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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. Get an Arduino kit and a breadboard, do a little reading on the MIDI programming for the CPU and you can not only have it operate a recording light, but it can make a fresh Keurig cupper and popcorn, plus get into an argument with your Alexa too.
  2. I just recently sold all three of my old MOTU 896 FW interfaces on Ebay without a problem.
  3. Mp3 export window is an external function call API so what @Lord Tim stated is the best way to handle it.
  4. Coming from a lifetime on large format consoles where a session setup was basically 'from scratch' every day, the concept that I can spend just enough time to create a preferred drum kit and save it as a track/buss template works just fine for me. Same for orchestration of 60+ instruments. My music theory is polished enough that the chord progression is in my head as I compose, so, while the S1 chord track would be nice for many, it's not that high on my wish list. He's got some good points though, especially for people trying to learn the DAW who are neither real engineers, musicians, or producers.
  5. Could it be possible that they were actually Reaktor 5 instances?
  6. Adjust those settings to your desire and save them in your default Project Template. Then they will apply when you start a new project while using that template. Anything in <Preferences><Project> is specific to that project, not global to the application.
  7. FWIW; every project where I have a Reaktor 6 instance loads with the saved ensemble installed and active. I keep copious notes on the patch & automation settings in the track notes section to confirm. I also have notes on the start parameters so that the sound that I want to morph is identical every pass, at least until I freeze or bounce it.
  8. Does not exist. Try searching in the online help.
  9. I found that it is a real drag on the CPU when used as a PI on the master bus in a couple of DAWs (CbB, Nuendo, Cubase) on my beefy i9 proc, so I only use it in SAL mode anymore, where it works just fine. Could be because it up-samples IRT to 88.2/96k internally, but can't prove that.
  10. In the bus at the bottom of the track view you can show automation lanes. Assign whatever knob you want to control in the PI GUI to a MIDI CC#, select that in the automation lane and either draw or record it IRT.
  11. No. It can be inserted as a VSTi or as an FX plugin. But no midi editing inside the UI.
  12. Beat me to it by seconds. [I rarely use that method because chasing Markers down with my mouse takes me too long to zone in on it, and requires both hands... I'm just lazy but faster the other way. LOL]
  13. Open the marker view [Alt+Shift+4] and select the desired marker, hit Delete or use the (minus) button in the upper left corner of the Marker view.
  14. You are correct Sir! [I probably should have mentioned... backup any directories that are assigned in the <Preferences><File><Folder Locations> section and you could get back up and running pretty quickly if need be.] And don't forget your Key Binding set / Color set / Theme, if they are customized.
  15. Any (or all) the of the updates since 2018 should have been saved to your preferred DL location, just backup the latest version. If you have to install clean to a new machine you will have to re-setup your preferences. Also archive the Cakewalk Core directory to save your templates, et al. As for plugins... on your own to figure out where they all are.
  16. I just tested and can concur with @Andres Medina findings.
  17. RMB = Right Mouse Button clik. It could be an issue with just that effect plug. Try a Sonitus gate, reverb, etc.
  18. How about RMB in the blank space of the FX bin? Also; does it happen on any/all plugin EFX?
  19. Are you clicking on the <+> sign just to the right corner of the FX bin?
  20. Why? The qualifications and expenses needed to be able to obtain and maintain the license necessary for a Dolby mixing & playback suite are pretty steep, and you can't distribute your end product without their approval. If you've got material suitable for Atmos translation, best to job the mix out to a facility that is already qualified and registered. I have colleagues at Dolby and we've discussed this on many late nights. Besides, I don't have an extra ½ acre to build the room necessary.
  21. You must have a routing/bussing issue. I've been using the Auturia Plate 140 for years with absolutely no problems. What I hear on my Master is exactly what gets exported.
  22. I'd say it's roughly 60% instruments, 40% FX. My income this year is gonna take a big hit due to the directors, writers, and soon maybe SAG going on strike. Probably not the best time to try to get into this genre.
  23. OutrageProductions


    @Robert Hale Just so you can see the console layout for my setup here is a screenshot of the Master/Output section.
  24. I've done this with Soundtoys Microshift (or similar). Just make sure to pan them apart to avoid too much phase cancellation.
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