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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Terrible distortion and delay compensation is not correct with autotune in projects with the 2022.02 (25) update. Might be a combination of plugins. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QFfTrBOIPySif6wPD08cWNFQHvHvlhMI?usp=sharing 2 audio files and CWB There are duplicate buses because of a track template import. I was going to delete them, but I left them in, so the file does not change. Added-> Two songs checked, same problem.
  2. SSL EV2 is very nice. It works well with Cakewalk. I don't know what CPU you have, but EV2 takes some horsepower! Using it on Buses would probably be a better idea. EV2 does not give you the TMT like the Brainworks does. TMT emulates all 72 channels of an SSL - each sounding a tiny bit different. To many mixers, the variations between the actual SSL channels is important. Waves modeled only one console. I like both BX_Consoles and Waves. Each slightly different. Vintage SSL is not magic it does sound nice on some mixes. Clean digital EQs are great too, like the Fabfilter Q3. I use the Q3 way more than the SSLs.
  3. Which VSTi are you using? The sound stopping is probably a setting in the VSTi. Read about ADSR. The “S” sustain and “R” release settings control how long the note plays after you release the keys.
  4. Thanks. I was trying to find workspaces. I never thought about the fact that they evolved from lenses. I appreciate you!
  5. With clip gain in the filter menu it does. As many clips as you want. Click highlight all the nodes you want to move.
  6. I'm wanting to share some with a friend, but I don't know where they are open the hard drive? Or if they are on the hard drive?
  7. Wow that looks great! I love midi EQ version 1. I would l not want to over write it with V2 but I could see version 2 with curves would be usable for people. It would need a wide gui. Great work on all your plug-ins!
  8. Sorry, I'm just getting started with articulation maps, so I don't have a clue yet.
  9. I don’t know that much about articulation maps but did you look to see if it is a text type file? You could try opening it with Notepad++ or a code editor styled app.
  10. I want to make staccato 1,2,3,4 etc each with a slightly different ADSR. In Opus or EWPlay, If I made some custom ADSR for strings to fine tune attack and release, could I make a map of this or add these to an EW articulation I already have? Edit- Could it be done this way?
  11. Happy Birthday!! and, thanks again for all the time you put into keeping this forum at the top of the game!
  12. No, but you could speed things up with any of the many speech to text programs. Then, all you have to do is copy, paste and hyphenate to syllables. Another free notation program is Notepad by MakeMusic, the company that owns Finale, Garritan Virtual Instruments and SmartMusic. https://www.finalemusic.com/products/notepad/
  13. Very nice. I’ll check it out. I know it will be good!!
  14. **Mark MoreThan-Shaw and Milton Sica Right-click on the freeze icon. Click freeze options. This is where remove silence is set. Uncheck if you don't want it.
  15. A couple of times I have lost control of the smart tool I get a blue square, and it acts like CTRL key is pressed or something like that. When this blue square is seen, none of the smart tool functions work. All other tools work as intended. This happens after several hours of midi editing in the track view.
  16. I have done thousands and thousands of staff view and piano roll view MIDI edits dating back to Cake Pro Audio days. I have never seen this. Could someone post a .cwp we could download to check? Also, an numbered step by step formula to reproduce this would be helpful. I would be interested in looking at it. The only errors I have ever seen is envelopes getting disconnected from their source.
  17. Found it - Here is where the error is - Please help - anyone???
  18. Yes I agree! Sometimes I put it in a chain, but I always disengage it after I find out how little those plugins actually did to improve the sound instead of just increasing the volume. I hate is when companies gain up their plugins just to make it appear to sound better. What about plugin alliance Black Box HG-2? When it is engaged it adds 4db! If it was 1db or less I might not have noticed it lol!!
