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Max Arwood

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Everything posted by Max Arwood

  1. I found a clean copy version 165 lol. I saved double double all the time. I’m not sure I’ve seen this happen before but I don’t know what caused it. I’m going to try to find which version it got changed on and see if I can figure out anything else. Is there a shortcut way to add every volume and pan envelope to all the sends on a track? This happened to the SD3 folder.
  2. Not sure why this is happening. I could be some type user error. When this happens I lose all my volume settings. I also noticed a bunch of envelopes added to the track. I know I did not do them. It had a ton of pan envelopes. I rarely use them (only for special effects) It almost looks like every send had volume and pan envelopes added to the track. Has anyone else seen this? EDIT-> It looks like every track that has sends on them now have volume and pan envelopes for all of those sends! Where did they come from?? This is for every track in the entire project! I hope I do not have to go back too many versions to find one without all this extra envelope stuff. What a pain! Thanks for any insite,
  3. This is starting to happen more frequently. It is a nuisance. Genuine Microsoft mouse. The mouse will still be working in all other programs when this happens, but is not visible in Sonar. Thanks
  4. Max Arwood

    Waves V-EQ4

    I like to be able to have a little, bit of analogue but with a few of these running you can hear it in the tracks. Gain staging works some. I got to go thy these again. The SSL-G EQ and compressor came out about the same time. I just liked them better. If the v’s had the analogue blend knob instead of a switch I know I would’ve used it more than I did.
  5. Like amberwolf said look at group the solo buttons. Folders are great. If you’re not using them, then you’re missing out on a big feature. With folders, you can solo and mute the entire set of tracks in the folder with one click. I’m not sure exactly what you’re doing. If you explain a little more detail, we might even better help.
  6. Max Arwood

    Waves V-EQ4

    Are you sure? You must have the gain really cranked on the input.
  7. Max Arwood

