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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I have never done one of these group buys before. So....If I buy Modo Drums I could get Mix Box, ARC System 3, some AmpliTube Collections and more for the price of only one product? Where can I find out what is in promo and what is out? How could I add some processors to Amplitube? I saw someone say that they were buying custom shop stuff please explain or send links. Thanks
  2. If I buy 100 gear credits I end up with 1000? How do I be sure it is on the group buy? Thnaks
  3. mibby - I have a bad habit of allowing plugins to up the volume. Most companies do this. They know it makes them sound better - But, it makes me mad when I have a plugin that has no output gain reduction. That's cheating LOL!
  4. Thanks John Vere - That sure opens up some ideas how this can be used. Mix Recall - I tried it a little when it first came out, but it seemed slow on larger projects, but it is nice to know that it is there if you are having trouble deciding about a couple of mixes. Tom - Wow I'm getting a bunch of ideas. I could make a bus with a limiter set to export @ 14 LUFS add another Limiter on a 2nd bus and pump it to 12 LUFS and a 3rd bus from either of these set for MP3 export. All in one pass. I do wish we could archive plugins and bus effect bins. I guess that should be another thread. Thanks for all the help from simple to as elaborate as you like (or have the horsepower to do)
  5. I bought this yeas ago. I will say that it is still my favorite reverb. And I will say I have a bunch of newer ones - LX480, Seventh heaven, Lustrous plates, all Vahalla VSTs, all Abbey Roads, Fabfilter Pro-R and many more. I think Lexicon just has reverb's sounding the way they should be. Also I would like to say I still have iLok problems with PCM Native Effect Bundle (not the reverbs). Don't know what it is and Lexicon support is not that great. Edit - one more thing - I wish I would have gotten them for this price!!!
  6. It is a great plugin. I only wish it was optimized better for quicker responses. The last update did help quite a bit. It is the best thing you can get to help you get in the habit of proper gain staging. You'll find out whether that plugin actually sounds better of is just a tad louder. You'll be surprised.
  7. Why does aim assistant jump around when zoomed in approx. 1000-1500 samples on screen? Snap is turned off and magnetic properties are at 0.
  8. Yes I have played with many different setting. It only works with notes in the piano roll. The clips are not locked and have room on both sides to move.
  9. Yes they are large enough to see. Thanks.
  10. Yes it works in the piano roll.
  11. I am having a few lately. Most of the time there is no minidump. I have set the ExceptionHandlingSeverity to 7 like I read in another post. I am able to save a full dump from task manager, but they are really large. Any suggestions? Should I just put the full dump on google drive and sent the link to tech?
  12. I have been trying to get his to work. I have no idea why the clips are not moving. I have tried samples, milliseconds, ticks. I have selected a clip with space on both sides of it. Pressed the keys with Num Lock on. What could I be doing wrong?
  13. 2021.09 is what got me thinking about these again. Tom - How do you control these? So do you control these with a mixer or solo buses?
  14. Thanks for a simple solution. On the new save features - could I do a template for master buy, is there a way to make the export function always do export from master bus? (other than using a saved template)? Also, a special thanks for updating your tools.
  15. I have tried several ways to implement this, but have not been happy with the way I set it up. If I have several buses going to a master bus, how do I make a listening bus with some extra plugins. I see it is now easy to export all but a listening bus. How do I set up the routing so I hear the extra plugins but not export them? I saw a template here once but it was very complex. Could someone help with a simple version with explanation? Thanks!
  16. Doubling/Blending a “midi” track with an almost identical audio track. Mixing the two tracks together. Thanks for all the help.
  17. I was wondering if automation was the problem. Envelopes can get out of sorts from time to time. If you have a ton of data in the env, you could copy it to another envelope name then copy it back. The best solution might be to delete the env and just redo it. Hope you are getting it to work now. Look at envelopes pointed to prochannel - volume and gain.
  18. David, I didn't know if it mattered. I know I could not hear 10ms., but I thought I hear flanging as the song got near the end. I only calculated the 114.005 because the mid was past the beat with one setting and too soon on the other. I think the song is only 4+ min. msmcleod Wow! I'm just amazed for your help. That was really nice of you to do that!!! That is a perfect fix. Thanks!
  19. I have seen this before. I'm not sure what causes it. I got a pop when I started the playback. I think it has to do with plugins. One of the times this happened it was caused by an older version off waves TG Mastering Chain VST3. 1)Is it an audio or midi project. 2) Does the track have plugins on it 3) Does the bus have plugins on it? 4) Do your cpu meters read really high? What do they read. (Track enabled and disabled?) 5) Do you hear a pop when you start "silent version" playback? 6) Did you already try rebooting your computer and restarting BLCakewalk?
  20. Yes that would work. I am getting some flanging @ 114.01 and 114.00. Would it ever be possible to add the .001 increment? Thanks
  21. That would be great. BLCake It only goes in .01 increments. Thanks
  22. They could record the metronome -That's a great Idea!! I wish they would have. The project is dome - just mixing and mastering.
  23. What would I do if I need the tempo to be 114.005? That is the tempo that matches the midi to the audio in a project I was sent to work on. Thanks!
  24. Ok - I just did not see duration! Thanks!!!!
  25. I can't do a percent because it has very short notes from 25 to very long noted 10:250. I just want to shorten to "too long" notes. When I go to filter I do not see length. I see tick but I don't think it is length. It does not seem to work like I think. Is ticks length? or start point? I tried to select them manually but it is a real pain! (even in groups of notes) Thanks for any further assistance. I know this could easily be done in cal, but I barely know how to use it much less program it. If cal could just select notes from x beats to y beats I could use % to shrink them. I don't know how to change all selected notes to a certain amount like 1/2 notes. Thanks again for any help!
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