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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. @bjornpdx this 4th+ generation rip from CD Baby (not my upload) has really poor quality compared to the original CD release. Out of my hands at this point.
  2. Back in late 2001, I ran across my old keyboard player from when we all were in a rock band in High School in '75. He was so broke that I doubt he could afford to pay attention, but he was always a good song writer and great player. So I drove across the country with a laptop, CW Sonar (v5 I think), a weighted 88 keyboard, MOTU 896, and some vocal mics to capture some songs in the dirt floor basement in the tenement house he was in, pro bono. In less than 24 hours we captured live lead vocal and piano tracks, both audio & MIDI, and then I took the results back to my studio to flesh them out. I called in some chits from all my best session players to do overdubs, and produced this entire record with no more than two players in the studio at a time. Switched between CW and PT several times. This particular track showcases one of my favorite all time guitarists, Arkadiy Yushin. {his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@arkanfusionguitar} Enjoy; Baxter Factor - Stroke of Luck
  3. @Kat Craig In the PI Manager, this shows the location of each and every plug that CW finds. If you don't have the scan folders set correctly, or have stored plugs in other locations, they won't be found.
  4. VacuumPro is shown listed in the Registered Plug-ins of your PI Manager, so it should be there. Looks like you have not built any Plugin Menu layouts tho... Highlight the PI that you want and click on the <Add Plugin> button to move it to the right column and then save the layout. Open CW and look in the Plugin Bin.
  5. Here's a cue kicker for a slow chase scene through the 'burbs between a motorcycle and two cars slated for film release next year. This isn't the exact arrangment for the final, but I had some fun with it. The music supervisor liked the initial sketch demo, so who am I to argue?
  6. Without any MIDI input you are gonna have a hard slog upstream but... open the Piano Roll View (look in the help system for deets) and you can draw the notes in with your mouse. Kick is usually on C1, snares on D1/E1, hats on F#, G#, A#. Etc. Also look in help for 'virtual' controller or keyboard which will allow your QUERTY keyboard to trigger notes (but usually defaults to C4 or middle octave). There are several other ways to do this, I'm just outlining one. Check out this excellent video for the basics:
  7. First thing to eliminate are any TSR applications that may be running in the background of your OS. Network traffic, search indexing, and virus background scanning are notorious for hogging time slices.
  8. Most (but not all) plugins in the FX bin can have automated bypass from a CC# or NRPN. You can also write automation to bypass the entire FX bin.
  9. I'm not familiar with that particular VSTi, but if you hover over the line or any of the preset velocity curve buttons (to the right) and then right click, do you get any dialog or popup menu? A lot of VSTi's will allow you to set CC #'s with the RMB.
  10. If you select the 'instrument' track and play some notes into the VST from your input (mouse clik on the drums in the GUI or play from the querty or MIDI keyboard controller) do you hear drum sounds? Do you have any MIDI notes recorded & visible in the instrument track? Or have you tried to drop a MIDI clip on the instrument track?
  11. To the best of my knowledge, nothing ever came out of the meeting. They were just bouncing ideas around. Jagger & Richards came through for two days once, same thing... no output from our end. But that's another story. But at least I got to meet 'em all.
  12. It was a hot, muggy day in the summer of '97 when (now SIR) Rod Stewart flew into MSP on the Warner Brothers G5, sent the family off to do a little shopping at the MOA, and grabbed a limo to come over to the studios for a writing session with the principals. I met him at the door as he was wearing a straw hat, polo shirt, Bermuda shorts, open toed sandals, and carrying a 'brolly' (like it might rain or something?). Introductions and warm handshakes all around, and then I gave him a brief tour of the facility on the way to Studio Bodacious to meet with Jam & Lewis. Really a genuinely nice gentleman. As I walked out of the room and back to my duties, my only thought was: "jeez... that guy probably spends more on pedicures than I make in a year".
  13. Check this (pardon but let's cover the obvious): Output of track 3 is going to track 8? Put track 8 into record? Any waveform recorded? Have you tried to drag the midi clip (track 3) down to the instrument track 8? Then <Bounce to track> to destination 9 (or next available). Or <Freeze synth> then drag audio clip to track 9 (or next available).