    Waves V-EQ4

    Wow haven’t used any of those V plug-ins for over 15 years lol! Mostly the reason was because I didn’t like all the noise in them. That was my bad. The gain structure was probably not set up that well. Maybe I should go look again. edit - I do remember that I really liked the tone of these.
  8. I haven’t seen anybody post anything about this in years and years. The Google link I posted has quite a few suggestions. There are no punch-in points set elsewhere in the project that could be interfering. Do you have any punch in points in the project at all? Are you using track layers? What type of tracks are missing Audio tracks, midi tracks? Midi to soft synths? Are the vanishing tracks input from ballad track/channels. Are they outputed to a valid bus or sound card input. ? Have you tried taking the project making empty tracks out of all of them. Then just try recording some blank audio? Are you using input echo on some tracks? Do you have the output pointed to a valid bus or master track? do you have plugins running?
  9. When I got the vanishing tracks, it was not from multiple tracks. It was on a single track or possibly two tracks recording simultaneously not to 12 or 16 like you’re trying to do. It seemed like no matter where I stopped it would vanish. It was very irritating. I’m gonna look back to see if I can find out anything about what caused that. On top of that I can’t remember what made it go away. It didn’t last for a long time. If I would’ve seen it for a long time, I probably would’ve gone crazy..
  10. https://www.google.com/search?q=cakewalk+looks+like+it's+Recording+but+nothing's+there&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS797US798&oq=cakewalk+looks+like+it's+Recording+but+nothing's+there&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOdIBCDkwNzhqMGo0qAIBsAIB4gMEGAEgXw&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8 sorry about that long link
  11. I think I had this issue 10+ years ago. I think it was something to do with the ins and outs of the channel. I’m not sure it’s been so long ago. So, is Sonar working for you now?
  12. Transfer rate is 300/600. I thought was a bum deal. I think he should take is back and get an SSD of some type. This will be for streaming samples. I'm gonna guess that shop just happened to have that drive laying around! It was supposed to be new, but it had 16,500 hours. Thats 2 years old.
  13. A friend of mine just took his computer to a shop. Period he requested a 4 TB drive. For some reason he ended up having a scsi drive installed. 300/600 speed. After I thought about it, I don’t think this would be appropriate. It is an owner computer, but I think they should’ve put in at least a SSD drive. To start with his drive will be for 8dio samples. What do you think?? He paid almost 400 for the drive and installation.
  14. You should look here -> https://viramor.com/ My favorite for what you want to do is this plugin https://viramor.com/csmulticompander-midifx/ There are 4 sections. Look at the Velocity‘: Scales note velocity These plugins will jump start your midi work. Just drop this on a midi track. All will be non destructive. Viramor is graciously giving these away. You should get them all. Be sure when you install them don’t move the folder where you have installed them. correction-where you installed them “FROM” keep them in that place. Don’t rename folders or move them..
  15. My favorite feature is that it is faster. On my older computer I was ready for an upgrade. Larger projects were starting to bog me down. With the speed enhancements of the new Sonar, I am able to postpone upgrading my computer for a little while. Even though I don’t like them, the monthly fees are cheaper than a new computer. I hate monthly Sonar rent, but some software companies are moving this.
  16. Midi tracks have no sound. They must be direct toward some type type of software or hardware synthesizer.
  17. I have had this a few times. It seems to be related to inputs and outputs on the tracks. This is not always a contact problem. I’ve had this happen on other synths before. I think this is also related to the disconnect of track envelopes. I haven’t found a project that seems to help support yet.
  18. I have had this a few times. It seems to be related to inputs and outputs on the tracks. The best way to do this is to drag the bounced track to another track just in case everything gets messed up worse. Then add the synth back in again. Set the midi back to the new synth. A few times I have been able to fix it just by redirecting the inputs and outputs properly, but not too often.
  19. Is there some reason console view settings are not in workspaces? Does anyone think console should be added to workspaces?
  20. I have never used screen sets. I set up one today with the console positions I like. Now the saved (Console) workspace is correct only in this workspace. It seem like there is something going on between screensets and workspaces. Now all my screensets have no console view in them at all, except the workspace where I set up my 1st screenset. I hope this info helps.
  21. There's quite a bit going on in this thread, and it's not clear to me what your specific issue is. Can you provide more detail, please? Basically, workspaces overwrite your console to factory default when you load a song. It does not remember the space settings for the new console design. If I set up the console view the way I want it to be and save the song, when I reopen it my settings are lost because I used a workspace. With workspaces set to none, It loads as expected. The windows and everything else is as it is supposed to be. The console view in earlier versions was not effected by workspaces. The console settings should be added to workspaces or not refreshed by workspaces as it is on older versions. In order to reproduce the issue, we might also need your exact monitor configuration (eg. left/primary/4K/175%, right/secondary/1080p/100%). Monitor 1 Acer 2616w 1920x1200 (Default size 100% no stretching) Monitor 2 TV 1920x1080 (Default size 100% no stretching) My console view My console view with my workspace activated Console not centered or sized . Yes - it is not centered size seems to be correct All expandable sections are closed. Yes I can think of a few things you might be referring to. For example, are you manually resizing the CV so it covers both monitors, but it doesn't re-appear like that on project load? No Maybe you're maximizing the CV on your second monitor, but it comes back on the first monitor? No Perhaps you're referring to stuff inside the CV (eg. width of track and bus panes, wide/narrow strip settings) that aren't restored in the same way? No - but, there are discussions about this. Something else? It is related to workspaces there should be a box in workspaces to save console view settings. Then these could be loaded with the other workspace objects. (In older versions I think the console is refreshed from the saved data in the .cwp settings not the workspace settings) In order to reproduce the issue, we might also need your exact monitor configuration (eg. left/primary/4K/175%, right/secondary/1080p/100%). Monitor 1 Acer 2616w 1920x1200 (Default size 100% no stretching) *Monitor 2 TV 1920x1080 (Default size 100% no stretching) *Console loaded on monitor 2 As Noel mentioned above, I'd also like to rule workspaces in/out. Does the problem occur when workspace is set to 'None'? The song loads properly when workspace is set to none. It is a workspace error. The new console settings are not saved in workspaces. Thanks for looking into this.
  22. There are a ton of “analog” plugins that do this! Plugin alliance comes to mind. Also the word tube in a plugin will usually have some noise. One thing that will help a little is to drive the input into the plugin at a higher amplitude. Then, lower the output by the same amount. You might be able to lower the noise 3-6-10db. Just experiment with it. Sometimes there is a switch that says analog, noise, or low noise.
  23. I just checked. In the workspace manager, under views, there is no check box for console view. Please add this great new feature to workspaces. Thanks
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