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Everything posted by OutrageProductions

  1. Just a thought here, but have you tried to copy the audio track and then apply the 'Remove Silence' function? By super tweaking those settings, and then tabbing through the result (which goes to next event/transient), you should be able to zoom and inspect the alignment of the MIDI trigger with the impulse of the real drum. I often have to do 'forensic' audio for clients and have found that function to be of great assistance. But it requires a lot of time, none-the-less.
  2. As you mentioned, the intro is really a cacophony. Try to mute some things out and feed them in later in time as they become more in the pocket, before the vocals come in. Sorry to sound harsh, but this could be done better. You've got it in you...
  3. The only options (of which you are familiar) are the Jump/LInear/Fast Curve/Slow Curve), so the short answer is NO. Ya gets what ya gets.
  4. I concur with @David Baay on the functionality in my current build/version. AFAIK there is NO LATCH available for the 'scrub tool' as it does not appear in the tools HUD. The only way that I can invoke it is by holding the 'J' key on the QUERTY while scrubbing directly over notes in PRV, or directly over an audio track in the TV. If you have a mouse button that triggers/latches the scrub tool, that is where I would look for a modification. I cannot make it crash/hang here. It does nothing in the TV when on a MIDI track, IME.
  5. Editing at the micro level is pretty much 'note by note', but I'd second @David Baay's concept of trying the CW DrumReplacer. Also... learn to have patience, grasshopper. ?
  6. The CW mini-dump files are usually located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\MiniDumps. Windows has a built in reader application. Use the taskbar search for "WinDBG". Here is a starting instruction for how to use it. Most of the output is verbose, but it is NOT for the faint hearted. After running the analysis section, there should be mention of which plugin (if any) had a memory fault. Remove that plugin and save the project. Then find a workaround for the faulty plug. I've found that Breverb, and some of the CW[LP/PX/TL/TS/VS-64] (channel strip, multiband compressor, et al) can be culprits for some odd reason, and it sometimes is interactive with other loaded VST/VST3 plugs (as was my issue with Scaler yesterday... it didn't want to play nicely with NI Noire). I don't expect any of these anomalies to ever get solved in CbB, but I've been using workarounds for so much stuff over the last 40 years that it doesn't even bother me anymore. I make a healthy living in music, so as they say... "The show must go on". I also have a tendency to hit CTRL-S after nearly every edit. BTW; very cool profile pic... looks like a Selmer saxaphone.
  7. You likely have a plugin instance in the project that probably has a checksum error and won't release memory. Try loading the project in safe mode, bypassing the plugins by a process of elimination. To invoke safe mode, hold down the SHIFT key while opening the project. You could also initiate a mini-dump at the hang (before ending the process in Task Manager) and examine it post-facto for an indication of which plug is at fault. I had a session fault four times yesterday when freezing tracks in a 62 track scoring project. Using & examining the dump file pinned it to SCALER 2. Removed that plug, problem disappeared. Info on how to do all this is covered in detail in this forum by Noel & others.
  8. The Teensyduino ADC board inside these things have very stable buffers (from V3.4 onwards) and when programmed for MIDI output Continuous Controller values will only 'sit' on the last input; ie: if the linear signal changes from step 64 (+/-<0.5) to 65 (+/-<0.5), it will put out a change in the digital data stream; if the input device (analog voltage) stays between the interpretation of 63.5 and 64.5, the output will stay at 64(for example). But it does not continuously 'stream' data 64 after that. They can also be programmed for an analog (ie: audio taper) response, but that requires a different script than what is installed in the Sparrow series (afaik). I've only reverse engineered one of the units so far.
  9. But use a custom non-default template name, because otherwise they may be overwritten in future. [Like there will be anymore updates... LOL ?]
  10. I don't own one of those, but have used the 3 fader version in another production room and was quite satisfied with performance. It was assigned to CC#3, CC#14, & CC#11. #3 (breath) & #11 (expression) are present in most orchestral VST'S, and #14 is usually freely assignable, so that worked for me. Well worth the money, altho they only contain about $35 in materials and can be easily made by anyone with a modicum of soldering skills. Programming is done via web portal, and cannot be changed on the fly, but otherwise OK.
  11. <Preferences><Customization><Editing><Clips> auto-crossfade from 0 - 25ms. Anything longer than that will likely become audible for most humans as a glitch.
  12. Sends always default to post fader so that as you pull down the level on the track channel, it also reduces the send level to the reverb bus. Evidently you either have the fader pretty far down or the track itself is relatively quiet. Beware: in Pre-fader (button off), if you mute the track or fade out the signal, the level of reverb will remain fixed.
  13. Does the reverb PI itself have a MIX control? if put on a send bus insert, it should be *normally* set to maximum.
  14. This has been stock and standard for as long as I can remember. The OS Registry maintains a hold on the filename, even after it is closed out of CbB, UNLESS you load a different project in between. Not a bug in Cake, as this will occur with Adobe Acrobat, Corel, Lightroom, etc. as well.
  15. Open <Preferences>[p] Set the metronome to "use audio metronome" with the output to your master bus, tick the <playback> box and you're set. ALSO: Not a good idea to put your email addy or phone # in a post on this forum!
  16. Best of luck! It's an exclusive club, but I'm a voting member, so I'll see if I can add to the tally. Meantime... get your tux cleaned & pressed.
  17. One issue with the Shreddage line is that they are so ultimately customizable that 'generic' Artmaps are useless. I have one instance of S3 that has 4 different maps, depending on which preset I'm using. Nice try though...
  18. Make your settings for <Auto Focus> & <Auto Lock> in the PRV and save them into a custom workspace.
  19. Sorry folks, I had to pull this as I now have the entire soundtrack production under contract for Q2 of next year!
  20. Normally when writing CC7 and CC11, the data will continue to the end of the track at the last recorded level, as evident in your pix for CC1 & CC21. This is to be expected. The pix for CC11 & CC7 have jitter issues. I would agree with @Variorum regarding the dirt. Use some good quality aerosol Electronic contact CLEANER (available in many hardware stores) and see if that gets rid of the jitter. These units are using a mid-grade Bourns sliding potentiometer driving the analog inputs of an ARM Teeny 4.x uProc board converting analog voltage to a digital USB signal. You can learn to program the CC assignments yourself, but it's deeply engaging for neophytes, which is why they have the programming ability built into a Chrome Browser window. Your device connects to the server, you enter your requested data into the script, then reloads the script back into your unit. In short... there are very few ways that the uProc A/D conversion can send out unstable or jittery data unless the input is sketchy. Clean 'em. Maybe some electronic switch lubrication fluid will extend the life as well. Failing that, you may need a couple of the faders replaced (under warranty?!) as they are not really well quality controlled in manufacture.
  21. They are either still entries in one of your custom PI layouts and just need to be removed from there, or you might need to do a manual rescan of plugins. Every thing that I have ever excluded on purpose never show up again.
  22. Verry kool @treesha! Has a post punk Dupeche Mode / Kraftwerk vibe to it.
  23. Silly question here... but; if you have spinning drives, have you inspected the fragmentation lately? And if SSD, what is their health/error rate?
  24. 9900k I've researched well the newer procs, 11th &12th gen are OK, 13th showed significant code anomalies. At least untill Win11 gets its act together a little more. Win 10 is rick solid for me, so I'll only upgrade kickin' & screamin'.
  25. Ditto with @gustabo re: <1sec timing on i9 @3.4Ghz desktop w/64Gb RAM.
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