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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. Just thinking about remote music lessons / mixing lessons. Don't have a clue which apps would would help implement this business . Any and all recommendations welcome. Thanks, Max Arwood
  2. Never look much at the fl group. I was thinking the same thing you said so that is what I’m going to do. Thanks for your opinion! Max
  3. What is a good upgrade from there? To 2021 - ultra+ audiofile seems like a really big jump in $ Plus pack is this included in other packs? thanks, Max
  4. max@(nospam)arwoods.com would be a nice place for someone to send one ?
  5. Yes I forgot about the psp42. It is nice and I do use it on occasion. I never bought the psp85.
  6. My most used delays in order of most used in projects are - Waves Supertap Lexicon delay from The PCM collection I saw this at 1/2 price (it’s just a simple delay) Valhalla Delay Valhalla Supermassive Echoboy I like Timeless but it’s too complicated
  7. The most useful for me 1) Chord track would be able to read midi and audio and figure out the chords. These could be copied to the staff view and shown on the chord track. 2) Being able to change the chord track - then the audio and midi tracks would transpose to match. 3) Everything else - Studio One is a good example of chord tracks.
  8. Call or email MOTU they have great customer service. They might know the conflict that is going on, and have a work around.
  9. Pluginalliance has this - do you think it will be cheaper later? https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/adptr_streamliner.html?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Intro+Offer+Ends+Tomorrow!+⏰&utm_campaign=201114+ADPTR+Audio+Streamliner+-+Intro+Offer+Ends+Tomorrow!+A%2FB&vgo_ee=oemxLIrabrJsFRagxefnAQ%3D%3D I have been wanting thing to on sale for a while - Just never bought it. It does not seen discounted very much. Any Thoughts? Any Coupons?
  10. Guess I missed it again - I did do a search and did not see it. Wonder why?
  11. https://www.spectrasonics.net/products/trilian/index.php
  12. Yes me too. Unplugging the USB cable and plugging it back in usually works for me too.
  13. Crash just started happening after update. Not sure if it is related to update or not. Had to do a manual Dump file. Song - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ziZeDMF79PJXBIhBCgTWQPEoyFC4xl0x/view?usp=sharing Dump - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PNmRaNZpVCzHQVKFLmuZMHq6OU0wInXH/view?usp=sharing Thanks (Also - Waves 12 still not working - Contacted waves twice. Going to try again tomorrow)
  14. Anyone ever tried this one? Is there a better one at a reasonable price?
  15. Kevin Hammer's Delay Time Calculator Free (the only one I know of that does dotted notes) https://download.cnet.com/Delay-Time-Calculator/3000-2170_4-10514520.html
  16. Did you bring down the audio? or the Midi volume or velocity. Defaults for MIDI are Volume = 101, Vel+=0.
  17. Abbey Roads plates $41 right now on waves.com. Great reverb - a little CPU hungry but very nice. H-Reverb Hybrid Reverb - way more versatile than AR $38 now. https://www.waves.com/ One of my new favorites lately is Vocal Finalizer by Noise Ash $29 now (Usually $129) - It's great sounding reverb designed for vocals but it also has a De'esser, a Doubler (Pitch shifting), an Echo, "Vocal" Compression, Stereo Width (Spatial spread), and an EQ - They are all set up and designed specifically for vocals. It is VERY cpu friendly. https://www.noiseash.com/vocal-finalizer/ I Also love the Vahalla products. They have three free effects you could to try them out to see if you like the Valhalla sound. They remind me of my Lexicon PCM reverbs Super Massive is free has been used in many of my new projects. I would have even bought it. It's great. Free - https://valhalladsp.com/shop/reverb/valhalla-supermassive/ Main Page https://valhalladsp.com/
  18. Just did some more testing tonight V12 is a no go - too many lockups and crashes. Had to back to V11. I will set up remote with waves for Monday. I have not had any problems with Presonus Studio one 5, but I have not used it that much.
  19. I updated to V12. Nothing but problems!! Sent crash dmp to Cake and Waves. The problem is that I had one plugin that was version 11 - Studio Rack. Once I uninstalled ALL V11 plugins and reinstalled V12 ONLY plugins no more crashes. I was really liking Studio Rack - it's a great way to "multi-band" effects. I guess they will update is pretty soon. I sure hope so. so I can get back to making some presets for it.
  20. HIBI The "Two Whistles" demo is great - Just downloaded. Good find!
  21. Thanks - Didn't think about looking there.
  22. Anyone updated to V12? Just asking before I take the plunge. Any problems, and quirks? Thanks, Max Arwood
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