  19. (Max, are you freezing the FX on those tracks, too?) Yes, I am freezing with the effects. Does freezing actually supposed to release all the CPU strain and memory strain for these, or is there some residual something that is not actually frozen?? I also agree with bitfilpper - Marks idea is good. I think a frozen track has more overhead than a bounced track. Is this right? Why? Can someone tell us the inside scoop of how freezing is processed? CPU / memory release?? The legato strings could be bounced to one track and archive 10+ tracks. Is a frozen track more strain on the computer than an audio track? I forget about the global bypass. It would work fantastic, if I followed the rules about not letting plugins increase the audio volume in a track! Thanks for the reminder. (Try bypassing all fx to make sure your issue actually has to do with frozen tracks. With the global fx bypass on, any CPU snappy enough to, say, play a modern video game should be able to play back 1,000 audio tracks with ease. ) After all the freezing what is draining my CPU are the bus processes. I usually have buses to save CPU - one bus might be a saturation plugin. I use the Kramer Helios for the upper saturation. I typically send several track sends to buses like this. The bad thing is that there is no way to freeze or archive the plugins on a bus. My drum bus has PSP Vintage Warmer, U-he Presswerks and sometime Vitamin. I have a parallel bus with Chandler Zener limiter. A lot of my CPU is tied up in these. Some are drastic and some are subtle effects. I wish I could click and archive button on some subtle ones to lower the overhead. Bypassing them has little or no effect on the CPU. I have reversed my strategy by moving some bus process with fewer feeds back to the tracks, so they could be frozen. Some changes are reverse of my normal setup, like 3 background vocals I would normally send to a Leslie bus and a pitch doubler bus, I moved the Leslie and the pitch doubler to the actual tracks and froze them. This eliminated 2 effects and 2 buses. I was wondering if a bus to consolidate drum tracks (with no processing) use very much CPU? As I add track sends to a reverb, does this add much to the CPU load. I wish there was a utility to tell the CPU usage of a plugin. I thought about setting up a session with a plugin and then duplicate it 100 times and rate it in CPU usage and go through my most used plugins. This way I could decide how much do I "really" love those famous and accurately modeled vintage simulations. Finally - So with my thousand tracks now, I can put each string of the 1st violin on a separate track? No No do get me thinking like this LOL!!! Thanks for all the help!! These are going to help tremendously.
  20. After multiple crashed in the last 2-3 days with Opus, I thought I would try something. I allowed JBridge to handle Opus. No more CRASHES!!! Probably not the answer you wanted to hear, but for the moment it has solved the crashes for me.
  21. No none. Sorry, I did not read this correctly. It was a send on the 9th send knob hidden because 8 sends was chosen for how many! Thanks Again
  22. The CPU and the sound card are the problems, but I don't usually do over 20-30 tracks in a project, and it works great on those. I have an older Studio Cat Computer - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40 GHz with 20.0 GB RAM Older Layla 24/96 sound card. It is set to 24/44.1 I ran the latency to 2048 to be able to even do this project. I have a Focusrite Octopre and another Layla with Digimax D8 and a Millennia Media HV-3D as the input pre. for the Layla. I do not typically do not orchestra arrangements. (I leave that to Jerry G lol) 135 tracks, only about 100 active. 30 copies Opus / EW player./ Kontakt 6 frozen. Freezing is the only way the project would play. This way I can un freeze - edit - refreeze a single instrument. Some have up to 4 voices like strings on one copy but never too many. I don't like to use all 32 channels and have to wait on it to unfreeze to be able to be able to do some editing. The project will probably end at about 70-85 tracks in the final version. 185 plug-ins. Didn't know I could copy the whole list LOL ProjectScope!!! I edited it a little. The *ones are a little high in CPU. Sometimes I mute the master bus processors, and that helps a little, but they aren't really turned off. I wish we had on/off/disable on plugins and tracks/buses/folders. That would do the trick. Or solo special that would disengage all plugins except the soloed folder or bus. I think it is the quantity, not one plugin.. There are a couple I know use some CPU "*" ed them. I was thinking about making a nowhere bus. This way I could make a FX chain and drag it to the nothing bus to disengage the plugins completely. If that bus is not routed anywhere, it might disengage them when they are dragged over. This way I don't lose any settings. I can work ok without those until the final listen and mix down. *002 Weiss MM-1 Mastering Maximizer 003 bx_console SSL 9000 J 004 Maag EQ4 *005 GW MixCentric Stereo 006 Pro-Q 3 008 Pro-L 2 *009 IMPusher Stereo 010 WLM Plus Stereo 011 ADPTR MetricAB *012 AR TG Mastering Stereo (his one is pretty bad - I changed this one to "lite version") 013 Auto-Tune Pro 016 Vitamin Stereo *017 Butch Vig Vocals Stereo 019 J37 Stereo 030 SuperTap 6-Taps Stereo 031 Unfiltered Audio Sandman Pro *035 Seventh Heaven Professional 036 LexConcertHall 037 LexVintagePlate 038 ValhallaShimmer *039 Abbey Road Chambers Stereo (This one is a bad one too) 040 bx_saturator V2 *041 Chandler Limited Zener Limiter 042 Kramer HLS Stereo 046 PSP Saturator 047 RBass Stereo 048 Submarine Stereo 049 RootOne 050 TR5 Leslie 053 Pro-DS 055 MicroShift 056 MV2 Stereo 064 CloneEnsembleV42 067 bx_subsynth *072 SoundID Reference Plugin (I turn this off too) 074 Tonal Balance Control 2 081 Shadow Hills Class A Mastering Comp *084 soothe2 086 SPL IRON 087 Kramer PIE Stereo 089 Omnipressor 104 PSP Saturator 107 GainMatch *108 Ozone 9 (Disengaged) *112 GW MixCentric Stereo 115 Little AlterBoy 117 CLA-3A Stereo 131 SDRR2 added 2 - Omnisphere (not to bad) and SD3*(This one is terrible)
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