus from this forum since shortly after the last release... and certainly aren't going to extend any effort in creating a patch for this incredibly minor inconvenience. Don't sweat the small stuff.
  19. Have a basic look at your USB cables & connection integrity and at the port power settings in the OS. If Windows connects to the device, CbB will see it.
  20. Nope, not a bug. Pilot error. Your starting template had a meter change inserted at or around measure 8 and then saved.
  21. This is hilarious (as related to your reply on my Cynical Rant, LOL) in that I attempted on THREE different existing project sessions today to Quick-Group and Freeze with absolutely no luck. And just now, I started a new project with 5 different tracks/instruments... Quick-Grouped them and then CTRL-Freeze, and it worked. Go figure!
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