  14. And be totally confused by that extraneous sharp in a key with 5 flats when looking at the note names in the PRV. ?
  15. OK, so… I’m gonna tell y’all a little story from my days in a real studio. One day in ’94, I was doing an ADR (Automated [or Additional] Dialog Replacement) session for a film project where the talent was one of the two stars from “Lethal Weapon” (DG) for a private client. As he starts to read through the script and gets comfortable, I keep thinking “Man, this guy really needs to get a better fitting set of dentures, or this day is gonna be a nightmare”. I scramble into the EQ… that helps but doesn’t solve the issue I’m hearing on the C12 mic. So I quickly patch in a frequency variable D-Esser. Then… daisychain another and set a different frequency. Close, but no cigar. OK… for the first time in my career, I patch in a third D-Esser in series and finally tame the monster sibilance issue. Finally happy, I lock sync on the U-matic ¾” video playback and start rolling. Five hours of this. On playback, the talent said “I don’t think that I’ve ever sounded so good. Thanks!” And I managed to survive.
  16. I rarely use the internal browser, but I just did some quick experimentation: If I save a project with the media browser open and set to a particular folder (Audio, Midi Groove Clips, etc.) and then reopen it, it seems to come back open with the same last viewed location. I tested a bit (tho not extensively) if Workspaces has any effect, and couldn't conclusively determine anything other than the browser opens (my default is Plugins) to the Media Browser, so it may be a combination of setting the browser tab open, save Workspace, then set your default view folder in media browser and save project. It would seem logical that saving (or modifying) your project template may do what you want. Worth trying. [edit] I just made a copy of my default project template, changed the browser view to Media/Audio, saved the template, closed CW, restart, reopen project and it is Media/Audio. Opened my original default template and browser opens to Plugins. Things that make you go "hmmmm".
  17. I know that getting anything that has a currently effectual copyright released, even if only for educational purposes, is like pulling teeth without anesthesia, so I feel ya. Good luck.
  18. I may be late to the party here but I've simultaneously run the DAW, Word (and/or Acrobat) in Text 2 Speech mode and captured the screen with all audio mixed using VB-Meter Banana (with my ASIO drivers as output) and OBS. Getting the stuff setup was a freakin' PITA, but ran without any glitches during my presentation. Especially with four monitors and trying to remember where I was teaching from.
  19. In the documentation section titled "Using Content Location presets." "The Media Browser allows you to save and recall presets to quickly access your favorite folders." Is that what your looking for?
  20. A 'brick wall' limiter is basically any comp that can implement a 'infinity:1' ratio and/or a hard knee. The PC-76 Comp in ProChannel has an 'infinity' ratio button, which is the electrical/technical equivalent of a brick wall. Set the input to where you want it. Unless your tracks are already clipping, and then you need to visit gain staging. Sonitus:fx Comp can also go to infinity with a hard knee, and can be inserted in PC via FX Chain. You could also normalize your tracks either before or after a BW limit/comp function.
  21. Have you tried to just freeze the AmpleSound VST?
  22. You could try email. Contact the original composer, publisher, or record label and request a copy of the original multitrack. Even the techniques to isolate or remove vocals are only minimally successful, so a lead guitar? Extremely doubtful. Sound waveforms are like paint... once you combine red & blue pigments to mix into purple, the convolution is nigh impossible to undo.
  23. My Komplete Kontrol keyboard does that for me, and I don't even have to look at the computer monitor. ?
  24. If your Enet is running at 100M or better, you should be fine to store projects, etc. on it. Saves & autobackups may take a second more, especially is the NAS is caught off guard or asleep. I used to do it in ProTools all the time, but that was before VSTs became a thing. I'd be a little wary of trying to load VSTi samples DFD from anything that is not directly on the machine be it NVME, SATA, or USB. If you have plenty of RAM then you should be fine.
  25. Oh man... I have to choke back the tears of laughter from all the times I feel like stating this exact quote. Eggsellent work Byron!
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